SHEIN – Wassat some kind of female pleasure aid? Well in a way. Apparently the name is derived from “she in clothes” and is a Chinese fashion company that sells mouth wateringly cheaply. Now Cheap Fashion is yet another Cunting in its own right but there is a close connection as follows. Peacocks used to be the place to go on the High Street for de yoot looking to shoplift the latest rip-off fashions but that chain is being mullered as we used to say in the ‘80s by rents and costs. Closing wholesale across the country therefore and a great loss to de yoot and their predilection for throwaway clobber. Shein is happily kicking them into bankruptcy with its “online offering” of even cheaper gear delivered to your door.
Shein bombard punters on their portable devices offering instant discounts on their already cheap prices but the sting is always in the added excessive cost of delivery which hits the slaggy punter when the “buy now” tab is pressed. Very helpfully another pop up tab offers the opportunity of free delivery if more tat is bought and then “items you might be interested in based on your browsing history” pops up. Fall for that and the extra discounts offered and the delivery costs on check out hit you like a Jack Charlton raking tackle to the gonads.
No way to treat customers, not even skinflint old cunts like Yours Truly you say? That is nothing on how the Chinese gentlemen cunts treat their workers. Mostly simple girls coerced from their villages by false promises of high wages and all in accommodation and meals, they find themselves bussed far away to Company Towns surrounded by high walls and fiendishly clever security to live in basic dorms where everyone is encouraged to inform on their work mates.
Pay rates are based on an exploitative regime of production levels that even Henry Ford would have thought twice about. A few stitches wrong and a whole garment is rejected at the girl’s expense. The price of teenage fashion you might say, clothes to be worn a few times then thrown away. UK charity shops will not accept the worn out tat. Time to take a stand you say. Root out exploitation! Drive SHEIN to closure by a boycott? Thought about it but then a three piece suit for £27 caught my eye on the website (plus two rolls of reflective window film and some packets of Jin’ge – a Chinese Viagra knockoff) to make up the total to get free delivery. Got the suit in the largest size to accommodate my old arse. Letting the side down you say, play the game? Cheap will always trump morals and they do free returns if it don’t fit (deal clincher).
Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke