Rural Enrichment


The other evening Lady Quim asked me to pop into town to get some food from the supermarket, but she waited till half 9 to tell me (ffs), so off I went to the only late night supermarket in town, but as I walked around with my trolley I slowly realised something, I was one of the very few in the shop that wasn’t an “enricher”, from Malteser headed cunts to Pavels.

They were fucking everywhere, in Pembrokeshire too, do these cunts only venture out at night, you certainly don’t see many in the daytime, even Pembrokeshire isn’t safe from these cunts anymore, maybe I’ll move to Alderney don’t think there’s any enrichment there, scary times ahead cunters, stay safe!

Nominated by Captain Quimson, link by C.A.

Racism Of The Worst Sort

”Conservative MP David TC Davies’s leaflet asked if voters wanted a Gypsy and traveller site next to their house”

This is now being looked into by the illustrious Gwent Police as racism/hate speech/Some phobia or other.

The fact that the local council are wanting to instal a shit load of these sites without mandate isnt taken into consideration.

This Far-Right MP seems to think that people wont welcome thieving anti-social, fly tipping, violent illiterates into their neighbourhoods. And dares to solicit the views of local people..

An ‘Advocacy Group’ has quite rightly set the law on him.

The cunt.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

The ‘Bungalow Bill’ Look

You see it a lot when you’re out and about at this time of year. The wife, a big fan of The Fabs’ ‘White Album’, calls it the ‘Bungalow Bill’ look.

It is, of course, that fashion conscious choice of many British males, namely, baggy knee-length shorts, black ankle socks, and trainers or Jesus sandals. It seems to be particularly popular with the more mature gentleman, who, if he’s lucky, can augment the look with spindly legs criss-crossed with nasty looking varicous veins.

To finalise the look, add a t-shirt (gilet optional for cooler weather), rucksack, and for the ultimate flourish, a Straylian bushman’s hat.

Go for it guys; with a little effort, you too can be a style icon. Just remember how ZZ Top put it; ‘every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man’.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

BBC’s (92) coverage of the Women’s World Cup

The BBC’s coverage of the Women’s World Cup and Women’s football in general!

First off, if women want to play football, I’m all for it. Keeps them fit, keeps them slim. Yeah sure, I know they’re all lesbians, but it might still encourage more girls to stay in shape. That’s good for everybody.

But this, this endless campaign by the BBC (and similarly shit news organisations) to make Women’s football ‘a thing’ really boils my piss! They have made it their agenda to shame anybody who doesn’t outwardly announce their allegiance to the cause. We’ve suffered through a campaign of trickery for years now with articles saying “Liverpool sign star striker!” Huh? Who could it be, we all wonder. Oh… It’s actually Liverpool WOMEN’S team. The slimy cunts will happily pretend it’s about the men’s game in order to fool people into reading the articles. THEN they have the gall to announce that Women’s football has had an X% amount increase in traffic on site, despite knowing full well its all based on subterfuge!

We have to suffer from women pundits on the men’s game, irrespective of knowledge or experience, we’ve seen Souness be hounded by the press and, of course, Twitter for conflating football with the men’s game. Heaven’s forbid!

And now as we move fully into their cup final we’re treated to such wonderful articles about how Alexa is sexist because ‘she’ assumes questions about football are about the men’s game…i.e the game that peiople actually give a shit about. Don’t worry thigh because ‘academic’ Joanne Rodda, in a fit of panic over having nothing better to do with her time, ‘alerted the BBC’ to the problem and they’ve reached out to Amazonn for comment.

The next article states that if our brave lionesses win, it’ll be ‘the first time England have won the trophy since 1966.’ Hold the fucking phone. Not ‘a trophy’. ‘THE trophy’. THE TROPHY SINCE 66. Get fucked with that. Not the same trophy, not the same sport. And if they win, you can be damned sure everyone will get criticised for singing ’60 years of hurt!’

Then William gets scolded for not going over and the Government get moaned at for not making a bank holiday to celebrate a tournament that nobody gives a fuck about.

And then will come the pissing pay debate.

This one I blame at the door of the BBC. They lost the rights to show any genuine football and have spent what feels like the last 10 years doing nothing but artificially trying to increase its popularity by any means necessary.

The BBC are cunts. There’s a shock for you all.

Nominated by SpareMe.

Leith Arches and the Edinburgh fringe festival

More proof that modern comedy has become woke only ‘entertainment’.
This time it’s Father Ted writer and stand up, Graham Linehan’s turn to be cancelled for his views on gender bollocks.

Banned by the same hypocrites who probably pissed themselves at him poking fun at the catholic priesthood, but don’t like his sensible idea that women can’t have a cock.
Apparently, an online campaign brought his despicable views to the attention of the venue and felt compelled to release the following statement.

“ We are an inclusive venue and will not allow such views to violate our space.”
I think they need to look up the word ‘inclusive’ in a dictionary.
How the fuck is censorship of someone you don’t agree with inclusive?
Sounds like the Leith Arches is an ‘exclusive’ venue to me.
Exclusively woke.

gb news

Nominated by Field Marshal Cuntgomery.

More on this from Ron Knee below.

The Edinburgh Cringe

Those with even a passing interest in such things will be aware that Edinburgh’s annual International Festival is one of the greatest events in the world’s calendar for ‘the performing arts’.

Time was that The Fringe in particular was considered to be ‘avant-garde’; a place where performers could express themselves in ways which might be considered outlandish, boundary-pushing or controversial.

Not so much these days, it seems. Take the case of Irish performer and writer Graham Linehan (creator of the legendary ‘Father Ted’), whose stand-up gigs have been ‘cancelled’ twice at short notice, because his views don’t ‘align’ with the overall values of the owners*.

Yeah you guessed it. Linhan has expressed utterly outrageous opinions on gender issues; fascistic notions such as ‘women don’t have penises’. Shocking, isn’t it? In the face of this ‘cancellation’, Linehan resorted to performing outside the Scottish Parliament as a form of protest.

So there you have it. The creeping censorship continues. ‘Sure, you can perform here, as long as we agree with what you say’.

Edinburgh Cringe indeed.

* translation into English; ‘we’ve shit the bed at the thought that the trans lobby nutters will come after us’.
