Rosie Duffield M.P. – Not a Cunt?

Too much negativity from me on this site, so I would like to raise my hat to one of the only Labour MPs to know what integrity is. This lovely and wonderful woman has for years had to endure the wrath of shit like Nadia Whittome, a very fifth rate BAMEr and Sir Kweer himself, because she calls men in drag out for what they are. Starmer thinks women can have a cock – perhaps the “wimminz” he knows do.

She resigned from Starmer’s farty party on Saturday and has since given an interview which, I think, confirms what many of us has long suspected with his hobnobbing with the likes of Mandy, half his cabinet and of course choosing an ex-cottager as a mentor, and a rich gay P*ki as a sugar daddy. There’s nowt so kweer as folk!:

Daily Fail.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Amy Lamé

It pays to be a middle aged, morbidly obese dyke in Saddick Khan’s London, and this American porker proves it.

Until she stepped down this week, after 8 years as London’s “Night Czar” this talent-free slab of lard was “earning” £132,000 plus for this otiose job, which she has done badly – there is much less night life now than there was when Slubberguts started. It seems also true Labourite that she is, she arranged to be both employed by the GLA on staff, to avoid scrutiny from political opponents, at the same time as having her salary paid into her company, Amy Lame’ Ltd, to reduce her tax bill.

In other words a fifth rate grifter well down to Khan’s low standards:

Wiki Link.

MSN Link.
(Link to the news story provided by our Night Time Correspondent, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs


are cunts.

We’ve all encountered them. Those individuals whose perpetual droning could send you to sleep. Those whose company you run away from as though they had a dose of the bubonic plague.

A couple of former workmates spring immediately to mind. One was a triathlon bore. He’d stun you into submission at the drop of a hat, going on about his personal timings, the cost of his gear, his gym training schedule or his strict diet. Another was a ‘real ale’ bore, and a twat with it; ‘you still drinking THAT piss? You should try Hopsworth and Trumpington’s “Olde Pisshead”, ABV 8.2. That’s a real man’s drink’ etc.

My own current pet bore is a guy who lives a few doors down. Now Ken’s a lovely bloke, but he could bore professionally. His pet obsession is golf, and he’s got the true bore’s capacity to turn any conversation to this topic in ten seconds flat eg;

Me; ‘Morning Ken, lousy day’
Ken; ‘Should’ve been golfing this morning, but some of the holes are waterlogged’
Me; ‘A waterlogged hole’s not a pleasant thing Ken’

Me; ‘Evening Ken, off out?’
Ken; ‘It’s the golf club agm and dance tonight…’.

Me; *straightening up*; ‘Alright Ken? This weeding’s doing my back in’
Ken; ‘I’m the same Ron, but the guys at the club say that they don’t know how I do it at my age. The 11th’s a par five, but on Saturday I was on the green a foot from the flag in two…’.

In fairness, I suppose we can all be a bit of a bore in our way. My specialist subject is the Villa**; ‘conceded another early goal against the tractor boys on Sunday, defence is fucking shite, should have sorted it in the summer blah’.

So how about you guys? Is there someone who makes you run and hide if you see them coming? Are you willing to concede that you can bore for England on some topic or other?

**My specialist subject would probably be tits, ass and fanny, but I’ve never met another bloke who gets remotely bored by this.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Seconded by Norman.

Seconded. Ron.

What I hate is boring cunts who can’t – or won’t – talk about anything.

When somebody asks what are you watching? They reply, ‘A film’.

What are you reading? ‘Book’.

Where are you going? ‘Out’.

Who are you going out with? ‘A bird’.

Dull as ditchwater cunts who can’t string two words together.

The BBC [133]

A bit short, but we allowed it because this is just outrageous – NA.

These terrorist loving anti British traitors have gone to far this time.

The Sun.

I didn’t see it myself, but the Black Biased Caliphate thought it a good idea to broadcast Ayatollah Khamenei’s Friday prayer speech to the UK population for forty minutes.

No doubt encouraged by the Hezbollah / Hamas / al-Qaeda loving Liebour party, these cunt won’t rest until Britain is destroyed.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

Keir Starmer (26) and David Lammy (20)

Cunters for your bile and vilification I give you the fucking Laurel and Hardy of British politics.
The P.M. (In name only) Has given away the to the Chagos islands an American /U.S base in the Indian Ocean. Also negotiating a 99 year lease on the island where we have our airbase. So how fucking much is that going to cost annually you pair of freeloading cunts?
As he is mates with one of these cunts, why were the island just rolled over to them?

Also there is a fund being set up to allow former Chago island residents to visit/return to said islands, who live in the UK apparently.
No doubt the Mauritius government will allow the Chinese a foothold on some island or other.

Lammy the foreign secretary no doubt followed orders re the return of this island.

This will no doubt encourage the Spaniards and the Argentinians to make demands for the return of the Falkland islands and Gibraltar.

Jesus on a fucking Harley, How fucking thick are you Kier you cunt.
YOU are supposed to represent OUR fucking interests you CUNT.

The island he is giving back is approximately !000 miles from Mauritius. Why give it away?

Daily Fail

Nominated by CuntyMort.