The Millennial BBQ

A cunting for the Millennial BBQ.

That is, A BBQ in a park or somebody’s garden, town or country, with the majority of the invited being gormless millennials.

I know lots of IsAC’s posters are older, but let this be a warning. I’m of the age that can be considered Gen X or millennial, but Ive worked with older blokes most of my life, had older mates when I was in my teens and generally identify with the Boomer/Gen X mindset. I like to help out at a bbq and often cook the food because I can. Nobody has ever complained.

The problem is that buying a fair bit of extra food, cooking and generally helping out a host is seen by some as a reason to take the piss, especially by millennials.

Some ‘rock up’ with 3 extra people the host wasnt expecting. They don’t bring any food with them, just a six pack of Fosters between 5 of them. Somebody else’s booze will do.

There’s the mercenaries who turn up, repeatedly ask when the food will be ready, then go home. telling the host to ‘let them know when it’s ready’ (this happened to a friend having a house-warming a very small garden. She knew what the cunts were like but she was far too nice and they left her in tears).

There are the impatient cunts and groakers who want you to get their food on so they can eat up and not have to socialise.too much It doesn’t matter that other people arrived before and you’re the one cooking it all. To rub it in they’ll tell you to cook the daughter’s a bit longer, just to make sure. The groakers hang about,waiting for the first burger to get the first hint of a caramelised crust, waving a cigarette around snd holding their bap open.
‘Is it ready? Is it ready? Is it ready? Yeah just stick it in.. no ain’t got a plate no time for that taken long enough as it is… ‘fella’!’

Then there’s the piggy carnivore.
Loading their plate with burgers, chops, shish kebabs and taking more than enough meat for one sitting.

No salad, and not even a burger bap.

‘Yeah i don’t really DO salad’.

My girlfriend at the time. ‘Well, you do here.. please’. The bloke in question was an absolute child and checking going back to nab burgers or anything spare on the meat front. Never invite the unemployed to a bbq. They have enough troughs to cater for their entitled, grasping nature.

These days I only bother cooking for close family. All of those lazy entitled millennisls can sit in their public parks near dog toilets or Brighton beach cooking value burgers on a foil tray while getting sun burn and food poisoning..

Fucking pikey millennial cunts.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

It’s all about me.

Me Me Me Me.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: ‘Readjusting to UK life was hard’

Never mind the savagery against women in Iran, where we extracted this ungrateful cunt from. Never mind the multiple millions it cost us.

Then we get

“But, you know, I can’t complain. I’m free and I’m out, whereas many of my friends are still in prison.”

Cant complain? She has done fuck all else since we, the British taxpayers and government brought her home.

Me, fucking, Me, fucking Me.

Ship the cunt back.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.


Exactly as predicted.

A combination of poorly maintained road, drain blocked by last Autumn’s leaves, and the results of ‘No Mow May’, as I predicted the thunderstorm, and it was fierce, has resulted in heavily flooded roads, causing even more damage to surfaces, inconvenience to shopkeepers, motorists and the public, and at least one potential fatality, thankfully averted.

You’ve got the money, Sheffield, to spend on the roads, all over Sheffield, not just in Dore, Totley and fucking Fulwood.

Bbc news

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Amy Price

is a cunt, Katy Prices mother is a one of those shining beacons of motherhood, obviously not very good at it looking at the results of things.

She is now blaming the Media and toxic men for little Katie’s state of mind and behaviour.
So first the media, Like Harry, Megain, Diana and countless others Katey uses the media to keep her stretched face and other things constantly in the headlines, this fuckwits doesn’t realise, you can’t manipulate the media into only printing good stuff and using them as she does makes her fair game.

Secondly Toxic men, who other toxic men are ever going to be interested in trying to settle down with Katey fucking Price, I would imagine she is probably more toxic that any of them, but you would definitely need to be a sandwich short of a picnic to want to marry her.

So Any Price could have/ should have put the brakes on Katey years ago, want to be a topless model,,,, noooo, not fucking likely get it on with lots of losers and have various kids with them, noooooo,, get hundreds of plastic surgeries until you look rediculess, noooooo, drive while drunk of hi in a bright pink Range Rover, noooooo, some good advise was needed then, a bit late now and looking for people to blame should start with yourself, should of had her sectioned when she went postal the first time.

The Sun

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

Belle Moore

I have not the words.

Took up vaping at 16.

At 19 needs to vape every 2 hours?

Call yourself an addict?


Get back to us all when you need to inject heroin into your eyeballs every 15 minutes.

What you are is a sad, woke idiot with a desperate need for attention.

Maybe your pathetic f+uckwitted fellow wokerati will weep with you. The rest if us may well be brought to tears. But not for you

Grow up, get a bit of willpower then just f*ck off forever.

And get a human haircut while you’re at it.

Bbc news

Nominated by the Lone Cunter.