
I’ve noticed that Allah has never been cunted on this site. Is he out of bounds then? If not, then has there ever been a more appropriate moment to cuntify the biggest villain of all sky fairies and his demented followers who take offence to everything and show responsibility for nothing?

By ‘never a more appropriate time’ I do of course mean with the exception of the Lee Rigby attack in May 2013, the Westminster attack in March 2017, the London Bombings in July 2005, the rape of over a thousand children across the last decade and the dozens of other ‘lesser’ assaults and savagery we have had to endure at the hands of the media’s most favoured religion.

As Voltaire once said “”To learn who rules over you, pay attention to those you cant criticize.” And as Allah said in response: “Kill the filthy Infidel, kill, kill, kill!”

Nominated by Megacunt