Pie keys are cunts, we all already know this I know.
Now if memory serves me right these fuckers were moaning because Applyby didn’t want to be descended on by these tinker mother fuckers and basically shut everything in the town, pubs, shops, everything so they didn’t have to deal with these cunts on any level and who can blame them.
Everywhere these cunts go there is rubbish and shit everywhere, human most of it as well, they really are the scum of the earth.
There used to be a roundabout near a closed factory that the bike group used to meet up at for some wheelies and knee down before a ride, the pie keys commondered the round about for a weekend and after they left, there was shit everywhere, dead dogs, rubbish, unfucking believable, these cunts make pigs look clean….
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Seconded by: Cuntfinder General
May I second this worthy cunting. (You may – NA)
Our protected minority of Romany tinkers, those cheery chappies that “live by their wits” have been up to fun, frolics & larks, in Appleby.
Desecrating war memorials.
Armed gangs.
Record numbers of arrests.
Record amounts of rubbish.
Oh well-boys will be boys.
Or should that be:
“Cunts will be Cunts”