Yes, it’s her again. Everyone’s favourite uneducated, school-dodging, money-grubbing eco-doomster Greta Cuntberg has sounded off once more. This time it’s the French government’s decision to close down ‘Earth’s Uprisings’, France’s equivalent of Extinction Rebellion. ‘Repression’, claims the Swedish gargoyle, and Eva Cosse, Head of Bullshit at Human Rights Watch, chips in with ‘Chilling’ and ‘Hostile’.
In fact the ban on ‘Earth’s Uprisings’ is a response to their violent protests at a new reservoir in Western France, desperately needed for irrigation by local farmers. Without it crop production would not be possible, meaning food would have to be imported, thereby causing more CO2 to be released. Do these thick cunts ever think this through?
This was all aired at a climate finance conference in Paris, doubtless a convenient vehicle for Greta to improve her own personal financial situation. Oh yes, and how did you get there Greta, by pedal car?
Well done the French Government. What’s the chance of the Wankers of Whitehall banning Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil etc as well I wonder? About as likely as me getting the horn from ogling Greta.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.