Yes – it;s that spineless man again, the man who always “had a plan” (his dad was a toolmaker you know), even though we always knew he didn’t even have a clue.
It was announced on Sunday (August 25th) that on Tuesday (August 27th) the oleaginous old cunt will announce “things will get worse before they get better”. It is all the Conservatives fault, of course. Even the recent riots, which occurred after the Conservatives left office, was the Conservatives fault. What does the old fuckwit use for a brain?. He has allowed that worn out drunken old whore Sue Gray to assume the mantle of Marcia Williams (Lady Faulkender, remember?) giving Downing Street passes to kweer peer Lord Alli, who in turn gave her son, Labour M.P Liam Conlon £10,000 as a donation (well he seems like a nice boy to the nancy Paki), she controls who Rodders sees, and it is clear half the Labour party are scared of the gin sodden old skank. I wonder if old Rodders had to fuck her rancid old cunt to get her to be on his side, just as he probably arsefucked Mandy and Blair. I hope he still had Mandy’s shit on his knob when he fucked her – It couldn’t have been his brain that impressed them. The free speech hating Starmer must be the dicktator with the magic dick.
Of course things will get worse when he has gimmigrant friendly PixieBalls as Home Secretary, the Bank of England’s char woman Rachel Reeves as Chancellor and most ruinous of all, old Kosher millionaire son Ed Miliband bankrupting virtually all of us with his preposterous “net zero” in just over 5 years horseshit.. Even he might have to give up one of his two kitchens. A pity nine years ago they didn’t bury him under his Ed Stone in Hastings.
Of course things will get worse – and they will never get better while this shitstain and his cowardly bunch of arselickers remain in power:
The national
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
Seconded by Ron Knee below.
*Deadline 27th August 2024*
Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting on today’s major statement by PM ‘Two Tier’ Keir Stalin.
The PM gloomily announced earlier that there will be ‘painful’ decisions to be revealed in the government’s autumn financial statement. ‘Things are worse than we ever imagined’, whined Sir Stasi, ‘the Tories hid how bad things were’. Oh do fuck off; we all know that this is Labourspeak for ‘we want more of your money’.
Apparently, there will be no rise in income tax, national insurance or VAT. But then again, before the election Sir Keir taunted the Tories about them planning to get rid of the winter fuel allowance, and then Labour did precisely that.
Look at it this way. Somebody’s got to pay for all those juicy pay rises for train drivers and junior doctors, and all the other demands no doubt in the pipeline. Let’s not forget the £20 billion+ kitty for net zero ‘initiatives’ at home and abroad. And naturally, MPs have to get help for heating costs, food and drink costs in the Commons and the like. Don’t forget the bill for all the illegals flooding in.
So who’s going to bear the brunt? Well it’ll be ‘those with the broadest shoulders’. I suppose this means if you’re on benefits you’ll probably do okay. If you’re very rich, your accountants will no doubt have all the tax avoidance angles covered. Damn. Guess those ‘hard working families’ so beloved by politicians will be feeling the pinch again.
Who knows what ‘Two Tier’ and his glove puppet Rachel ‘Thievin’ Reeves will pull out of their arses come October? Raids on inheritance and capital gains? Hikes in duty on fuel, fags and booze yet again? A ‘holiday’ levy on your flight abroad? Just get ready for the likes of these, and some as yet to be dreamed up ‘stealth’ taxes.
Things, it seems, are going to get worse ‘in the short term’, so tighten your belts. And there was me thinking that things could only get better. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio.