John Beggs QC


John Beggs QC is a despicable CUNT.

He’s representing Surrey plod over their total fuck-up in investigating the 4 army cadet deaths / murders / suicides at Deepcut between 1995 and 2002. The father of one the victims has been trying to get to the truth since 1995, whilst the establishment (courts / plod, MOD etc) have lied, obfuscated, obstructed and covered up. The girl apparently shot herself in the forehead with a rifle but plod lost the bullet within 24 hours and allowed the clothes/uniform she was wearing to be burnt, i.e. lose all the forensic evidence.

At the latest inquest / inquiry whatever, CUNTY Beggs had a go at the dead girls dad for “pestering” Surrey police and distracting them from the Milly Dowler invetstigation. I think the coroner/whatever mildly rebuked him and told him to move on with his questioning, but what a mammoth CUNT.

Nominated by: Frottom