Train operators

are cunts.

Well, there’s been leaves on the line.
The ‘wrong’ kind of snow.

I’m sure, a few years ago, the was unprecedented heat warping the tracks.
As well as the unavoidable flooding, high winds and such, train operators are as skilled as tradesmen for coming up with reasons why the job they are being paid to do is delayed or cancelled.

This one, however, absolutely takes the biscuit ( acorn flavoured).
Service cancelled due to squirrels!


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Coyote Peterson

Coyote Peterson is a American YouTuber and wildlife educator and best known for his Brave Wilderness YouTube channel where he films himself being stung and bitten by venomous animals. This isn’t David Attenborough here. Every gurning facial twitch, writhing around in agony and hallucination is captured on video as the lovely sounding bullet ants and executioner wasps pump their venom into Peterson, swelling up his forearm to Harvey Price sized proportions.

I once got bitten on the tongue by a wasp after one crawled into an open can of lemonade and I took a swig without realizing. My tongue ballooned up and I sounded like Rosie Jones …settle down Thomas…for a few days but never felt the need to share my experience.

I like wildlife but believe filming it should be as unobtrusive as possible unless its Chris Packham being gang raped by a family of badgers and especially not knobends like Peterson, acting like some discount Grizzly Adams for likes and clicks. It can end badly of course with the death of TV personality and environmentalist Steve ‘Crikey!’ Irwin who tickled the balls of his last crocodile when he was pierced in the chest by a stingray and killed in 2006.

Now, if they were to introduce these nasties onto ‘I’m a Celebrity


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Vote Fraud Deniers In The US…Part Cinco de Mayo

1. I told you about ballot stuffing in Bridegport, Connecticut.

2. I told you about vote buying in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

3. I told you about new found absentee votes Chicago, Illinois

4. I told you about hundreds of uncounted ballots found in storage in rural Michigan.

Let’s now move to the Wild West…where men are…skip that.

Arizona has long been considered a Republican State. And in some ways it still is. Home of the so-called McCain Republicans, it has become decidedly uni-party since the death of the old war forever war mongerer.

This has been reinforced in recent years by a massive influx of illegal aliens and their Demonrat sponsors who now control a significant part of the state’s governmental apparatus.

But as this story highlights, the problem of voter fraud has been going on in Arizona for quite some time. Thanks to a unique law that allows illegals to obtain a drivers license and register to vote in Federal elections almost 100,000 registered voters may not in fact be legal to vote in the US election.

One hundred thousand potentially illegal votes cast in an important swing state just might have an effect on the election. Do you think?

And according to sources this has been happening for decades.

So there’s really nothing new here.

The point is…as we all know elections in the US are safe and secure and the real threat to democracy is the Orange Hitler and his MAGA Minions.

As an afterthought…I wonder why they let them vote in Federal Elections but not in the State elections?

Nominated by : General Cuntster

Sue Gray (3)

Today’s questions, lads is – what has Gray got on old Kweer?

It turns out that this ugly old hag earns more than he does. Could it be blackmail money?. Perhaps he is a bit too pally with old Lord Alli.

Perhaps she caught him with Wes in the stationery cupboard.

Or – as she looks like a raddled old “Miss Whiplash” – could it be that he used to be one of her clients?. Naughty boys get bottom marks:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Keir (24) and kittens

Sorry Jeezum, thought you meant his pussies not a fucking cat. C.A.

I found this delightful little non-news story on the BBC news website (where else?)

As well as Larry, and Kiers own family cat, Jojo, the Starmer family were contemplating getting a German Shepherd. Two cats and a GSD, what could possibly go wrong? The perfect combination!

Anyway, after much discussion, the family Starmer decided to purchase a Siberian kitten instead. Hardly any difference between a GSD and a Siberian attack cat.

Fuck me sideways, is this an attempt, by the BBC, to make Starmer appear more like a real boy and not a wooden puppet being manipulated via the strings under someone else’s control?

Hello? It’s not working. Hello? Can you hear me?

I wonder if his nose will grow everytime he lies?


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Additional material provided by W. C. Boggs:

This wannabee Blair has fucked up yet again. It seems that not only is the Toolmaker Son, so poor (well he only has £8 million to his name poor cunt) he accepts charity from a rich donor who buys all his clothes and glasses, he has such a lack or pride he accepted them for his wife as well.

This government has lost all it’s goodwill and popularity – he has only been “in” for two months, and we are already fucked off by his own brand of sleaze (friends of his and Sue Gray – including her own son – given jobs within government), the constant desire to look tough, which might pay off dangerously over his stance in Ukraine., being told what to do by his large collection of bum boys etc etc. Old has-beens from a decade or more ago,l to show that they have learned nothing and are even more stupid and dim than they were then – PixieBalls Cooper-Balls, Edward Miliband, even more fucked up than they were 15 years ago. Enough already!

Daily Express.

The clothes donor is also a poofter, and got special access to the Downing Street garden. He sure loves men in receipt of swollen goods!