Shamima Begum (14)

is a cunt.

Like an anal wart, that no matter what you do, this blot on the landscape has appeared yet again.
And just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!

Apparently, due to the old regime being toppled in Syria, Shamima is in danger! More danger than any other person who’s in the same camp?

This news item talks, ridiculously, about her being a target for a direct missile attack. Oh, please. I wouldn’t waste my spit on her, never mind thousands of pounds worth of missile.
A bullet is just as effective, and much cheaper.

This idiot reckons that Shamima should have been allowed into the UK, while all her multiple appeals were heard.
Brilliant idea, getting her out after they all failed would have been like scrapping barnacles off a ships hull without breathing apparatus.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.


is a cunt.

There have been calls to ban first-cousin marriage because of copious defects in the offspring of family members. However, Iqbal Mohamnad, MP for some northern Bradistani shit-hole, stood up in the House of Commons to defend incest.

It’s bad enough that these browntowns are rife with inter-Pakîstanki marriages, accidentally entering the wrong bed in the wrong bedroom, but to attempt to prevent it becoming law is vile. This inbreeder said that it doesn’t require legislation, just a “cultural shift”.

Oh, Britain must bend to your savage, desert ways, so you can play the ‘best family game for two to four players’ as Uncle Dad.

What’s Urdu for ‘Fuck off’?

What next? Allow child marriage?

We should not increase the risk of Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, or Down’s Syndrome just so Faizal, Hussein, Nasreen, Iqbal, and Mohammed can keep it in the family and be sister-fisters.


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous link provided by Cuntemall.



The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) really is a festering pile of self-serving cunt.

I realise that the issue of covids vakzines is a touchy subject but this really needs cunting:


It appears that Pfizer is in the process of ‘fessing up that its muck is causing appalling and ongoing damage to people who took submitted to the Government/MSM coercion tactics and took the jibby-jabbies. The MHRA is now desperately trying to keep lid on all of this.

Risk of heart conditions are increased by at least 23-40% in the vakzinated compared to the unvakzinated. Who could possibly have guessed that an under-trialled and previously untested concoction might just do serious damage? All for what? Even at the time it was admitted that it didn’t stop the vakzinated getting or spreading covids.
Medical scientists, politicians, MSM, NHS, blood on all their hands.

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

Lord Mandelson the “absolute moron” (10)


So The Prince of Darkness manifests itself again at this Christmastide, the time of Good Cheer or Winter Solstice if you are of that older and profoundly Pagan persuasion. Necromancer on high of Blairite New Labour, truly it is said of the ignoble Lord that the Undead never die, they only smell that way. Take up your garlands of garlic, sprinkle salt in every corner of your rooms, cross your fingers against the Daemons and be ready to smite them when they do be preoccupied in acts of buggery as is their wont.

Against all common sense Starmer (as is his wont) has appointed this perfidious jasper to the most important diplomatic post in the World, that of Ambassador to the USA where of late things have not be going too well Special Relationship wise. Mainly due to a string of knocking comments made by Arch Europhile Mandy and his cronies against the man who never forgives or forgets a grudge and EU hater, President Elect Trump. It would take a judgement of Solomon for Trump to overlook the active campaigning by seconded Labour activists against him widely across America – and Trump ain’t no Solomon. Happily the Democrats seemingly took their advice and Biden/Harris were roundly defeated.

Time for a grovelling reset and what our American friends call a lube job (Mandy’s speciality) do you think? Well no, respected steady pair of hands and practised smoother of Trump feathers Ambassador Karen Pierce is given the heave ho and replaced by Mandy without it seems running the appointment past the old America hands at the Foreign Office and last but not least the Yanks themselves.

Lord Mandy is fanatically pro EU, pro China and a mate of late US embarrassment Jeffrey Epstein. Not exactly hand in hand with the Donald then.

“Chris La Civita, who was a co-campaign manager for Trump’s presidential election bid, criticised the British government’s decision saying it was replacing a “professional universally respected ambo [ambassador] with an absolute moron”. (BBC News)


Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke.

Khalid Baqa


I’m nominating a peaceful by the name of Khalid Baqa for a proper halal cunting.

This arsehole, a convicted terrorist, has taken offence to the name of a pub called The Saracen’s Head Inn. His complaint is “While walking through the area I was shocked and deeply offended by what I saw. I saw pub signage depicting a brown-skinned bearded Arab/Turk male with a turban and captioned The Saracen’s Head.”. He goes on “This instilled worry and fear in me since it was clearly xenophobic, racist and inciting violence to certain people.” Well this sounds exactly like the religion of peace, so what is this hypocrite’s problem?

If this cunt doesn’t like Western culture and values, he can fuck off to one of the Third World Islamic shitholes where he can crouch down with his nose an inch away from another Parking Stanley’s smelly feet during prayers at one of the local terrorist clubs.

Taking a look at the picture in the Telegraph article, I have to ask: why do so many of these terrorist types have beards the colour of an exploding backpack?


Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.