Reynolds is the son of Great Train Robbery ringleader, Bruce Reynolds. And, on the sixtieth anniversary of the crime, Reynolds the younger has been bigging up his old man and painting him as some sort of suave ring-a-ding cocktail hour James Bond type. Amongst other things, he compared his father to James Bond. Reynolds said his dad drove an Aston Martin and went scuba diving, leading him to think he was a spy. He also said his dad “dressed extremely smartly” in designer clothes and “he kind of modelled himself on the character Cary Grant played in To Catch a Thief”.
Then he said his parents looked like a young couple, very much in love, living the good life. He added that at times his parents would fly from Mexico to Las Vegas just to eat a steak or watch Frank Sinatra perform. And he also thinks his old man’s story could one day be adapted into a television drama.
“It’s a fascinating story. You’ve got the robbery itself, the capture and the escapes,” he said.
Bollocks, of course. The so-called Great Train Robbers were scum. The family of Jack Mills will tell anyone that. Robin Hood meets James Bond, my arse. One of those cunts gave Mills a vicious beating which he never recovered from. A harmless, honest, decent working man. Permanently damaged because of bastards like that. The cunts should have worked for their money like Mills and everybody else does. So spare me the gorblimey folk hero Jack the Lad in Rio crap.
Nominated by Norman.