is a cunt again.
More woke insanity from ‘Auntie’….
They want us to know about ‘inspiring’ African (and black, naturally) queens.
And, when I say queens, I mean royalty. Not the Ncunti Gayblack variety. (and we see far too much of that cunt anyway).
According to the ‘Corporation’, this really matters and is is important for some strange reason. As far as the Savile/Edwards shelterers are concerned, it’s essential that we proles know this stuff.
This snippet from the Beeb tells us all we need to know.
‘How many celebrated royal leaders can you name from history?
And how many of those are men – and how many have diverse heritages?’
As Fergie said at Anfield on Easter Monday 1988, I am choking back the vomit.
The BBC wants to ‘educate’ us riff raff about these ‘magnificent’ rulers.
Well, I will say this on the subject….
African Queens are like where flies go in the Winter.
Nobody knows, and nobody fucking well cares.
Nominated by Norman with yet another reason to dislike the Bbc from Sixdog Vomit below. all links follow at the bottom of both nominations C.A.
I’ve just read an article on the BBC where they tracked down a Finnish Fascist who they say was instrumental in fanning the flames of the recent riots and public disorder.
I’ve no problem with that, this cunt had been posting an arson instruction manual to a group that he helped set up immediately after horrific stabbings in Southport.
Buried in the article is one of the BBC’s sources who are an anonymous group of fascist hunters who work closely with the media.
Now if you care to peruse their website ls about section you’ll uncover this little gem.
‘Do you work with the police or the security services?
No. We are generally critical of the police, as well as how the state responds to the threat posed by the far right. In Britain and elsewhere, the police have a history of institutional racism and sexism, and are involved in the repression of movements for liberation and social change.
Many police officers hold racist views and belong to or support far-right groups. The British state enacts racist policies and its security services have cooperated with and lent support to far-right groups. The UK’s counter-terrorism strategy is ineffective and counterproductive, and UK counter-terrorism laws are some of the most expansive and draconian in the world.’
So this is who the BBC is in bed with? This paragraph sounds like extremism to me. Right wing or left wing extremism is the same fucking thing surely.
Do the BBC know all about this anonymous group or what other activism or activities they are involved in?
This seems like a relationship that is very questionable and should be investigated, maybe the security services need to look into the people holding these views, I’m certain the BBC won’t have.
bbcnews 2