Multiculturalism (4)

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Back in the 17th and 18th centuries people who could afford to went to various countries on extended holidays to experience the cultures of those different places.

The Grand Tour.

They would return enriched with being immersed in the architecture, music, language, artwork, customs, food and general way of life of the countries that they had visited.

Artists and musicians were inspired by their foreign counterparts.
Architects would reproduce the beauty of the buildings which they had seen.
Adventurous chefs would add a different dimension to their food, using newly discovered herbs, spices and techniques.

Some of the most important buildings throughout the world are based on The Parthenon.
Besides Greece, other popular destinations for the tour would be Italy and France.

The Grand Tour as it was ended many years ago.
If anyone wants to experience different cultures it’s a lot easier and cheaper now.

Jump on a plane and spend a few weeks keeping away from the beaches and naff tourist traps.

If anyone doesn’t want to experience different cultures by travelling abroad then they are free not to.

Several decades ago it was decided that British people were not cultured enough.
I don’t know who had the audacity to decide that or for what reasons.

Instead of people having the free choice to culturally enrich their lives or not, it was decided to force other cultures upon them by firstly the gradual, and now the uncontrolled importation of various peoples.

There is absolutely no benefit of learning about the culture of countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia or Pakistan.

These people have nothing to offer.

The people from third world countries have no culture which is useful to the people of developed countries and they are determined not to adapt to the culture of of their new nations.

They hold onto their archaic religions and their medieval way of life regardless of where they settle.

But we are still told that multiculturalism is good for us.

Now that the ‘Far Right Extremists’ are asking important questions about immigration perhaps it is now time to ask anyone who supports the wholesale destruction of the UK….. “How exactly has your personal life improved by your multicultural experiences?”.

It was a a failed experiment which has fucked the UK into a position from which it can never recover.

And still it continues.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

A fine example of how the BBC distort the truth..again (126)


This is effectively a ‘non’ story. Drinkers in a Welsh pub asked to leave after singing upsets rest of clientele…that’s the gist of it.

But, the BBC want to make a headline out of doubt for advertising clicks when the site is viewed from outside the UK….and they add it was because they were singing in Welsh.


And Sian Lloyd (an employee of the BBC) by coincidence thinks it is…and she’s wrong..and a cunt

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

The Rolling Stones [7]

The Woking Stiones.

Once the most feared, controversial and notorious band in the world.
They have now turned into total pussies.

Brown Sugar has already been axed, due to Me Too psychos. whining that’s it’s ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’. And now Sympathy For The Devil has been self censored. That old fool Jagger has decided the ‘who killed the Kennedys’ line is not to be used, because of the recent Trump shooting.

Errrr. Wasn’t Jagger’s mate, John Lennon shot and killed? And there have been a good few shootings since then. So, why is Mick so concerned about it now, when he wasn’t before?

Simple, the Rolling Stones have bought into the woke bollocks and they too are now frightened of offending people who are there, waiting to be offended.

Never thought I’d see the day. One of their greatest songs, now butchered in case it upsets some soft cunt.

GB News.

Nominated by : Norman

Nutter or Not Nutter

I have a fear that the Southport murderer will end up being treated in a secure hospital.

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana is every defence lawyer’s dream.

He planned his attack, but in a shambolic way.

He armed himself with a large knife and then travelled to the day centre in Southport.
Then it all gets a bit chaotic.

The attack on the children made no sense.
He travelled there in a taxi with no plan to escape the scene.
He didn’t try to run away. He was caught at the scene, probably with no resistance as the Merseyside Fatties managed to arrest him.

He has almost definitely been mis-identified by the general public.
It is very unlikely that he is Muslim unless he converted.
Rwanda, where his parents are from is more Christian than the UK.

Of course it can be argued that anyone who commits an atrocity like he did is mental, but either this cunt is extremely clever or he has accidentally set up a brilliant defence.

My fear is that he will be sent to a secure mental hospital where he could be released in a few years, rather than a high security prison for the rest of his life.


Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

Egg Donor Restrictions

They are asking people not to do it for the money …

BBC News.

Why not ? It`s a fucking no-brainer !

A six-pack of eggs in ASDA is about £1.50, so that’s a profit of £984.50 for fuck`s sake.

It would be utter madness not to.

I`m off down to the supermarket now to clean them out of poultry periods and I suggest you all do the same.

And, unlike the waste of DNA in the link (who `identifies as a non-binary lesbian`), I identify as a mixed-race merkin: one black one, one white one and one with a bit of shite on.

Nominated by : Sam Beau