A double cunting for a pair of grasping, self obsessed cunts. Ms Eddy-Evans, yet another pouting airhead, wearing more makeup than Wes Streeting, and with the inevitable double barrelled surname ( her real name is probably Tracey Smith), threw away her ex-boyfriends hard drive (and I bet that’s the only thing the twat has that was hard) from his computer, which contained the key to his bitcoin fortune. The sound of his computer kept the poor little lass awake, depriving her of her beauty sleep. Or at least that is her excuse.
As for James, he looks in urgent need of that money, if only to buy himself a syrup and a personality. He is threatening to sue Newport council because they refuse to let him dig up a large rubbish dump which has now been grassed over to look for it. He does generously say that he will give 10% of his fortune to make the area “the Las Vagas of Newport” (don’t you threaten us, young man). But a verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on, as Sam Goldwyn would have said.
I suspect all this nonsense will be to no avail. The disk has been buried for nearly a decade now and will no doubt be contaminated and probably corrupted. For all we or he knows that disc might have been buried near something magnetic.
I feel there is more to this story than meets the eye, though fuck knows what it is, these are just a pair of publicity hungry greedy selfish bastards.
I just thought I’d mention it. Makes a change from Rachel from accounts who wants to be an economist when she grows up.
Nominated by W C Boggs.