
“I’m looking at the world, through rose coloured glasses, everything is rosy now”, as an old song says, and if you are of the same mind, who wish the whole word could be like “Hello”, where all is shiny, duckie and bright, I suggest you take a trip over to Starmer’s cocksuckers website, known as Labour List, founded by the late Mr Derek Draper. There you can read that Lord Mandelson is in the second round of becoming a University Chancellor (all that young meat to persue if he’s feeling like chicken tonight), the wonderful plans for Rail Nationalisation, which will probably go the same way as all of Starmer’s other “missions”. It’s not just at home, but overseas the good news continues. Kamala Harris assures their eager members that “we have momentum” (and not the sort that Kweer so despises).

It’s the place where Blairism meets Lewis Carroll.

This is a pretty typical piece of wishful thinking – apparently we all loved the budget. Here is the link, but I am feeling a little sad – this is my first Labour List nomination without Derek ? :-

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Black Friday [6]

I might be late to the party on the basis that noms take up to a few weeks to publish, feel free to use this is a second to any current nominations, but Black Friday is an utter cunt.

‘The Holidays’ as our so called Sepo friends refer to them. An erstwhile Cunter on these hallowed forums once referred to it as ‘Greed, debt, alcoholism and forced enjoyment wrapped up in some sort of false celebration of a magical sky fairy that nobody believes in and half the imported population doesn’t recognise…’ (copyright whoever said that) is the most accurate and succinct statement ever uttered by a human life form.

But Black Friday is for utter retards. And you never go full retard. Last years shit, marked up in a price the previous 3 months plus, reduced (apparently) massively so that vacuous idiots lap it up. It’s all shit, knowing full well its last years model (another American corporate trait we have picked up). Every fucker is at it, despite being absolutely skint, people still don’t hesitate to go full retard over it.

Fuck the fuck off with Halloween, Black Friday and your other holiday shite. It seems ‘merica’s biggest export is cuntiude and buying shit you don’t need because you perceive it to be cheaper.

I spent 6 long years in the US and I fucking loathe it. You get less for manslaughter these days. Everything is marketed and branded to fuck, lapped up by morons in the name of ‘freedom’.

Don’t get me fucking started on their Franken food, the obese, corporate, cuckold cunts.

Do assisted suicide centres do Black Friday specials? Because if corporate America took up that offer the world would be a much nicer place. Cunts.

Nominated by : The Captain

Overrated Films

Having found myself with a free afternoon recently I sat down and watched Ridley Scott’s 1982 cult sci-fi masterpiece Blade Runner for the first time and to be honest I was underwhelmed. It was slow paced and not much action. Overrated even. It got me thinking about other overrated films, some massively popular with audiences and/or critics but are they really worthy of the hero worship heaped upon them?

I thought Forest Gump was overrated, as is Avatar, the Shawshank Redemption (preferred Clint in Escape From Alcatraz), Unforgiven, Fight Club, The Big Lebowski and The Blair Witch Project amongst others. I enjoyed watching most of these and some are good films but great? The Godfather and Godfather Part II are true epics but in all honesty I think I would rather spend a couple of hours watching Goodfellas or Casino.

Then there are the films that are overrated by critics for the purpose of pushing left-wing identity politics. Black Panther and the Ghostbusters reboot spring to mind. Ghostbusters gimmick was replacing a successful franchise with an all female cast whist pushing the strong independent empowered female narrative and shoehorning in social justice messaging the audiences hated but the left-wing media loved.

Outside of boardrooms in Hollywood no cunt wanted Black Panther, they just wanted a black superhero to again push ‘the message’. Yes it made $1.3Bn but I suspect a lot of that was people wanting to see what a prosperous, successful African society looked like in Wakanda rather than the real life poverty stricken stinking shitholes. To confirm its ‘overrated status’ writer and activist Shaun King ‘found the film to be a cultural moment in American Black history similar to Rosa Parks’ Montgomery bus boycott, Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech, or Barack Obama being elected president’.

These are just a few of my thoughts of course and everyone will have their own opinions on if a film is overrated or even some underrated ones. As ever the floor is open to my fellow cunters for their musings.

And as for Blade Runner? A cop in a futuristic dystopian city hunting down criminals? I rewatched Dredd.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

Politicians and Their Influence on Critical Industries

A cunting for Politicians (and why they should never be allowed to influence critical industries)

Roll out Mad Ed and Free Gear Kweer.

An announcement that we (the tax payer) will invest 22 Billion in Carbon Capture over the next 20 years, to pursue the holy grail of net zero.
What is it

National Grid.

It all sounds great but other that reducing CO2 and making jobs doesn’t help energy supplies or cost and ignores the real issues we face

Euro News.

It doesn’t end there because the problem with our electricity supply also affects the house building targets.

The Grauniad.

The UK power grid is arguably the most important piece of infrastructure, rather than the reeves plan to throw billions into the NHS, maybe these stupid politicians should address the real crisis of energy.

Nominated by : Sick of it

Blurring the boundaries

Now, this is an observation and I have no link, although I’ll try to find summat suitable, Admin.

When did people start decorating their house for Halloween at all, never mind at the end of September?
Why is it OK to leave Halloween decorations up until after Bonfire night, only to replace them with Christmas decorations?

There’s about a dozen houses on my dog walking route who have outside lights/illuminated deers/Santa’s in the front gardens. Window decorations and inside lit-up trees, too.

What comes after Christmas, pink hearts for Valentines, dancing eggs/chicks for Easter?
When does it stop?
With a Wicker Man, perhaps?


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.