Like this chap, I bought hairclippers during lock down, because I was fed up of looking like a Wookie, and the eyebrows!
I got Elder to do the biz ( or buzz, if you prefer)
Now, I’m a bit tight-fisted, I am from Yorkshire after all, so I’ve never gone back to the Speedy Barber, relying on Elder to buzz the nut. However, she’s busy atm, so I decided to DIY. Bad mistake.
I’d run the clippers over, all looked well. Took the guide off and cleaned the clippers, ready to tidy up the neck hair, round the ears, sideburns.
Grabbed the vacuum to clear up the clippings before the dog ate them ( yes, he’s that stupid), realised that I’d missed a couple of spots at the back, grabbed the clippers and…
Yes, you’ve guessed, Grant Mitchelled a couple of tramlines into the back of my head.
Absolutely mortified, I looked a right cunt, I did the only thing possible, which was…..
Let me tell you, wearing a beanie hat is very uncomfortable, on warm days.
So, fellow Cunters (Don’t) DIY, when it comes to haircuts, unless you favour the billiard ball look.
Nominated by : Jeezum Priest