Anna Holland & Phoebe Plummer

are cunts.

Well now guys and gals, ‘ow’s about that then? A bit of good news at last!

Remember the story about Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, those two incredibly self-indulgent ‘Just Stop Oil’ cunts who caused thousands of pounds worth of damage when they hurled soup at Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’?

Well Judge Christopher Hehir has taken a dim view of their ‘protest’, saying that they ‘couldn’t have cared less’ about any consequences of their actions, seeming to think that they could do what they liked in support of their ’cause’. As a result, the judge sentenced Holland to 20 months in the slammer, and handed a 24 month incarceration to poor little rich girl Plummer. Tough tit, what?

Nice one Judge. I bet that Big Bertha and the rest of the bulls on E-wing are salivating at the thought of fresh meat to play with.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Phillip Schofield (11)

Like the un flushable turd that he is, the mincing little poofter, who enjoyed doing wimminz things on the television every morning, and generally being one of the girls, is to stage his comeback for three consecutive nights on Channel 5 (akin to be shunted over to Radio 3 at 2 a.m. on a wet Monday) . He will be “alone” except for a handful of cameramen, on an island (and lets hope for their own sakes the cameramen are not too young or too pretty) to tell “his side of the story”.

What the fuck – we all know the story – he as good as groomed a schoolboy (though granted the little mini-mincer didn’t look as if he needed too much grooming), when he was old enough got him a job on his tatty TV show and then took to taking him to his London flat for clandestine bumming sessions behind his wife’s back. I wonder who played the man? they were both benders by the look and sound of them. He got found out, his name stunk on ITV and the rest of the media, and now Phil has no excuse to paint and powder himself every morning. But he probably does. End of story – it doesn’t need three evenings to tell it:

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

A second helping of this cunt from Jeezum Priest below.

Just when you thought you’d heard the end of this cunt, he rears his ugly head yet again.
Perhaps emboldened by his recent TV appearance on Phillip Schofield – Castaway, he has decided to blame his brothers misconduct for his downfall as a presenter.

Now, his brother is a bad ‘un, without a doubt, but to lay the blame at his door, and not take any responsibility for his own actions is disengenious to say the least.

After all, his brother didn’t prise apart the bum cheeks of the young man, or lube him up to help dear Pip out, did he?

More about this cunt from Liberal Liquidator below.

Phillip Schofield’s Cast Away (if only)

If you had an inappropriate workplace relationship with a much younger co-worker, lied about it to your colleagues and bosses, ruined your lucrative career and saw your marriage end and became a byword for making peoples skin crawl, you might want to keep quite for a bit.

Not so one Phillip Schofield who less than eighteen months on from leaving This Morning in disgrace following some extra curricular bumming activities of the office intern is back with a new show on C5. Cast Away will see Schofield stranded on a desert island off Madagascar for ten days with no food, water or crew and just an old copy of Boyz magazine.

After getting over the disappointment from his agent telling him no its not Epstein’s island nor is there a Boy Friday to go naked spearfishing with, Schofield informed us he will use the experience as a period of self-reflection and soul searching. Probably his struggles with mental heath too, naturally.

Schofield is just another self-pitying narcissistic luvvie twat who is looking to revive his once glittering career. Short of administrating a Lubbocking like Barrymore or a hot mic Big Ron “fucking lazy thick n*gger” moment, there seems to be very little that will flush turds like Schofield down the shitter for good.

Maybe he will get bitten by something exotic or taken sausage by some Somali pirates?

I don’t think we are that lucky.

Keir Starmer MP (25)

Better get used to it fellow cunters. You’re going to hear a lot about The Beloved Leader on here in the coming weeks and months, and I doubt that any of it will paint him in a good light.

You’ll already be familiar with him in his incarnations as Keir ‘Granny Harmer’ Starmer and ‘Two Keir’ Keir. Well he’s now got another soubriquet; ‘Free Gear’ Keir.

Yes it turns out that during his time as Liebour leader, this champers socialist has accepted a cool hundred grand’s worth of freebies. This includes free tickets and hospitality at football, Nearly £5k’s worth of tickets for Taylor Swift and Coldplay gigs, free clothes for himself and his missus, and free glasses.

The latest revelation is that he accepted £20k from a Liebour donor so that his son could be installed at an unknown location to enable him to study for his GCSE exams in peace. How thoughtful of him as a father.

Naturally this begs the question as to why a multi-millionaire would feel the need to accept any of these freebies in the first place. The only answer that I can come up with is that as well as being a liar and a hypocrite, Sir Keir is also a freeloader.

It’s not a pleasant picture, is it? A Prime Minister with his snout sunk deep into the trough. What’s even worse are his attempts to justify his actions; he doesn’t seem to comprehend the sleazy impression of himself that he’s created. Or maybe he’s so arrogant and complacent that he just doesn’t care.

This bloke is a wrong ‘un. You can take that to the bank.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Mark Robinson

He’s the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, he claims to be an Evangelical Christian and he’s the Republican nominee for the post of Governor in the 2024 election. Eager to identify himself as a candidate firmly affiliated to the right, he denies climate change, he opposes the legalization of marijuana and he’s spoken out in favour of gun rights. Controversially he has also made antisemitic remarks and has denied the holocaust. He has been praised by Donald Trump as “an unbelievable Lieutenant Governor”, “a very good man”, “a great one”, “a Martin Luther King times two” and “a Martin Luther King on steroids”. Yet Robinson himself described King as “worse than a maggot” and said that the civil rights movement was a communist plot to subvert capitalism and free choice.

Robinson has declared that he wants abortion to be outlawed completely, though he paid for his girlfriend, now his wife, to have her pregnancy terminated. In 2022 he criticized the availability of birth control pills and condoms, advocating that contraception should be banned. He described transgenderism as “filth”, but it’s now been revealed he was responsible for remarks put on the message board of the online forum Nude Africa, including that he enjoyed watching transgender pornography. “That’s fucking hot” he wrote, “Yeah I’m a perv too”.
On the same forum he wrote that he was a black Nazi who preferred Adolf Hitler to Barack Obama and supported the reinstatement of slavery.

Nothing like a bit of scandal and hypocrisy to instil confidence in the voters.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Allan



are cunts.

Now, there are millions of sites on the interweb extolling the virtues of this 360 million-plus year old species.

They are survivors.

Thing is, I just don`t fucking like the armour-plated segmented little twats.

If you turn flip one over onto its back, they have a translucent undercarriage with nasty little squirming legs. The stuff of nightmares.

Next week … “foreign wasps”.


Nominated by Sam Beau.