Train Drivers (2)

Striking again it seems.

Right, first of all, I don’t disagree with the principle of unions. They stop employers taking the piss.

All good.

However, it is possible for employees to take the piss too. Train drivers in Blighty seemingly being the worst of the lot.

They earn a king’s ransom for what appears to be a fairly simple job (although a closed shop of sorts it seems.) Indeed, this article states they’ve had a 39% pay increase since 2011, more than any other role in the land.

But no, the cunts want more and more and fucking more.

Wonder why a train journey costs so much now? Because of these greedy bastards.

Ok, I get wanting the best for you and your family, but I know one of these cunts. Owns three houses, rents two out to students. He’s fucking minted
Good luck to him. But striking for more?

Do fuck off!

I reckon you could double their pay and they’d be out on strike within 6 months with their hands out again anyway. Their strike action causes commuters to do things like park in London or get a taxi to work, leaving them skint or unable to get to work at all.

I’m not one for wanting automated jobs (I don’t even like having robots in factories etc – takes away jobs), but I’d make an exception for these greedy pricks.

Bring on the self driving trains and sack the fucking lot.

Get to fuck.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

Haddy Njie

I saw a story last week about the city of York being a hotbed of systemic racism..
Well I never.

Now haddy Njie wants to make York the first anti-racist city..” unless you don’t include racism against white people”

Now I looked into her campaign to achieve this.
And it boils down to a story from 2015.

Apparently she was racially abused by a taxi driver. Who she quotes as saying
“get out of my taxi, you Black n*****”, and then threw her out. Sounds terrible.

But nowhere in the article, and many others I perused had any word of the outcome of this attack.
Were the police informed?
Was the taxi driver charged?
I couldn’t find nothing.

Strange that! So are we dealing with another in a long line of race grifting liars?
Making up stories to fit her narrative.

I will let my fellow cunters decide that.


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

Equal pay for wimminz footy (8)

Another packed out stadium C.A.

We all know why women don’t make the same as men when it comes to football. Well, those with at least a double digit IQ do.

The sport doesn’t generate enough income of its own to support such libtarded, unicorn fantasies. Women’s football is almost entirely funded by stealing from the income generated by the men’s game. If, for example, Chelsea decided to make the women’s team pay for itself (police, security, office staff, chefs, doctors, physios, flights, programmes, buses, utility bills including stadium power, land rental, dil does, sports equipment, training pitches, youth academy, players and coaches salaries etc etc), they’d be fucking bankrupt within weeks.

But one digresses. We’ve done this to death and I’m coming at this from a different angle now.

I now agree with these harridans.

You see, men’s premier league players and pundits have spent the last few years since the summer of Floyd lecturing the country on woke causes. Even Wokegate (great guy, can take a bit of criticism without wanting to put some cunt in jail) was doing ads with his team about sexism, evil men and the wonderful wimminz game being equal.

Then surely he and his band of men would be fine with sharing their salaries (including club salaries) 50/50 with a lady player/coach?

Surely they’re not against equality of pay among the ‘genders’? Their response to such a suggestion would be interesting.

If they are against it, then shame on them, I say.

Put your money where your mouths are lads. Including pundits like Linekunt by the way. Go on, you’ve earned this chaps.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

There is a video going about with the USA women’s team captain mouthing off at the start of a game against Wrexham, men obviously, saying how they were going to win. Final score USA w 0 Wrexham m 12. worth a watch C.A.

Valentina Petrillo

Now, I’m not going to bang on about how unfair it is for men to announce they are women, in order to compete against female athletes.

We’ve done it to death, and we all suspect that they do it because
A. They couldn’t win against a man, or
B. They just want to have a legitimate reason to be in the women’s changing rooms.

No, this cunting is because I want you to behold this vision of gorgeous femininity. Can you image the lengths “she’s” gone to, and all the painfully surgery and other procedures, to achieve this fragrant, delicate form?

Don’t hold back, Horn Section, but please make sure that your compliments (ahem) are suitable for such a fragile flowers ears.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Jeezum Priest, seconded by Miles Plastic.

Add to this if I may.

Something that Riley Gains was saying. She’s the real female swimmer up against ‘Lia’ Thomas in America.
She did actually tie with ‘her’ one time. But HE was given the trophy because it looked better.

Everyone agreed he should get the trophy.
But something else she said. ‘I had trained for 18 years for this.’ Whatever event she was in for.
So after all the hard work, all the training she looks over at her competitors…and there’s someone there…doesn’t look like a woman.

Reminds me of the guy who was in some Olympic race and he didn’t hear start ‘shot’. Just left there…after fours years of training and just left on the blocks.
Must be same feeling she had in her race.

De Santis keeps saying that he is going to ‘protect the integrity of women’s sport’.
Let us hope so.
But ‘the integrity of women’s sport’ is destroyed at the moment.

Disney organisation

Snow Latina and the Seven Diverse Magical Beings

They say that you should never kick somebody when they’re down, but I’m prepared to make an exception when it comes to the Disney organisation and its cinematic output.

Having completely trashed ‘Star Wars’, ‘Willow’ and ‘Indiana Jones’, Disney now seems intent on destroying its own beloved legacy of animation with a series of woke live action remakes. So far this has yielded flop remakes of ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘The Little Mermaid’. Now Disney’s really going for it with a remake of one of its greatest classics, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.

Trouble is, it seems to me that there are a few things wrong with this remake, or ‘problematic’, to use one of those terms loved by woke types everywhere. Now take Snow White herself. She’s called that of course because her skin is ‘as white as snow’. Well fuck that; remember that this is a ‘progressive re-imagining’ for a ‘modern day audience’, so they’ve cast the Hispanic actress Rachel Zegler in the role. Off to a flying start then. What’s a bit of race-swapping here and there?

Then you’ve got her seven vertically challenged companions. Or rather, you haven’t, because that might re-inforce ‘negative stereotyping’. So any dwarfish actors struggling for work can do one, as we’ve now got a gender and ethnically diverse bunch of ‘magical companions’. I reckon the audience will piss themselves when they see this bunch if leaked on set photos are anything to go by.

Oh, and forget Snow White moving into the dwarfs’ home in the woods and taking care of them. Apparently she’s now a feminist who wants to ‘find herself’ as a woman and a leader. That kiss from Prince Charming while she sleeps is out too; it’s non-consensual. It couldn’t happen now anyway because again, it seems Prince Charming’s out on his arse as well, as the story now can’t depend on something as utterly sexist as a woman finding fulfillment in the love of a man.

Hands up if like me, you can’t wait for the film’s release next year. No, me neither actually. I really can’t see where Disney thinks this so-called ‘modern audience’ for its woke nonsense actually is. Has it learned so little from its recent debacles? Can it really not see that the vast majority of its potential audience wants entertainment, not a finger-wagging lecture premised on a woke agenda?

Go on then Disney, break a fucking leg. Break both while you’re on it, and your neck as well. Go woke go broke indeed, and the faster the better.


Nominated by Ron Knee with a seconding by General Cunster below.

I would like to second this nomination.

As an American I grew up with Disney. Every Sunday night before Bonanza, Walt Disney’s The Wonderful Wold of Color was magical television. And like every other American family of the day, mine went on the typical Chevy Chase Family vacation of the day to both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

And if Bambi traumatized my generation, Davy Crockett inspired us and Annette made us feel the first stirrings of manhood.

But today? What so many of us admired has become just the latest version of wokeist degeneracy. Like Transheuser Busch and Targay before them, Disney is plunging deep into the Bunghole of perversity.

The Little Schvarmaid…The Haunted Crackhouse and now…Blanca Nieves and the Seven Diversity Hires.

Walt was an American icon and a true patriot who embraced family values. It’s a shame to see what they have done to his vision of wholesome family entertainment.

NY post