Andrew Mitchell

I would like to cunt Andrew Mitchell and a report that was ‘leaked’ which complains that ‘thousands of African women will die due to poor care in pregnancy and inability to obtain safe abortions’. Apparently, this is all due cuts in the U.K. foreign aid budget. Well, this is not true as it is how the budget is being spent; more money is being used to ensure that this country remains the number one goal for the rubber boat gang.

As someone who had to spent over £2,000 on private dental treatment last due to a complete absence of NHS dentistry in Cornwall, I must state I could not give a flying fuck about this situation. Perhaps the illegal cunts who are living in the lap of luxury at the expense of the U.K. taxpayers will feel guilty about the women in Africa dying in childbirth due to their greed.
Nope ,they couldn’t give a monkeys and nor do I.

As ever , thanks to the cunter who trails the BBC News Website and posts it for me.

Bbc news

Nominated by Guzzigu, link by Geordie Twatt.

The Taliban

The mad mullahs of the Taliban in Afghanistan last week decided that music “causes moral corruption” and had a massive bonfire in which they burned a load of instruments.

Maybe they meant seeing that fat q*eer Sam Smith dressed as the devil in nipple tassels and a thong? Or maybe some of their fellow martyrs were traumatized by Cliffs ‘Congratulations’ being played on a loop in Gitmo for days on end. An official from the Vice and Virtue Ministry added that playing music would “cause the youth to go astray”. A family outing to a public hanging and a few amputations will straighten out the wayward youth of Afghanistan from the deviant influences of the white devils.

Many musicians have apparently fled since the Taliban retook the country in 2021 and I wonder where they are all heading? Amongst the Sudanese engineers and Syrian scientists we may also be enriched with Afghani musicians.

Maybe they will get a gig on Britain’s Got Talent?

The Rolling Heads and Pan’s Peacefuls….its a yes from Simon and Amanda.

Bbc news

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Catherine Tyldesley

I would like to nominate this freeloading lovvie cunt for a Oscar worthy cunting.
Apparently her influencer shitehawk asked some baker to make a three tiered cake for the nominated cunt, plus a smaller one for hubby whose birthday is the same day as the (non event).

They also wanted another 40 cup cakes as well, all for nothing but would be repaid in whatever the influencers thought up.

Hopefully the baker told them to do one. Influencers scum of the earth. Catherine Tyldesley, fucking supreme scrounging cunt.

Daily Fail

Nominated by CuntyMort.

Vantage and Solution Cardiff

are a company of cunts, especially their cunt bosses, Zaafir Jamal [nice Welsh name] and Ryan Wallace.
[ looks like a dodgy double glazing salesman, probably was once] and all their employees are cunts of the highest order.

These pieces of snake shit couldn’t get any lower, they encourage their under payed employees to force people on their door steps to sign up for direct debits to charities, they do the hard sell all the time filming the victim, trying to get him to say yes on camera, so these fuckers can get their commission.
Luckily they have been caught red handed and exposed as the dishonest cunts they are, i hope these fuckpigs meet Karma one day very soon, a nom on ISAC is just what these barrels of monkey spunk deserve….

Wales on line

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

Dentists Refusing To See NHS Patients

are cunts.

In the post yesterday morning, arrived a printed flyer from my Dental Surgery informing me that as from 1st August they will no longer treat NHS patients! I am “defunded”. I have been offered a continuation as a patient under “Denplan” ( a monthly subscription plan) or an exclusive access as a “preferred client” ( whatever that may mean ) and at considerable cost.

It seems that many practices have now been organised to deliver privately. The NHS patient is now “dumped” and with nowhere to go.

The NHS continues on its roll towards corporate management, and the only safety net ( for dental care ) is that afforded to the immo, whose denplan will be funded by the taxpayer. ( Yes. the suntanned ones will not be allowed to suffer )

Our Government meanwhile, finds it better to fund foreign wars to the provision of care for the Indigenous people of this overcrowded island.

So fuck off cunts. I won’t vote, and fuck off all greedy bastard dentists.


Nominated by Trebecular, link provided by Komodo.