Matt Lucas [3]

My Fellow Cunters,
For your Cuntsideration:

Matt Lucas becomes a German Citizen.

Everybody’s favourite slap headed, morbidly obese arse bandit has revealed he has become one of “Ze Germans”, because Brexit is pointless and masochistic.

Nothing to do with Germany’s more relaxed views on “certain sexual proclivities”, then?

I thought he claimed Jewish Heritage? Germany makes perfect sense, then?
(Indeed, check out this link then – Fleeing the Nazis – NA)

I will laugh myself silly, if he does actually relocate there and encounters a large group of “Peacefuls”.
We can but hope??

Nominated by: Cuntfinder General

Matt Lucas


Matt Lucas is currently cunting himself on a weekly basis.

Thinks he’s a comedy genius by unimaginatively combining elements of Ronnie Barker’s Futtocks End and Rowan Atkinson’s Mr Bean. He isn’t a comedy genius though. He wouldn’t even be the funniest performer in a sixth form revue. He’s just the fat, ugly, unfunny kid who shows off on his own in the corner. How on earth he’s been able to carve out some sort of career on the basis of the lowest common demoninator cuntery that he and Walliams produce is a complete and utter mystery. The pair of them must be sucking the cocks of some very important people because their TV shows are piles of steaming shite that have no redeeming features whatsoever.

I’d also like to cunt the BBC Commissioning Editor who thought that Lucas’s latest effort (see YouTube clip) was a good use of the licence fee.

Nominated by: Fred West

Matt Lucas and David Walliams

Matt Lucas and David Walliams are cunts. They are not as funny as they think they are.

Matt Lucas is a homophobic pigugly queen who would normally only live in a dark room of a seedy gay bar in East London, and David Walliams has a bit too much fun dressing up as women and showing his ass to everyone and licking old bints’ feet. In interviews they always tell each other how super hilariously funny they are.

Well, sorry, you are on my cunt-radar for having only one joke (gays and fat people and poor people and transvestites are funny, well, not necessarily, as you cunts keep demonstrating). Come fly with me to cunt-hell.

Nominated by bobolala