Manchester Council

is a cunt.
Cancelling bonfire night is a kick in the teeth to long dead but good cunt Guy Fawkes.

Manchester city council continues to cancels since pandemic long standing fireworks in favour of funding other ‘community’ events, I’m sure we can all take a guess who said community is who won’t understand the meaning of a non diwali firework on November the fifth.

Yes I’m sure there are a few on here who are anti firework for whatever reason and idiots with personal fireworks and no regard for safety or it being 3am deserve to have their fireworks inserted into every orifice they can be made to fit into before being lit but organised, safe noisy extravagance makes kids happy, does nobody any harm (you were well aware of the existence of fireworks before you got a dog) and I say to you, embrace your inner child and let fizz, whoosh and bang in celebration of Mr Fawkes and his failed plot, he was more right and more honourable than any MP has ever been.

Just another step in the loss of our own traditions I feel, and suspect they will soon be happy to fund a diwali firework spectacular.

Apologies in advance for the ad filled news link.

Manchester evening news

Nominated by Cunt of Peeblesshire.

National minimum wage for under 21s

is a cunt.

Currently £11.44 for 21 and over but £6.40 for 16 and 17 year olds, £8.60 for 18 to 20.

Given than minimum wage applies to almost all unskilled jobs and many more, why should a 16 year old with some gumption to get out and work stacking shelves in a supermarket or heaving wheelbarrows around on a building site with their shiny new cscs card amd hi vis get paid virtually half the amount of someone a bit older doing exactly the same job?

All this does is hold people back, stops them affording their own rent so can’t afford to move out the family home and really start their struggle of existing properly.

Yes it may be designed to encourage people towards further education but not everyone wants to waste a few years of their life studying liberal arts or wokery other courses aimed at their intelligence level, what they need to be doing is working, earning, saving, being able to afford bad choices and overindulging, all important life lessons learned around that tender young age.

If they can’t afford to get into the just scraping by market then what hope do they have of getting onto the path of saving for a mortgage deposit?

Seems like a low paid punishment for the dying breed of youth who just want to work for an honest living to me.

Cunt of Peeblesshire.

Rude celebrities

I’ve just been reading encounters with horrible celebs on another site.
Any fellow cunters met a rude celebrity?

I’ve met a few celebs, and most have been surprisingly ok.

Andy cole was full of himself and a insufferably cunt.

Cilla Black Is famous for being a obnoxious cunt especially to flight attendants.

The best encounter was some guy bumped into Janet krankie in a pet shop in Wolverhampton and she said

” Shift you fuckin prick”.?

Upto now I’m holding my own having called yank survivalist Cody Lundin and goalkeeper Peter shmiechel a cunt.

Maybe a fellow ISAC has abused Wendy Craig or stuck 2 fingers up at Amos Breiley?

Do share!


What were you doing when you “came” across such filth Mis, C.A.

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

Manchester City FC (5)

are cunts.

One game against a proper and capable rival, and they show their true colours.
All this ‘Pep’s a genius’ and the ‘Superteam’ nonsense is shown to be the load of cobblers it really is.

The minute things go against them and things don’t go their way, and it’s toys well and truly thrown out of the Gorton Globetrotters pram.

The Berties got roughed up a bit and Arsenal did play for time. But what’s all this shit about ‘Dark Arts’? It’s a game of football, not a Kenneth Anger film.Cunts like Kyle Walker and Bernardo Silva crying like big girls. And Erling Haaland has been shown up as the petulant tantruming shithouse he really is. Like father, like son.

These bluenose knobs think that this Arsenal team is hard and a bunch of bullies? I would love to see Pep’s primadonnas up against the 70s Leeds side featuring Bremner, Giles, Big Jack Charlton, Lorimer and the rest of them. They’d be crying after the first two minutes.


Nominated by Norman

David Lammy (19)

This man is a complete fucking plank and a complete fucking bell end.

If he’s not making a fool of himself with his Grenfell lies or his appearance on Mastermind, he’s making a fool of himself and a mockery of our once great country on the world stage at the UN.

Elevating dim wits to positions of power simply because of their skin colour is insanity.

What is it with the Labour Party and their penchant for racist low IQ blacks?

Corbyn was quite happy to have Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary had he been elected and now, thanks to Dame Kweer Charmer, we have this fucking imbecile Lammy as foreign secretary.

Anyway, off our Dave trots to the UN in his Air Max trainers and Matalan suit to wave his race card around.

Sky news

As always with cunts like Lammy, his historical knowledge is both severely limited (like his brain capacity) and is also incredibly selective.

What else would you expect though when you possess the intelligence of a Daddy Longlegs?

David Lammy – you are a cunt and a national embarrassment and so is your political party.

Nominated by Herman Jelmet.