Just Stop Oil [3] & Extinction Rebellion [12]

What is wrong with this bunch of cunts, & all that zero carbon crap? Chaining themselves to the scenery, somewhere, on a busy motorway, outside an oil refinery, or supergluing their arse to the tarmac.

Stopping people who may die, if they don’t reach their destination. Oh! & I guess one of their goals is to put the price of fuel up to £2+ per litre. But have they really done all of their homework? So why don’t some of these 1/2 wits protest at windfarms? Now that might sound a bit counterproductive, but yes, unbeknown to these brainless morons, these unsightly wind power plants do actually need a vast quantity of synthetic oil in the gearboxes to make them run efficiently & produce the optimum power.

Fact: This oil is no less harmful than any other oil to the environment, & mineral oil is no better, because of how it is resourced.

(Link provided by our resident Petro-Chemical Engineer, Night Admin – NA)

Yes! Just say the word ‘gearbox,’ & it will almost certainly have oil in it. Maybe one of these bright spark do-gooder protesters who might just happen to have a degree in bio chemistry, could get off their fat sticky arse, & work with the rest of us in finding an alternative solution. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

Nominated by: Lord Scunthorpe

With further intel provided by CuntyMort:

Oh goody gumdrops, Now these eco loons are going to knock on peoples doors to have a proper chat about global warming? Well if the cunts rock up to Cunty Towers they won’t be invited in for a cup of tea or anything. One warning to do yourself a favour mate and fuck off sharpish warning will be given. Next my length of service cable known as the cunt stick will be employed to knock these cunts into the middle of next week.
Any other ideas cunters?

Daily Fail Link.

FFS not these piss boiling eco loons again. Isn’t it about fucking time plod came down on these wastes of fucking space and are subjected to the FULL force of the law? If I were Boris plod would be sent in swinging truncheons briskly. If plod refuse sack the cunts and send the army in one warning and open fucking fire. Cunty’s solution would be to send a couple of steamrollers in. I bet the cunts would shit a brick. Anyone arrested lock the cunts up for five years minimum. That might learn the twats after a daily dose of Leroy’s pork sword.

Second Daily Mail Link