Kadiza Sultana


Teenage Jihadi Brides are cunts.

One of the English girls who fucked off to Ragheadistan to marry a peaceful man, has reportedly been smoked in a Russian airstrike while trying to flee Syria. Boo fucking hoo.

So it wasn’t the Hi-Di-Hi holiday camp you were expecting? Didn’t like being raped by said peaceful man and all his cohorts? Or being made to wear a bin bag and never leave the shabby squat you live in? (except probably to blow yourself, and several innocent people, up at some point in the near future).

What the fuck did these feeble minded slappers really think the net result of their actions was going to be?

One less cunt taking up oxygen now though.

Nominated by: KiwiCunt

People who go off thinking they are freedom fighters and then want to come back to the United Cuntdom when it doesn’t work out for them are cunts

Nominated by: Mancboi