Angst Over Other Nations Supplying Arms to Russia

Whinging and getting the hump because Russia is getting weapons from Iran, China, the arse of the devil etc.

yeah I know the invasion of Ukraine was a bit spazz but fuck me from what I read in the msm the western allies have given Ukraine every thing apart from the starship enterprise. We might as well go and join in probably.cheaper than all the military aid. What do our governments expect Russia to do? Damm sure that if the”west” had been a bit more helpful when so called communism vanished up its stinking arsehole we would not be in the fucking daft place we are.

But of course the reduction in super powers was welcomed by many. Wait till China starts really throwing its impressive weight around. Make the old USSR look like a WI meeting and they know how to deal with peacefuls.

The Bulletin. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Black Biscuit

Paul McCartney [12]

Paul McCartney is still a cunt.

In 1988, former Apple Records press officer, Derek Taylor said the following…

‘George (Harrison) is the only one you can now get authentic horse’s mouth Beatles history from. John is, of course, no longer with us. And Ringo can hardly remember last week, never mind twenty years ago.’

Taylor was then asked about McCartney. Derek replied…

‘Paul’s word can’t be trusted on that score. Everyone knows Paul re-writes history all the time.’

And so it goes on.

Macca has now very recently blabbed about how he ‘turned down’ and ‘vetoed’ a full Beatles reunion.

McCartney suddenly and conveniently claims that John Lennon wanted a proper official Beatles reunion at some time before his murder. Now, there is no record of Lennon ever saying this. And certainly no quotes about it from Harrison or Starr. John said it could be ‘possible’ to his journalist friend, Elliott Mintz in 1974. But he got back into Yoko Fucking Ono’s grasping claw-like clutches and it was never mentioned again.

But, now Macca is trumpeting that a full blown balls out Fabs reunion was on the table, and that he and he alone scuppered it.

Funny, how he has never mentioned it before. It wasn’t mentioned in their Anthology series or book. Nor was it ever mentioned when they actully did return with that 1995 ‘Free As A Bird’ cash-in.

And it was never heard of during last year’s ‘Now And Then’ blitzkrieg.

So, this story has come from nowhere. Fab Macca Wacky Thumbs Aloft PR Opportunist re-writing history again? Just like he did with the ‘Blackbird’ song and other Beatles stuff?

Very likely,


Nominated by : Norman

Scaremongering Click Bait Masquerading As News

The press ( are cunts)

Publish articles that are not only click bait, but cause people to worry unnecessarily.

Take this item, for example.

GB News.

Note the word ‘pandemic’

Deliberately used to cause distress and concern and, of course, get people to click onto the article ( or farticle, as I like to call it. All hot air and a lingering, nasty smell)

Shame on you. There was once a nobility about the press, whatever happened to the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

Modern Day Sweets/Candies

Today`s Sweets` (Candies`) Woke Manufacturers … Are CUNTS.

Facts About Sweets.

There was a time, many years ago, when all was lovely and innocent in the world. Way back then, you could buy sweeties/candies which were bursting with sugar, e-numbers, chemicals and various other artificial and probably carcinogenic additives.

And they tasted fucking wonderful.?

But now they aren’t allowed to put in anything that is not natural. They have to make fruity sweeties out of real fruit juice. They can`t use chemical dyes to coat the shiny shells of delicate confections so that would glow in the dark like they used to; a little bit uranium-enriched industrial colouring didn`t do us any harm.

Anyone remember the pink Tooty-Frooty®? Bearing no resemblance whatsoever to any actual fruit, it was the tastiest flavour in the packet.

Of course, others have been banned outright: All the cigarette/tobacco-type confections, naturally. So now they just flog vapes to the toddlers instead – much healthier and with more profit.

Gobstoppers: So fucking big you could barely fit one in your mouth – and you couldn`t crunch the bastards either so you had to suck them for days until they attained the perfect choking radius. Far too dangerous for today’s brats, you see.

Bitter lemon boiled sweets made with sulphuric acid so strong they would dissolve the lining of your mouth – and take a couple of teeth with them during the crunching stage.

Toffees so chewy and claggy that they used to extract your fillings.

All gone.

So nowadays what we`ve got is insipid nodules of blandness, in environmentally-friendly wrappers, obviously.

And they`re smaller, for twice the price.

I can`t tell you the amount of pleasure I used to get from an original sized Mars Bar®. Now it`s just a `finger of Fudge®`. They tasted OK too.


Nominated by : Sam Beau

The Lie That The Young Will Never Get On The Housing Ladder

I am nominating the lie that today’s young people will never get on the housing ladder.

Now before I go further, let’s just establish that buying a house these days is a lot more challenging than in the past. It is true to say that inflation adjusted prices are much higher than historical prices, saving for a deposit is made harder by rocketing rental prices, mortgage lending rules are much stricter, and energy and living costs all put a dent in the wallet (this list will no doubt be extended by cunters; immos absorbing housing stock and a thieving Commie government taxing the arse off all and sundry to pay for a fifth column of alien invaders are all valid additional points). So I think most of us would agree that it is harder these days for a young person to buy their first house…but NOT de facto impossible.

We have a number of young, unskilled, uneducated people working for us, who nonetheless earn a good living, taking home £2k+ a month. Some of these are in stable relationships with partners earning similar amounts. Some are living at home with parents. Some are in very cheap rental accommodation (yes some does still exist). We also have recently had a temporary staff member who is Masters educated, about to embark on his PhD at Kings College London; a future candidate leader in society.

What has been conspicuous in my conversations with all of these young people, aged 20 to 25 are three things:
1. They love spending their money on travelling and having a good time. I have one girl who works for us who on a whim will do things like fuck off a grand on a weekend jaunt in a European capital with her boyfriend. Fair enough, I did the same at their age, but then I was also earning a fair whack and comfortably covering my excesses, never having run a credit card debt in my life.
2. They all live paycheck to paycheck, when the end of the month approaches they’re always asking when pay day is (as if it’s magically going to be brought forward this month to answer their prayers), and complaining about living on their uppers, no money to put petrol in the car or do the food shop.
3. They are all very quick, when the subject arises, to complain about how they’ll never get on the housing ladder, they’ve resigned themselves to this fact.

Now with all of them I have run a few basic figures to try to pin down their situation more clearly. I’ve talked over their actual fixed costs – rental, bills, etc. For those living with a partner, I have generally found that outgoings amount to less than half their net household income; those living with parents having near nothing making a dent in their disposable income. I’ve also talked to the PhD student and reminded them that they can comfortably expect to be earning six figures within ten years.

I have pointed out to them that at 22 or 23 years old they could easily be putting aside say £500 a month. In eight or nine years they’ll have a deposit of £50k+. Disregarding the uncertainty over stamp duty relief and first time buyers schemes that may or may not continue to offer a leg up, it is clearly the case, at least with the people I’m employing, that some patience and delayed gratification permits the prospect of owning a house and securing their future independence.

The universal response?

“Oh you’ve got to live though haven’t you.”

You can see the confusion and panic in their eyes at the suggestion that the bogeyman of never owning their own house has been exposed as a fraud, and that what they really need to do is to stop pissing all their money up the wall and get on with some good old fashioned saving.

To counter the above bloc of shirkers, we have a young woman who’s worked for us for 6 years, again no academic or vocational qualifications, from a penniless family background, but has put her head down and worked hard, got herself promoted, been careful and at 33 has just bought herself a nice little £300k new build, her pride and joy. It’s taken commitment and self-sacrifice but she’s managed it, and boy is she transformed for it – happy and secure and freed from the life of dependency on others that preceded it.

Governments and MSM peddle this pernicious lie to enslave armies of hopeless young people, and the young people themselves willingly submit to the lie to excuse taking responsibility for themselves. Not in all cases, I’ll admit, but a lot more than the blanket propaganda will have us believe.

It’s time the alternative headline is broadcast – yes you can own your own house, you just need to sort your shit out and get on with it.

The link sort of makes the point, I think the discussion could be had on its own merits, but we need a link so here it is

This Money.

Nominated by : Balsamic Dave