Rachel Zegler

I recently gave Disney a right cunting for its determination to trash its own legacy of animation with live action ‘woke’ remakes of classic films.

Next in line for the treatment is the legendary 1937 adaptation of the Grimms’ fairy tale ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, now being ‘re-imagined’ as ‘Off White and the Seven Ethnically Diverse Magical Creatures’. That’s right; Snow White is now Snow Latinx, there are no dwarfs, and no love story with Prince Charming. Our heroine is now focused on ‘her journey’ to leadership and empowerment. She’s a real Hollywood ‘girl boss’. That’s right, another one.

As if all this ‘woke’ shit wasn’t bad enough, we now have to endure the nauseating sight and sound of the insufferable lead, Rachel Zegler, preening in front of the camera and spouting off in the most smug and irritating manner possible about the film and her role in it.

I could wax lyrically for many paragraphs on the subject of why such an utterly unlikeable Hollywood brat should be immediately kicked down the nearest flight of stairs. But actually it’s better just to let this vapid poseur condemn herself, so I invite you all to watch this short clip (esp. from the 30 second mark) if you can manage to contain your nausea in the process;

Just fuck off over there with the rest of the Tinseltown airheads, and when you get there, fuck off again, you absolute fucking clown.

‘Weird, weird’.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Devaluing of further education, be it A levels or degrees.

A mortar-boarded, gown-wearing cunting for the continued devaluing of further education, be it A levels or degrees.

After the nonsense of the pandemic, with teachers marking the papers of students rather than an outside examiner, A level grades have plummeted to 27% A grades.
This means, despite the fall (from a scandalously generous 44.8%), more than a quarter of A-level exam results are still worth an A.

It gets worse though. As of 2019, nearly a third (30%) of degrees awarded are first-class, and as of 2021 the number is now 36%. In the late nineties the percentage was 7%. This lunacy shows that the whole system of higher education is effectively worthless, and the inflation has been attributed to ‘student demand’. Well, that almost makes sense, as even the lowest ranked universities are charging £10k a year to study lesbian dance theory.
You can turn up, not do any of the assigned reading, get on the lash, get an algorithm to smash out your dissertation and walk away with a first with your pint of beer at the union bar. As long as the college/university is getting its tuition money, why should they give a fuck if you’re an imbecile educated far beyond its ability?

The trouble is that now the level of snobbery of which university you get a degree from has been heightened by the cheapening of the first-class degree overall;
How will candidates/applicants for jobs and academic roles be selected if they all have degrees, and over a third are Geoff Hursts?
It’s now even more important to go to an elite university, entry to which is as reliant on interview as A-level grades, and the techniques for success are coached at fee paying schools.

All grade inflation has done is create a larger gap between the privileged and the ever-patronised sons and daughters of ‘aspirational’ mechanics and taxi drivers, care workers and cleaners who went to a comprehensive, followed by a big city college, just as the closing of grammar schools has done.

The superficial desire for more equal outcomes has created deeper inequality and a less meritocratic education system, and yet the left want to attack Gillian Keegan for pointing out the fucking obvious; in ten years time, your A-levels won’t matter. Your experiences, references and achievements in work will be far more important.
However, qualifications are everything to the middle class libtard Left, because half of them are part of The Blob and their jobs depend on fake improvements in A-levels, fake improvements in higher education and the continuance of the sausage factory system of mass schooling. These cunts live by their meagre qualifications and brag about having been ‘on a course’. In their own limited minds, they are ‘experts’, despite only teaching at secondary school level.

To those who work for a living, experience, imitative and character come to mean more than a few numbers and letters on a bit of paper, and given how the youth are being scammed by the higher education sector, these will now matter more than ever.
it’s just a shame they’re being discouraged by our insular, woke and whacko teachers, nearly all of whom are risk-averse, cowardly, stupid and conformist sub-humans, who lack the aforementioned qualities.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Birmingham City Council (2)

Financial Incompetence Personified.

Yet again the city council has fallen foul of yet more incompetence spending other people’s money!

Not only does it own £760m in retrospective equal pay liabilities (this is in addition to further £1.1bn paid out for the same scheme over the last 10 year).

And then there’s the ongoing farce relating to upgrading their IT systems, which was originally budgeted at around £20m back in 2019, but typically it went way over budget due to poor project and financial management. As a consequence the budget has ballooned to around £100m, with the council scratching around trying to find almost £50m to cover the shortfall.

Two examples of their appalling control of money, and as a consequence the council has offered it 10,000 staff the opportunity to take “Mutually Agreed Resignation”.

No details have been published regarding the cost behind this desperate measure, but what is particularly annoying is that those at the top who made those appalling decisions in the past have got off lightly. No one is pointing fingers, no one to blame, no accountability, and now we find a council deep in debt, threatening to get rid of thousands of ordinary workers, while council tax payers will probably see their bills rise for reduced services.

This form of financial incompetence is all over the public sector – useless middle managers/project managers/financial controllers are clearly not up to the job, and yet they’re never held to account.

The government, the Bang of England, the NHS and other councils up and down the country are all incompetent cunts, and yet three guesses who has to foot the bill!

Birmingham City Council deputy leader Cllr Sharon Thompson added: “This is one of the biggest challenges this council has ever faced, and we must understand how the issues have arisen to prevent a repeat in the future.

“Given the scale of this challenge, we must impose mandatory spending restrictions. But as we have done throughout the cost-of-living crisis, we will continue to focus on tackling social injustice and inequality across our city. We will do everything we can to protect the services our residents rely on.”

Well that’s alright then!


Nominated by Technocunt.

(And guess what? The cunts just declared bankruptcy)

New Covid Variants causing concern

It occurred to me today that we are getting towards the end of summer, so logically will start thinking of autumn and winter, days getting shorter and so on…but not least because of the predictably timed rash of news stories about exciting new Covid variants.

Today I have seen news items about variant Pi, variant BA.6 and variant Eris ( who was apparently the ancient Greek goddess of discord and chaos) and also stories about how we must all start wearing masks again and aren’t lockdowns a jolly good idea. It shows the utter contempt that the media, sinister government advisors and pharmaceutical companies have for the public that they have the brass neck to start wheeling this old shit out again for yet another year. I really hope there are riots if anyone tries to impose all this crap again. Even the dullest bulbs I know wouldn’t go along with it at this point (unless a bit of furlough was thrown in). What an utterly cretinous bag of old wank.


Nominated by Mary Hinge.

More on this from Jeezum Priest below.

Here we go again.

There’s a new strain of Covid ( what, another one?) and already the Press are speculating, well more like sounding as if it’s a done deal, about a return to mask wearing and possible lock downs to ” protect the NHS”, you know.

Interestingly, there’s also a lot of comments, in various publications, that lock downs and masks DID prevent the spread of Covid.

That’s not what you were saying early, when enquiries and committees started looking into the Governments response to the pandemic. Do you really think we have so little ability to think rationally?

Also, if you want to “protect the NHS”, stop spaffing money on foreign aid, legal aid for illegals, accommodation for the same that turns out to be unsuitable, vast sums of money to Rwanda and France, and spend it on the NHS – and NOT more managers/diversity officers, either.

While you’re at it, maybe cull the deadwood in the HoC and HoL, too!

Emotional songs and procrastination

Emotional Songs

Am currently sitting on the patio of my garden drinking a beer and taking in the wonderful views of the Lake District – perhaps for the final time before emigrating to Denmark.

Am also listening to one of the most emotional songs I have ever heard – Johnny Cash and his very final song before passing away – “Hurt”

When you watch the YT video and listen to the music you will realise that despite his early success and riches, he ends up with nothing – no friends, no money, no acclaim, nothing. And it made me realise that despite how we lead our lives – rich or poor – the end result will always be the same, death!

I think Cash’s point in this song is that you really need to make the most of every single day of your life. Even when you’re a success it will eventually turn to shit some day and you’re left with nothing but memories.

When you’re young you probably don’t give a shit about such wisdom, and rightly so I guess. But the more I listen to Cash’s song the more I realise that time is running out and that things that you’ve always put off for another day need to be realised before you end up looking back regretting on what could have been.

“Hurt” is probably the most depressing/uplifting song I have ever heard, even to the point of me shedding a few tears at how his life came to nothing when he finally died in September 2003.

Music is a great motivator and I think after listening to this it has given me the incentive to do those things that I have always put on the back burner for one reason or another. And in this context the move to Denmark will almost certainly happen because if I don’t I will regret it when I look back in 20 odd years time.


Nominated by Technocunt.

I can relate to this oh so very well Techno, the song Are you reeling in the years by Steely Dan says it for me sir. C.A.