Cadburys chocolate

is a cunt.

Once a treat, we all remember the “glass and a half” don’t we.
Well l and older cunters will, because Cadbury can’t make that claim anymore

Even the King can’t endorse the dog chocolate they purvey these days.

He’s withdrawn the Royal Warrant.

Good on you, but you’re still Jug Eared.

Cadbury, as we all know, has been bought out by the Grinch, otherwise known as the company that has turn Mis favourite Ritz crackers into bland pap.

I don’t know what the fucking hell it’s all about, unless it’s a plot to get us all used to a delicious dish of crickets?


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Big Issue sellers

I’m in a festive, goodwill to all men, mood this Christmas morning, so it’s time to cunt Big Issue sellers.

I sort of liked the idea of the Big Issue when it was conceived all those years ago – the idea of giving someone fallen on a shit situation a purpose and means of earning a living in order to give them independence and control over their lives and so that they could then move back into regular work and have the means to sustain their own accommodation. The right balance of charity and self-responsibility it seemed to me.

But what I’ve noticed is that these fuckers don’t seem to want to ever do anything more than stand there selling this dogshit rag, there’s no sign (amongst the ones I encounter at least) of them ever taking the next challenging steps of getting a proper job and moving themselves back into society.

I used to occasionally buy a copy / put a few quid in the hands of a foreign (muzzie) looking female seller who plies you with the Big Issue guilt down by the entrance of our local supermarket. I nipped in there yesterday, and, sure enough, there she was as usual with that guilt-tripping beatific smile, only it’s Christmas so you should be feeling especially bad for her and dig even deeper into your pocket. But I pretended to be on my phone as I went in and out of the supermarket. Why? Cos she’s been there for ten fucking years! And still all the over-monied locals of this neighbourhood buy her magazine and give her dosh in her hand, instead of saying to her listen love we’ve been happy to support you getting onto your own two feet this last decade, but maybe it’s time to start walking by yourself now?

I’m sure many of you will think I’m the cunt here, I’m willing to take the flak on this to see what others think.

big issue

Nominated by Balsamic Dave.

Reddit (2)

if you are the sort of weirdo that thinks men can get pregnant, spend most of your day worrying about climate change, have blue hair and a ring through your nose this is the place for you!

This bunch of woke hypocrites and career race hustlers represent everything that is bad about the world today, they’ll cheer when a CEO of a Health care company gets shot in the back then riot when a black career criminal forces police officers to restrain him because he’s high on drugs, out on the steal, and resisting arrest.

I noticed an article on there where they try to justify the shooting of Ashli Babbit at the capital building on January the 6th, blown away while unarmed for trying to climb through a window someone else had broken. This officer just open fired with no warning to get back. Makes me so angry. She didn’t deserve that. The officer didn’t even get fired.

I’m hoping to see some pay back now Trump is returning to the White House. I’d like to bathe in liberal tears.

Nominated by Al.

Pink Money

 Pink money describes the purchasing power of the LGBT community, often especially with respect to political donations. (Wikipedia)

In 2019, LGBT adults globally held a combined buying power of approximately $3.7 trillion. (Wikipedia)

Basically this group has enormous sums of money to force their ideas on other people and pay career activists to go around threatening any regular mum’s and dad’s that don’t think it’s a good idea to have drag queens going around in school confusing children, for instance.

By the way some of this money is ours! Taken from the taxpayer.

Some of these ideas are ridiculous, like allowing men to call themselves women and then letting them play in women’s sport, just look at the boxing in the recent Olympics!

This nonsense is now trying it’s best to ruin the Premier League, I don’t need a constant lecture about ‘inclusivity’, my attitude is live and let live, just stop fucking banging on about it all the time!

All the idiotic flag symbols everywhere, pathetic.

Apparently Pink Money bought the rights to ‘Man of the Match’ a few years back, so they could change it to ‘Player of the Match’. What is this a conspiracy to ruin everything we like? I’m starting to feel like cancelling my Sky subscription for going along with this nonsense, there’s no women on the pitch pretending to be men, so who the hell are you offending?!

Taking the piss out of us swear



Nominated by Al

Pee-dough Parents


A cautionary tale for all those Guardian reading, Labour loving right-on wankers who think that poofter parents (the man and his husband) should be allowed to adopt or otherwise procure babies and children.

Take the case of this pair, great darlings of the ginger movement, who fell in love, married, and were allowed to adopt two young boys, who had already experienced the horror of being born to drug addict parents. Having been adopted by Mr and Mr. Duckie, they faced even worse abuse.

The damage is done – God knows how those two traumatised boys will grow up having been subjected to the torture they have experienced already.

If homosexual men wish to “marry”, that’s fine, but let’s not allow them to adopt children, or even dogs, just in case beastiality is another of their per*ersions:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.