Back when I was young, a traditional christmas present from my parents was the Guinness book of records…….Blue Peter no doubt had a hand in all those extra christmas sales as normally running up to christmas they always ‘subliminally’ promoted the fact the new book had just been released (remember that?)
It was fun looking up which was the fastest car, or the tallest building or heaviest person etc etc.
However, those lines of ‘records’ seemed to be blurred somewhat. We now have a book with so may sub categories to cover all eventualities…..so instead of fastest 100m sprint, we have fasted 100m sprint with a false leg, or blind, of whilst hopping, or ties with your left arm behind your back..and then another entry for your right arm, or whilst easting an ice cream. So many skewed permutations it becomes meaningless. The reason I mention this, is because I cam across this story about Harvey Price and his bucket crotch mum Jordan.
Bbc news
I mean, let’s start with the photo…….his skint and destitute mum has quite obviously had yet another round of cosmetic surgery. Either that, or Harvey has given her a well deserved back hander.
But…it’s this record I take issue with. They are making this shit up as they are going along now. Apparently to break this record the drawing had to be over 20m and of a train. So are there different record holders for drawings of trains over 30m 40m 50m? And would be a different record if it were a steam train and not a diesel electric….is that a seperate category. Or is this a niche category just for people called Harvey who can draw a train. The whole records business is now bollocks.
Next, there will be another category for the longest train drawing whilst using a pencil shoved up ones arse standing on one leg, gay under 30’s.
Records are so extrapolated everyone can have one.
Nominated by Chuff Chugger.