The London mayor’s latest big idea is he’s going to stop hurty feelings on the Tube by encouraging men to say the totally not-puerile word “maaate” to their male friends if they say some wrongspeak. I wish I were making this up.
I’m sure there are some creepy cunts on the Tube we could all do without. The Daily Mail reports a man grabbing a woman’s hand and forcing her to touch his cock, which sounds to me like sexual assault. But in Sadiq Kuhnt’s head we don’t focus on stopping criminality like that, we focus on hurty words.
Maybe I’m being unfair? After all, his campaign is backed by such luminaries as Romesh Ranganathan, LADbible and someone called Max Selwood (big on TikTok apparently). And he even got some “behavioural scientists” to invent the word “maaate” for him. I hope they were well paid for that bit of groundbreaking academic research.
Or maybe it’s yet another total waste of time and money from Mr Kuhnt, which won’t make the blindest bit of difference to anything, other than to make everyone angry as we’re constantly patronised as we try to go about our day.
Nominated by Do You Think I Meant Country Matters?.