Care4calais is a herd of traitorous cunts.
Hasn’t been cunted for three years, so well overdue a recunting.
It’s been under investigation for three years by the Charities Commission, jointly cuntable, too. I can as yet find no conclusions from the investigation, but more on that anon.
C4C sent some of its wimps and wokes to welcome the first tranche of fighting-age economic migrants aboard the Bibby Stockholm at Portland, today. With flowers, shampoo and a map of the area to better facilitate the migrants’ dispersal into the black economy. Let us hope that the shampoo is insecticidal.
Daily Fail
It appears that the same bunch of UK-hating shitstirrers are opposed to the barge. Though not to its actual location off a small town far from their leafy suburbs. That might put them on the same side as the far-right waycist locals who are for some reason scared that this is going to get completely out of hand.
Cunters will not wish to know what proportion of illegal immigrants, who have no right to be here at all, are going to be housed in a few accommodation barges, and half the hotels in the country. In conditions rather more humane than many a UK -born renter or applicant for social housing is likely to see these days. Indeed, with easy access to doctors and dentists, in relatively luxurious conditions…
And C4C claim charitable status as they pursue their insidious objective. Here, there may be a slight problem. I crave CA’s indulgence for a second link:
civil society
The Charity Commission, which is funded by the (legally resident) taxpayer has been sitting on the issue since first advised of C4C’s governance problem in 2020. While the accounts are visible on the Charity Commission website, the source of most of their funding is completely invisible. Begging the question of whether a little palm grease is not coming from Albania or India. It’s certainly not coming from me.
And this question is front and centre: should registered charities be allowed to run political campaigns?
Take home statement:
“A Commission spokesperson told Civil Society News that charities can take part in political activity that supports their purpose and is in their best interests.
“There are many examples where carrying out political activity is the best way for trustees to support their charity’s purpose. However, political activity must not become the reason for the charity’s existence,” they said.”
Slippery, that. If you hand out a few cheap freebies to illegal immigrants that nullifies your nakedly political intention to flood the country with illegals?
Cunts who need a course in citizenship, administered by waterboard and oven.
Nominated by Komodo