Lloyd Blankfein

Lloyd Blankfein is a AAA rated cunt.

The chief executive of Goldman Sachs (yeah them cunts…..copyright Norman) has suggested having another referendum on Brexit because of ‘lots of hand wringing from CEO’s’. Oh do fuck off you fucking 21st century Yankee footpad. He recently tweeted that he’d be spending a lot more time in Frankfurt where Goldman have rented loads of office space ready for relocation of some operations post Brexit, I’ve a better idea Lloyd, fucking stay there permanently, I’m sure the fourth Reich will welcome you with open arms.

This gold plated cunt managed to wriggle out of any blame for the financial crisis when he appeared before an official enquiry in the U.S. and has since gone from strength to strength – like many other mastercunts of the universe. He’s lucky, if I had my way manufacturers of lamp posts and piano wire would experience a golden age hitherto unthinkable. I’d have this bastard and his ilk swinging in a gentle evening breeze with the crows picking their bones clean from Lands End to John o’ Groats.

I hate bankers and I hate Brexit deniers, to get both qualities in one cunt is enough to send my hatred into a low earth orbit. I hope this cunt has to have an arsehole transplant in the very near future because without a doubt the arsehole will reject him.

Nominated by Jack The Cunter