Youtube (16)


What a bunch of arseholes YouTube are. In their attempt to clean up the site and make it all wokey-friendly, they banned one of my videos for contravening their policy on “violent or graphic content”

Here’s a link to the original post I put on my blog.


It relates to a group called 10:10. remember them? No, me neither.

Take a look at the date on the post. Yes. that’s right – after 14 years, 2 months and 5 days YouTube have decided that my piss taking video contravenes their policies.

Good to see they are right on top of things…

Nominated by Dioclese.

Sir Keir Starmer’s (28) Christmas Message to the Nation


is a right cunt.

“Good afternoon and compliments of the season to you all. This is your Prime Minister speaking, delivering my first, and I’m sure eagerly awaited, Christmas message to the nation.

I want to begin by stating that my first few months as PM have proven to be unexpectedly difficult and stressful. Hard decisions have been forced on us by the burden of government.

We’ve been unjustly accused of breaking a number of commitments and promises made in the months leading up to the general election in July. We said we wouldn’t raise the tax burden, or do away with the winter fuel allowance. We’ve now rejected compensation for WASPI women, while supporting their claim when in opposition. We said we’d cut energy bills, smash the migrant smugglers, and protect farmers and family businesses regarding the inheritance tax burden. We said we’d abolish student fees, and instead, we’ve hiked them.

I assure you that being unable to fulfil these undertakings has hurt us far more than it’s hurt you. You must understand that this is solely due to the dastardly actions of Rishi Sunak and his bunch of crooks, who completely hid a £22 billion ‘black hole’ in the public finances from us. We were all taken totally by surprise, and the responsibility for this state of affairs has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with me, Rachel Reeves, or anybody else in the government.

Furthermore let me state categorically that there is no truth whatsoever in vicious rumours that my government is about to betray our fishermen in a ‘sell out’ deal with the EU, or that we plan to ‘unwind’ Brexit by cosing up to Brussels in a series of ‘arrangements’ on the likes of freedom of movement. I will add however that we are considering a *a-hem* ‘reset’ in our relations with the EU in the New Year.

Now cynics may accuse us of lying and hypocrisy, but my response to you is this. You can trust us to be frank, honest and open with you in these difficult times for the nation. Rest assured that above all, our stewardship of the public purse will be in the wider, best interests of the nation. At the same time, we have to think of others, and not just ourselves, and that is why we will be sending billions of your hard-earned money abroad to spend on such worthy projects as ‘net zero’ initiatives in Africa, and aid packages to the likes of Syria. And if our own pensioners and homeless veterans have to make sacrifices so that we can hand out cash to ensure that thousands of illegal immigrants can be kept warm and well fed, then I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a sacrifice worth making.

So, having reassured you all that you can place your trust in the honesty, integrity and competence of my government in the coming year, all that remains for me to do is to wish all of you a safe, warm and well fed Christmas and New Year. Remember, you can count on Labour to hold your future and that of your loved ones in safe hands! Happy holiday everyone!”.

Sky news

Nominated by Ron Knee.

Deep Winter Blues

It’s just gone three pm, and I’m standing at the bus stop, waiting for the bus that was due at twelve minutes to the hour. No sign of it of course, nor of the one that was due on the hour. No wonder people are so reluctant to get out of their cars and onto public transport. That goes double when you’re sunk in the depths of a fucking cheerless December.

Speaking of cars, I’m on the way to the garage to retrieve ours, where it’s been to get body repairs after the wife banjoed it for the third time this year. I won £500 on the Premium Bonds earlier this month, guess what I’m spending my winnings on. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. It’s really enhanced my good humour has that.

I’m not feeling great physically; I’ve got a persistently dripping nose, a headache, and my throat feels as though it’s been sandpapered. I’m starting to cough as well. Some vicious winter lurgy bug has got its vile tentacles into me I fear, an all too frequent occurrence at this time of year.

I feel low mentally too, it’s the sort of day to kill any sense of enjoyment. The light’s fading fast, although it was never anything other than dull and dreary to start with. If we’ve not hit freezing point yet we’re not far from it, and a miserable, keening wind is driving the sleet that’s begun to fall. I can’t stop shivering, can’t feel any warmth in my hands and feet.

And you’ll hear people say how much they love this time of year; ‘oh I just love to get in, pull the curtains and put the fire on, make a nice pot of tea, and settle in to watch Corrie’. Cosmic. Then you’ve got the hearty types, who’ll tell you how bracing it is, breathing in the refreshing freezing air after the debilitating heat of a British summer. Yeah right.

My, and there’s months of this dreekness ahead of us to endure before there’s another chance to sit in the garden with a nice glass of wine, just savouring the summer. I can’t wait to get to Gran Canaria for a bit of sun and warmth, for the chance to ditch the deep winter blues for a while. You can stick the winter in that other place where the sun don’t shine.

Give me an Em… ‘Whoa baby I got them deep winter blues


Nominated by Ron Knee.

MPs Heating Allowance


It’s comforting to know that our hard-working MPs will once again be tucked up nice and warm in their homes for another winter, courtesy of UK taxpayers.


Of course some of our pensioners won’t be so lucky now that our munificent government has taken the axe to the Winter Fuel Payment, after swearing blind before the general election that it wouldn’t.

Still, our suffering pensioners can heart from the fact that their sacrifice will enable old ‘TwoTierNeverHereFreeGear’ and his band of rogues to continue spending
billions on setting up illegal migrants in comfort, not to mention sending more billions in freebies abroad.

I’m just surprised that they didn’t do away with the £10 Christmas bonus while they were about it. Still, there’s always next year for that. All together now…


Nominated by Ron Knee.