Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome Series deserves a true cunting!
Now I’ve watched many a Mary Beard history vehicle with fondness in the past, and – as a scholar of ancient history myself – I always relish a new drop of Roman History, but this new AL-BB-CERA vehicle is EU/anti-Brexit tosh of the highest order.
Embarrassingly – for Beard – she’s forced to spout bullshit about a skelington (as my pre-school daughter used to call them) in Yorkshire being from Northern Africa. So basically England (they never invaded Scotia) was full of Africunts even back then!
Sorry, wrong answer. The reason for a single North African (i.e. Egyptian rather than some sub-Saharan shithole oik) woman being in the North of England was because she was a trophy wife of one of Rome’s “well to do” who still saw Egyptian (or Carthaginian women for that matter) as a bit of a prize after Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony both knobbed the loose whore Cleopatra.
Then the veil slips as Beard admits that unlike most other Roman occupied territories, England was never invited to the “top table” (unlike Gaul and Germania – funny how history repeats itself eh) of Roman politics because we wouldn’t be assimilated as a people.
Sure there were collaborators (how triggered are the BBC over that word, well, when the name fits – cunts) but the majority of English people resented being controlled from afar without any fucking say by a hostile force, who’s usury tactics ensured no English person (other than imperial collaborators) would ever become wealthy enough to rock Rome’s boat.
Next we have the Polish. England was riddled with Poles – even in Roman times – because the “free movement of peoples” was a HUGE benefit to all of the Roman Empire!
Firstly there was no “Poland” back then, and the land area now known as Poland was never part of the Roman Empire. Sure it bordered Germania but the likelihood is that the skull in question was Germanian and post Roman Empire they occupied that land
(Prussian Borderlands) hencee why there are genetic similarities, albeit temporarily displaced by the odd 500yrs or so.
But hey, it’s the BBC so why let historical fact get in the way of EU Empire propaganda, eh!
Also, the Germanian (not Pole) was likely to have been a slave. Yes a white slave (are you listening David Lanny – you CUNT)!
Finally Queen Boudicca. Well she was just a fucking terrorist, who I quote Beard literally saying (and what compelled my to write this nomination): “A woman who stood up to the might of the Roman Empire…but my head says a bit different. And I’m sort of ashamed to say it…but I’m kind of glad she didn’t win. She was a brutal terrorist, and what sort of place would this have been?”
Well Mary, in a word: FREE!!!
But hey, strike one up for feminism why don’t you!?!
Point of fact is that our island nation has never been happy with being lorded over from afar. Whether in the Icenian times, or now, we have never accepted occupation (whether physical or legislative) gladly, we have always rebelled against our oppressors and their easily defeated collaborators.
Above I say England because the Romans never dealt with the Celts and so built a wall to keep them out. And yet beard bare-faced claims that Rome created Britain!
Britain (as a union) was formed centuries later, through Offa, through Alfred, through Guillaume De Batard, through Elizabeth I, then James 1st of England/6th of Scotland (whose progeny managed to fuck it all up).
So no Mary, the Romans did not create Britain, nor was Londinium over 50% “multicultural”, not Boston or Crewe Imperial Polish ghettos!
Also notice the timing of this blatant EU propaganda vehicle, just before a very real (and most wanted) “no deal” Brexit, in order to assuage folk into thinking Britain has always been riddled with pointless immigration and ruled from afar!
FUCK OFF! We are an island nation, we are our own nation. Always have been and always will be.
It was right when Boudicca’s legacy was extolled essentially as: “Your descendants will conquer more territory that these Roman cunts!”
Yes, that’s right, the sun never set on the fucker!
So no Mary, your thinly veiled EU love-in vehicle may convince the hard of understanding, but anyone with one iota of sense will see through that tissue and wipe their arse on it!
Lying, duplicit, complicit, collaborating BBC cunts!
Fuck the lot of you!
Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!