La La Land Luvvies

In case you’ve possibly missed it, let me advise that the biopic ‘Oppenheimer’, about the so-called ‘father of the bomb’, has hit the screens, with the inevitable accompanying explosion of publicity and hot air.

Amid all the hyperbole, my award for luvvy shithousing goes to one of the film’s stars Robert Downey Jr for his gushing remarks about the ‘commitment’ of Cillian Murphy, who plays Oppenheimer.

‘We’d be like “hey we got a three-day weekend. Maybe we’ll go antiquing in Santa Fe. What are you going to do?”. “Oh, I have to learn 30,000 words of Dutch. Have a nice time”. But that’s the nature of the task’ witters Jr. ‘I have never witnessed a greater sacrifice by a lead actor in my career’.

Huh? What the fuck? To my way of thinking, a sacrifice is something like giving your life on a beach on D-day to help defeat the Nazis. It’s giving a kidney so that a relative or friend may live. Getting paid a shed load of money to learn your lines for a fucking acting job is most certainly NOT a sacrifice.

What a load of horseshit. What fucking planet do these airhead Hollyweird luvvy cunts actually live on?

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

Rishi Sunak (14)

Rishi Sunak – Our Leader (pmsl)

Rishi Sunak is a massive cunt ;
Not least for the following :-

1. Nobody voted for this F*cker – shoehorned in by the tory grandees after they torpedod Truss (who was selected by Tory members, but again wasn’t voted to be Prime Minister by the people)

2. He has sabotaged plans to remove 1000’s of EU rules and regulations, and blatently coses up the 4th Reich

3. He promises everything and delivers nothing – Rishi’s 5 pledges by the end of the year – more chance of being struck by lighting while wearing a rubber wetsuit, under water.

4. He has no f*cking clue how the British worker struggles to make ends meet – Joe Public toils and scrimps and saves to get by while getting hit at every turn by increasing taxes, prices , while the British economy is in the toilet.

5. The cheeky fucker has the nerve to pocket his £164,000 PMs salary, plus all the perks and freebies and public funded dinners, while sitting on a £529 Million fortune, and tells NHS doctors “6% pay rise – take it or leave it”

6. He stands there like Gollum, grinning inanely. He is so false it’s literally
un-believable. It’s easy to grin, when you none of your decisions and policies affect you in the slightest and you can’t be fired no matter how incompetent you are till election time…… CUNT

Sky news

Nominated by Lord of the Rings.

The NHS (28) Grinding To a Halt at Weekends

A lifeglug-attached cunting for our Great and Wonderful National God. – err Health Service – grinding to a halt at weekends.

I was in hospital a few weeks ago, taking up a bed in the AMU. I was there from Thursday morning to Saturday night, as doctors quibbled over whether i could have a scan. I was told i would be consulted Saturday morning but that day i was told there were no doctors available and would remain in hospital until the Monday in ‘normal working hours’. The NHS isn’t an office at a publisher for women’s magazines or coffee shop. There should be doctors available, looking at drugs, blood results and organising scans 24/7. That is why we spaff so much cash on the service. Diseases and injuries don’t have the weekend off.

It’s bad enough my GP only working 3 days a week, to have doctors going home Friday night to reappear on Monday morning is pretty shite.

There’s enough of them to cover the weekend so that services don’t get held up and cunts like myself aren’t taking up emergency beds. I was moved to a ward late on Saturday night but I shouldve been moved and scanned by Friday evening.

This not a cunting of the NHS, just for how it operates at weekends and how much more efficient and safer it would be if proper cover was organised. The tardy cunts never sent my GP a copy of the discharge letter either.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

An Addendum on the NHS below from Cuntybollocks.

I’d like to second this cunting, if I may. Not per-se the weekend thing, but the NHS in general.

I’m worried about the mother. She’s never ill but was in hospital recently due to some weird stomach issue that really fucked her up (couldn’t walk, lost her voice, lost loads of weight etc.).

Well, they think it was due to a burst stomach abscess, but they want to find out what caused it.

But her appointment to have tests done was cancelled due to the specialists being on strike. £120k+ p.a. + not enough then? My heart fucking bleeds.

NHS appointments being cancelled were as rare as rocking horse shit a few years back. Now, every cunt I know seems to be having issues.

What the fuck are we paying for? My mum must’ve put 10s of thousands into the kitty and now can’t access it when she needs it for pretty much for the first time since she gave birth a million years ago.

It’s a fucking piss take.

This is not aimed at most NHS front line workers btw, who are underpaid and undervalued as a whole.

International Days

Almost every cunt and cause has now got an ‘International Day’. Women (yes, even those with penises Keir), refugees, the QWERTY+ people (about 365 of them actually) climate action, domestic violence, and even teachers. Lets hope they are not striking, that would be fucking awkward.

I missed World Down Syndrome Day in March and was busy nailing a pigs head to the door of the local mosque on Zero Discrimination Day. Micro-Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day last month also passed me by. A real banger by all accounts, those crazy kids. Never mind, there is always next year!

Even Sleepy Joe gets a day, National Hairstylist Appreciation Day. Its like Christmas and Donald Trump being indicted rolled into one. A big bouncy bouffant on top of a creeped out eight year old. And who could forget World Alzheimer’s Day? Well Joe probably will.

How about a ‘Shove Your Virtue Signaling International Days Up Your Arse Day’?

Now that I would raise a glass to.

UN Link

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Care4calais (3)

Care4calais is a herd of traitorous cunts.

Hasn’t been cunted for three years, so well overdue a recunting.

It’s been under investigation for three years by the Charities Commission, jointly cuntable, too. I can as yet find no conclusions from the investigation, but more on that anon.

C4C sent some of its wimps and wokes to welcome the first tranche of fighting-age economic migrants aboard the Bibby Stockholm at Portland, today. With flowers, shampoo and a map of the area to better facilitate the migrants’ dispersal into the black economy. Let us hope that the shampoo is insecticidal.

Daily Fail

It appears that the same bunch of UK-hating shitstirrers are opposed to the barge. Though not to its actual location off a small town far from their leafy suburbs. That might put them on the same side as the far-right waycist locals who are for some reason scared that this is going to get completely out of hand.

Cunters will not wish to know what proportion of illegal immigrants, who have no right to be here at all, are going to be housed in a few accommodation barges, and half the hotels in the country. In conditions rather more humane than many a UK -born renter or applicant for social housing is likely to see these days. Indeed, with easy access to doctors and dentists, in relatively luxurious conditions…

And C4C claim charitable status as they pursue their insidious objective. Here, there may be a slight problem. I crave CA’s indulgence for a second link:

civil society

The Charity Commission, which is funded by the (legally resident) taxpayer has been sitting on the issue since first advised of C4C’s governance problem in 2020. While the accounts are visible on the Charity Commission website, the source of most of their funding is completely invisible. Begging the question of whether a little palm grease is not coming from Albania or India. It’s certainly not coming from me.

And this question is front and centre: should registered charities be allowed to run political campaigns?

Take home statement:
“A Commission spokesperson told Civil Society News that charities can take part in political activity that supports their purpose and is in their best interests.

“There are many examples where carrying out political activity is the best way for trustees to support their charity’s purpose. However, political activity must not become the reason for the charity’s existence,” they said.”

Slippery, that. If you hand out a few cheap freebies to illegal immigrants that nullifies your nakedly political intention to flood the country with illegals?

Cunts who need a course in citizenship, administered by waterboard and oven.

Nominated by Komodo