Pum pum/poom poom is a cunt on the basis of less than desireable large black ladies knowing it.
“Pussy onna pedestal”
To be fair, I for one would have no qualms in providing said pum pum with a robust filling but for said “pum pum” to be gyrating in ones face in a lyrically challenged “music” video I’m less sure.
Some things are best done but unspoken.
Not entirely sure of my point of this nom other than identifying the lack of recent noms and the growing abundance of poom poom.
Eat it, use it, abuse it, ditch it while yer can before the pum poom comes religiously unobtainable, just mind double bag yourself.
Musically, seperate cunting needed and cunters needed.
Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.
I have absolutely no idea what this nom is about🤔 nor do I care.
Something to do with gorilla snatch. I think.
I managed 5 seconds of the ‘music’.
Fire it up Tel.
I think Jill it is David Lammy in drag – he’s lost a bit of wait innit?
Stinking blick pum pum
Nein danke!
Neither do I.
Dont drink and nom!
I couldn’t agree, more! Must be really scratching around for noms, now!
Having watched 30 seconds of the Youtube video, I’m none the wiser.
A black woman really is the lowest of the low.
Not even black men want to date them.
Big phat nıgga stank-ass bootay.
The only black women that are remotely attractive are those with a significant dollop of white European DNA in their genetics, even then they are very few and far between.
It’s no wonder black be luvvin dem cracker-ass white biatches when one considers the state of their own females.
Indeed…and shagging a black woman is almost bestiality…like an inverse Dian Fossey, who definitely got well-rooted by a few silverbacks.
Come on fellas.
You’re not telling me that you’d kick Esther Krakue or Candace Owens out of bed for farting are you?
Or Dawn Butler?
I ‘ate you, Butler!
aleisha Dixon and that puff Hamilton went out with as a smokescreen so no one would think he was a shirt lifter….hertzinger or something like that. both I would pork, but like you say, they are half chats
procreating with a black is utterly out of the question for me.
Imagine the smell, uuggghhhhh!
Hells Bells!
That link almost put me off my black pudding.
Is that creature from Solihull?
I simply can’t understand anything it says or does.
Lock it up,Syrian prison.
Good morning.
I sat down to watch that video with the dog by my side.
After 30 seconds the dog got up and walked out the room.
Is the Hottentot in the video speaking pidgin English.
I would understand clicks and whistles better. 🤔
I think she’s trying to tell us something.
What’s that girl? Little Timmy has fallen down a well? Out near the old gold mine?
The lass in the nom pic is quite a tidy looking sort.
Good Morning.
I sicked a little bit in my mouth.
Looks like it hasn’t washed for a few days. I’d have to have a condom on the nose too. The gash would smell like chopped liver.
Not certain of what I was looking at, whilst taking the precaution of viewing in silence, the face appears to resemble a black bloke whose taken the ten a penny opposite direction. I turned off within seconds as per usual.
I wonder if Ms Pum Pum is celebrating International Clam Jousters Day.
For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.
I’d aim a bit lower if I were you, girls.
Like learning how to put the car into reverse.
Interesting, Geordie.
I note in the blurb … “[ a donation of ] £100 could provide training for banking staff to help break down the barriers for women entrepreneurs in Myanmar.”
Well, what are we waiting for ?
International Clam Owners Day being celebrated in Bradford today:
Methinks a girl born today will be long dead before there is sexual equality in mp numbers. Peacefuls, trannys and rump riders come first dear
And they want reparations, shove your ‘music’ up your filthy pum pum
Is this video something to do with the missing link in our evolution ?
The primates probably think that is the zenith, of their contribution to the performing arts, and compared to Lenny Henry it probably is.
It’s a pity she didn’t bump into Peter Sutcliffe when he was on the prowl.
He would have shown her a ball pein pum pum, and society would have been a better place for it.
Your opinion CM of A, made me realise that gorillas have been wearing human skins all along.
Dear me, pum pum…..🦍
I bet old Mandy in America is enjoying it up his pum-pum, just as much as Streeting does here
Dirty old fruit
Very surprised they let the dirty old mincer in in the first place. Fucking health risk from what I’ve read.
No shiny shites awarded dear .💩💩💩.I despair 🤦
sub Saharan stock….🧠 the size of a walnut with the gibberish of a 🙊….. welcome to this week’s top of the pops with pumpum abbotus 🎶
That is the sound of civilization going down the drain.
It’s odd.
I remember when ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ got cancelled by the stick up the arse brigade for being ‘offensive’.
Yet the kind of megashite in the link (and there’s plenty of it about) gets aired all the time with no comeback at all.
Is it just me? Am I missing something?
Afternoon all.
Dem is effnicks. Bro.
Red it twice. Totally baffled. I’ll stick with my sheltered life.
Is this an arse bandit recruitment song? Certainly seems to fit the bill. What ever next..
O/T, get a police sniper and shoot the cunt of the building…☠️
Having digested luncheon, I have now listened to the “song”, and I can only assume that it is an updated version of this piece, first recorded a few years ago by David Lammy and his Hot Banjo (which he recorded with The Bernie Grant Doyle Carte Ram Jam Rascals). Bernie, alas, is no longer with us, but here he is, with members of his orchestra in dancing mood. His music lives on, just like Glenn Miller’s, though we all wish it didn’t:
I don’t believe in race mixing.
Call me prudish but I don’t.
Why I’d no sooner drop to all fours and fuck your french bulldog.
Or go the zoo and bury my face in a orangutans groin.
If when younger I heard a girl had dated a sooty I’d instantly mentally label her a degenerate and go no where near her.
This may of limited my pursuits
But guaranteed I never catch monkey pox, lip rot or banana cancer.
Once a girl was known as black meat she was done, for life, with the white lads.
The amount of nice looking girls with a brood of niglets in tow is heartbreaking.
Like the one key squawking chav, Adele.
She’s well known for her penchant for chocolate knobs.
Specially the hob nob variety when she was rather big
I went out with a Sikh girl when I was younger.
She was seriously beautiful, and she still is.
We knew it could never go anywhere, as they do all that arranged marriage stuff. Got on great with her family and I still see them.
Adele eats both, Norman.
Read it 3x. Still no idea who or what the fuck a pom pom is or wtf this nom is about. Seems to be some kind of word salad.
I think it could be tits or arse, but I might be wrong.
Its tiddly, om Pom, Pom. Oh I do like to be beside the sea.
Pum pum?
The African lads when I worked on night shift called it that.
” You eat da pum pum?”
MNC ” you bet your fuckin life I do!”
And they’d scream with laughter.
Fuck knows??
Different sense of humour.
Passed the time.
Remember Eat Da Poo Poo? ISAC a few years ago featured the ranting reverend. He will probably be the new Archbishop of Canterbury
Weird thinking about it,
I always got on well with the African lads.
I never hid my views and would tell them exactly what I thought.
I enjoyed working with them,
They were game for a laugh and never grassed me up.
What the matter with you lot you aint lived until you’ve had a pair of African lips round your bellend and as for fucking a fit black tart with a nice arse fucking Hevern
What Vasiline said.