Westbourne Bookshop

Westbourne Bookshop – as per usual, promoting their virtue signalling for pride month.

One side of their window display has adult gay books, the other side has gay books targeting teenagers and younger children. A sample list of their delightful offerings here:

They do something similar for black history month.
Compelled thinking and indoctrination at its finest.

uk bookshop.org

Nominated by mystic maven.

Greta Thunberg and Human rights watch (15)

Yes, it’s her again. Everyone’s favourite uneducated, school-dodging, money-grubbing eco-doomster Greta Cuntberg has sounded off once more. This time it’s the French government’s decision to close down ‘Earth’s Uprisings’, France’s equivalent of Extinction Rebellion. ‘Repression’, claims the Swedish gargoyle, and Eva Cosse, Head of Bullshit at Human Rights Watch, chips in with ‘Chilling’ and ‘Hostile’.

In fact the ban on ‘Earth’s Uprisings’ is a response to their violent protests at a new reservoir in Western France, desperately needed for irrigation by local farmers. Without it crop production would not be possible, meaning food would have to be imported, thereby causing more CO2 to be released. Do these thick cunts ever think this through?

This was all aired at a climate finance conference in Paris, doubtless a convenient vehicle for Greta to improve her own personal financial situation. Oh yes, and how did you get there Greta, by pedal car?

Well done the French Government. What’s the chance of the Wankers of Whitehall banning Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil etc as well I wonder? About as likely as me getting the horn from ogling Greta.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

Kashif Anwar

Kashif Anwar is an evil cunt and even those words do not describe this piece of shit in a remotely adequate manner. He has been found guilty of murdering his pregnant wife as it appear that he did not approve of her adopting a more civilised, British way of life.

An intelligent lady who did not wear the letterbox outfit, she was a practising solicitor and he was an optical assistant (answering the phones at Specsavers ?). Clever enough to record some of the nasty diatribes he threw at her, It is clear that this loathsome turd detests the British way of life- ‘don’t be like a British woman’ just one quote that gives you an idea of his outlook on life.

Do we need more evidence of the enemy within ? To be fair the BBC did cover the event (as ever, help me out with the link chaps) but will this ghastly murder be discussed on Question time et al ?

Bbc news

Nominated by Guzziguy.


A cunting for the genre of music known as Electro-swing.

I can’t stand its contrived mashing together of cabaret/speakeasy vocals, the silly flutey twenties/thirties jazz with the metronomic thump of modern dance bass line.

All Electro-swing sounds the fucking same. It’s the sonic version of that stupid ‘steampunk’ aesthetic but shifted forward by about 40 years to an era of art deco full of Chrysler buildings and Zeppelin fetishes. I blame that film adaptation of The Great Gatsby; Every fashionista thinking they’re some flapper or Eff off Shitsgerald or the bloke with the plane and unfortunate views on Jews.

There’s always some glum tart dressed as Maria from Metropolis or a Weimar cabaret strumpet in any promo art or poster.

The thing is John Williams sort of did it forty-odd years before for the Mos Eisley cantina band in Star Wars. That was basically Glen Miller with added synth and steel drums and sounded way better, even though it was just for one scene in the film.

Electro-swing is fake, square shite for fake, square cunts.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Dine and dash

To summarise, two couples with two small children consumed over £200 worth of food and drink, then fucked off without paying.

The hospitality industry is still struggling to recover and needs customers to support them, not rip them off.

This is a right cunts trick, and of course will ensure the any venue will be pay first, then get your food and drink.

I’ll let you knowledgeable people guess what sector of our wonderfully diverse community the thieving cunts are from.

Daily Record

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Looks like they are from the fat part of our diverse community in the video link. C.A.