
Likely highly contentious but to me, anyone opposed to abortion is a cunt.


As are Poi leas Alba but that is a whole separate cunting.

I don’t know why anyone would want to hang around abortion clinics trying to put women/young girls off bringing yet another mistake or even a result of less than legal baby making into the world?

Their right to peacefully protest, sure, their right to silent prayer, fine.
Slippery slope for other topics if those rights are lost.

But to me, the right to abort for whatever reason should be set in stone, mistakes happen, circumstances meaning any potential child would be better off not being born happen and shit happens.

Nominated by Cunt of the Isles

79 thoughts on “Anti-Abortionists

  1. Six hundred odd examples of missed opportunities for abortion sit in the HoC.

    Let’s also never forget,thanks to the above cunts enriching our country,the poor lasses impregnated by pakī child rapists.


    Good morning.

  2. As I’ve stated to every bird I’ve slept with since 1994, you’ll not get pregnant with bumming.
    The Indian and Chinese governments, along with all African nation should make anal compulsory to stop the world’s population edging toward 9 billion.
    And a lot of arrogant wimminz would wind their necks in and learn to be compliant.
    Sensible policies for a sustainable future.

  3. Interesting cunting.

    For those marrying a first cousin, it should be fucking compulsory – by order of the fucking Treasury. Save us all a fucking fortune.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • After generations of first cousin inbreeding, one wonders how England’s dirty pªkıs don’t resemble a brown squid or something equally non-human.

  4. Anti abortion placard wavers are a bunch of busybodying low-i.q. fuckwits. I made sure no pregnancy would ever occur due to stupidity on MY part but never doubted that if I had gotten a bird up ‘t duff, we’d have been having ourselves a little U.K. getaway in the very short time thereafter.

    Human life is not fucking sacred. Its barely even fucking dignified at this juncture on the whole. At the same time, slappers on their double-figures abortion visit? … I cannot abide those cunts either.

    Lose/lose. 😄

  5. It’s something that should be falling with the morning after pill.

    The problem, it’s the wrong demographic aborting, the P,s and soots just bang them out like M&Ms

    • “It’s something that should be falling with the morning after pill.”

      Not infallible though Soi. From the web;

      The morning-after pill doesn’t reverse pregnancy. Instead, it’s a type of emergency birth control that prevents pregnancy. The main way the morning-after pill works is by preventing or delaying ovulation. If you don’t ovulate, you can’t get pregnant. The morning-after pill won’t end a pregnancy that has already begun.

      • As the name suggest, if taken within 12 hrs of conjugal beastliness it is extremely effective.

        It’s not the 48 hours after pill.

  6. The family had fuck all after the war and my randy father straight from Malta, impregnated my mother with my younger brother. He’d already put mother up the duff with me on compassionate leave18 months earlier. There was talk of abortion, but who would I have had arguments with in the future.

      • One of the reason, if not THE reason for this despicable behaviour is the very low chance of being reported and even if they are, again a low chance of conviction, and even after that a piss poor sentence which bears NO resemblance to extreme severity of the crime.

        Their should be massive consequences, obviously to the perpetrators, but also to ALL who closed their eyes to it. Utterly brutal, appalling consequences. Publicly. People should see this is how we deal with raipists and their collaborators.

        And women that make false accusations should receive the exact same treatment.

      • My body, my choice?

        What about the body inside you? You have the right of life or death over that?

        And, btw, yes, your body, including your pipework, your choice, yes, so be careful who you let up there because there will be consequences, over which you should have NO right to murder.

  7. Good nom.

    Clearly these nutters believe that prayer only works if they breach legal buffer zones and place themselves in full view of the already distressed women attending abortion clinics.

    The thought of harassment could not be further from what passes for their minds…

    • Another thing these prayer enthusiasts don’t seem to understand is that (according to the lore) once you’ve said the thing(s), or ‘thought’ them to yourself, .. they’re done!. Bullshit or otherwise, the ‘amen’ is the full stop.

      So why they take to online comment sections in their thousands daily to post the fact they are praying for the disaster-of-the-week is incomprehensible to me.

      ‘Praying for all the people affected by this tragedy’. That kind of shit.

      The only reason this could be is, surely : showboating.(back to nom!) Not really in the spirit if things, y’ stupid empty headed hypocrites…

    • It’s the latest Catholic trend sweeping the nation. Fanatics standing outside reproduction clinics mumbling in an attempt to intimidate people entering or exiting. It’s a creepy form of harassment.

      How quickly would it take these poisonous god-botherers to lose their shit if I stood outside Catholic churches holding up pictures of dinosaurs? What if I stood muttering about their child-fucking? How about if I showed pictures of priests who’d been “moved to a different parish”?

      • Maybe we’ve got these creeps all wrong?

        Could be that they’re silently praying for the abortions to go well, without complications.

        That would be the Christian thing to do.

  8. Right, that’s settled then. I’m a cunt.

    Pro abortionists always like to focus on the difficult cases – incest, raipe, etc. I see paki raipe gangs have already been mentioned.

    Let’s give all those cases a pass. Abortion on demand. Let’s also bear in mind they represent around 1.5% of UK abortions per year.

    Genetic abnormalities. Testing by amniocentesis is not only dangerous to the mother and baby, it is notoriously unreliable and often gives either false positives or a positive for abnormalities that upon delivery turn out to be things like a missing toe etc. Regardless of its accuracy, is that where we want to be as a society, that we only want genetic perfection? Take a look around on the local bus or nearest McDonald’s, good luck with that. And so what if the child is disabled? Not wanted because it’s very tiring, draining energy, resources etc? We have care facilities for that, and it is not compulsory to keep an unwanted child, again, we have facilities for that. The logical extension of this policy is all disabled people should be executed as a drain on the state, parents, emotionally damaging to carers etc. Should we start Putting Down Syndrome people to sleep, like diseased dogs? What about blind people? The deaf? Over 75’s? What if you’re just a little bit gimpy? Nah, gas chamber, just to be sure?

    Abortion, in 98.5% of UK cases, is totally unnecessary. Free contraception is available on demand, in numerous forms, male and female. Abortion is being used as a form of contraception with a LOT of women have having multiple abortions, having realised they can get railed by Turone and his mates over the bins at the back of the club with zero consequences. It has also become a perverse badge of honour for the insane liberal types, who seem to view it as rite of passage.

    The UK current kills around 265,000 babies a year for no other reason than the mother can’t be arsed to raise the kid, or views it ss a major hurdle to her ‘career’, or lifestyle of shagging random blokes without consequence.

    I would say this is a demographic time bomb, but it’s already exploded.

    Ban it.


    • A fine posting even though I do not concur with a lot of it, Mr T. For example, if elective abortions are not available, many in financial straits or facing other seemingly intractable problems might look to the metaphorical backstreets. However, I do agree that it should not be as straightforward as it seems to be now, but It is not a good thing for an unwanted child to be in the world. That cannot be a good thing.

      • TTC,

        Thank you for your reasonable, abuse-free, intelligent response.

        Of course, it’s fine to disagree, I already know that most probably will.

        It seems to me to be illogical to say that if the state does not legalise the illegal, as it has done, then the consequences will be that people will act illegally.

        People talk as though the woman has no other choice than to illegally kill her child should the state revert to pre 1960’s laws on the matter. This is false. She could have refused to put out. She could have used contraception herself. She could have insisted her partner used contraception himself. Failing that she could have taken a day after pill. If, after all those missed opportunities she winds up pregnant, something she is so literally violently opposed to she us willing to kill her child in the womb, whose fault is that? Even then, she us not forced to keep the child, she never even has to touch or see him/her. The child can be adopted at birth.

        We cannot allow women to threaten to murder their own children if the state will not do it for them, any more than we should listen to a narcissists threats of suicide if we don’t comply with their often ludicrous demands.

    • Hi, again, Mr T, I am not looking for a long exchange of views here, not least because the absolutist positions are, by definition irreconcilable. . However, I wondered if you have a view regarding fetal viability arguments in relation to abortion?

      • Well, first off I reject terms such as foetus/termination/procedure, etc. They have a tendency to be used to distract from what we are actually talking about, killing a baby, which is in fact their intendended purpose. I think a lot of women would be a lot less keen to go through with the abortion if they knew it involved dismembering their unborn child and vacuuming the remains up a hosepipe, rather than thinking they were have a cluster of cells removed.

        Foetal viability, as it is called. Well, my opinion is that pregnancy is a binary condition – you either are or you are not.

        If you are, then leave the baby alone and look after yourself properly, you will more than likely produce a healthy baby human via the birth canal or, more so recently, via section.

        If, for some awful reason you miscarry, this is almost always viewed, quite rightly, as a tragedy. If however, you choose to kill the unborn, regardless of gestation period, this is now viewed as a triumph for feminism and human rights.

        If I were to be involved in a fight in close proximity to a pregnant woman, and she was injured as a result of my reckless behaviour, I stand the real chance of being charged with causing the death of the child. There was a case in Birmingham, late last year, where a ‘man’ stabbed his pregnant girlfriend to death, resulting also in the death of the child, he was convicted of both killings.

        The child is so from conception, unfortunately nature will rob some of life, as will accidents and even the callous behaviour of others.

        But if the mother decides its inconvenient? Well, that’s OK then.

      • Just an aside. If foetal viability outside the womb is the marker for whether the child is ‘alive’ or not, the pro abortionists are going to have a very hard time in the not too distant future.

        The technology to bring a baby to full term from pre full term, outside the womb, already exists and the number of weeks in that term is on a constant downslope. It is not unreasonable to assume that this process will continue and the development of artificial wombs in laboratories is already long underway, including in the US, UK, Japan and Russia (not for ethical purposes mind, but that’s a moot point here).

        So what will the abortionists argument be when it is established fact that all ’embryos’ are viable?

  9. Abortion = the termination of a human life.

    We were quick enough and compassionate enough to abolish the death penalty so cunts like the Axel Rudakanooboos of this world can live a comfortable life at the taxpayers pleasure.

    Yet we lack the spine to put a stop to the killing of unwanted babies.

    Make it make sense.

  10. Just a reminder that the Catholic Church will not baptise a still-born baby.
    Why? Because it never took a breath, they say.

    Intetesting. Life begins with your first breath and ends with your last breath.

      • My honest answer is ‘I don’t know’ what happens to animals.

        I’ve had some dear friends over the years and would like to think I would see them again one day, but, as I said, I don’t know.

      • Can’t really be heaven if there’s no animals.

        Heaven would be full of animals .
        Otherwise it’d be hell.

        Hell with a vegan menu

      • Termitejin

        You don’t know if animals (we’re animals) go to hEaven, but you definitely know you don’t have to be baptised to go to heaven?

      • Goodie. That means all my dogs will be in “Salvation” too, and that gerbil I had when I was seven.

      • Maggie @

        All dogs go to heaven.

        Saw a film about it.

        Gerbils go in Richard Geres dirtbox and frolic and gambol free

  11. Arguing abortion either way is a futile exercise; no-one is going to change their view. What gives me the creeps is this (unattributed) quote from within the link;

    “Letters sent out to people living within safe access zones stressed that residents should not do anything that could be seen or heard from the zone, such as displaying posters or banners, or protesting in their garden.”

    This is just the latest step in the pending abolition of our right to free speech. Many people display posters at their homes for a political party in the run up to elections. I can foresee the time when putting a poster in your window in support of a party of which the government does not approve will be made illegal.

    • You’re correct on the free speech thing Arfur.

      Not so on the merits of open debate.

      I changed my mind, after having to admit that if I was honest, the only reason I supported abortion as a bloke was I liked shagging random women in the knowledge that if the worst happened I could just persuade her to have an abortion.

      Despicable attitude, of which I am rightfully ashamed.

  12. Easy problem.

    Don’t spread your legs luv.

    Or learn to suppress the gag reflex and open wide.

    Anyway, children are a blessing.
    Should count yourselves lucky!👍

  13. “If you’re so pro-life, do me a favour: don’t lock arms and block medical clinics. If you’re so pro-life, lock arms and block cemeteries.”

    ~ Bill Hicks ~

      • The person in the womb isn’t, but if they’re still born, they aren’t baptised?

      • So the baby is dead and was “never alive” which means life begins with the first breath.

      • No, the baby, as you correctly refer to him/her, was alive and for whatever reason the baby died inside the womb or during the delivery.

        Are you being deliberately obtuse, or do you genuinely have problems understanding the difference between alive and dead?

    • By stillborn you mean dead.

      As I have already stated, it’s pointless to baptise the dead.

      It’s also pointless to baptise the living in order to obtain salvation, a notion that appears nowhere in the Bible.

      • You know exactly what I mean. The still-born baby isn’t baptised as you don’t think it was alive, which means you believe life begins with the baby’s first breath. I agree.

      • I have said no such thing.

        I do think he/she was alive, as I have clearly, repeatedly stated.

        I introduced NO religious aspect into my arguments against religion, you questioned Catholic doctrine on infant baptism and I responded, as a non- Catholic, that what you were saying is not in line with what the Bible teaches. Neither is a lot of what the Catholic church teaches, or many others for that matter, but that is irrelevant here.

        As an apparent atheist, you would no doubt object to ‘religionists’ injecting their opinions about religion on all and any subject, yet you yourself show no such qualms for attacking religion, almost always in comments on subjects that have nothing to do with religion, with monotonous regularity.

        Read my comments carefully. I know you haven’t been by your blinkered statements and replies. Read them. I have proposed zero religious objections to abortion, none, and you were the one who first raised religion.

        I have made zero claims to be a follower of a particular religion, or not.

        A person capable of critical thinking need not be religious in order to think murdering unborn babies at taxpayers expense is somewhat immoral.

        PS Don’t tell me what I think. You appear to be having enough trouble sorting out what you think, instead of parroting the opinions of others’. It’s not ‘edgy’.

    • I remember when you got a 10 percent coupon for a abortion with Look in magazine
      And if you cut out the voucher on Kellogg’s Frosties got a free abortion bucket

      Theeeeyyyrrre great 👍

      • But there was that feller in the Buy-bull who was brought back to life.

        Even baby Jeebus died, later on in the film and was put in a tomb, then rolled that boulder away before flying away into the sky.

      • Do you think childish (attempted) taunting is a replacement for coherent argument?

        You merely display your ignorance on the teachings of the Bible. Perhaps you should read it, instead of Dawkins and Fry?

        Jesus did not roll the stone away, neither did he fly away upon leaving the tomb.

        If a person believes that God created the Heavens and the Earth, and everything in them, it’s really not that difficult to suppose restoring life to a dead Lazarus posed much of a problem.

        *cue flying spaghetti monster

      • To me, they’re all stories. You’re the one giving them belief. If I told you I believed Harry Potter was real, you’d think me a credulous idiot.

        You laugh when I suggested shouting ‘get up’ to a dead person, but fully believe the Lazarus story as well as Jeebus’s three-day bender?

      • I never said I believed it. I said that the Bible says a, b and c. There is a difference.

        I was correcting what you were incorrectly claiming it says.

        You need to learn to read AND understand meaning, not inject your own faulty meanings to shore up your own faulty, pre-supposed conclusions.

  14. I have no irons in this fire but Anti abortionists seem like patriotic people, they know the “peace people” don’t have abortions so are actually slowing down the rot, meanwhile most abortion fanatics seem to come from a certain religious cult, it’s no cohensidence!

    • My nomination in July 2022 titled ‘Anti-Choice Cunts’ brought some peculiar replies, including one rabid anti-abortionist who, if I remember rightly, challenged anyone who disagreed with him to meet him behind the bike-sheds.
      Firstly I am pro-choice, I believe it is the right of every individual to decide for themselves. It is not the right of any individual to decide for everyone else.
      Secondly I am not interested in listening to anyone who tries to bring god, religion or the bible into this discussion. I don’t have the patience.

      • We’re lucky virgin Mary didn’t have a abortion.

        Or Christians would wear tiny buckets around their necks.

      • I doubt it would have made much difference, little foetus Jesus would just have magically reappeared in the womb to be born and be crucified to come back, a mere twist in the already unlikely story.

  15. There are also the ones who can’t conceive who hates the abortionists and willing to take on their children. But there’s also the surrogates who have children for others. Its a vicious circle, where you can get a child by always and means, covering up for the abortionists.

  16. Ah, ye olde abortion debate.

    I have never understood why this is such a hot topic during presidential elections. Or come to that, why affirming your belief in the ‘right’ sky fairy (plenty to choose from after all) is also required because to not do so would be electoral suicide. Seems odd to me aligning yourself with a fairy story is required in order to run a real country. Aren’t humans strange?

    As for abortion, I disagree with it being used as a form of contraception. Aside from that, I don’t give a crap. Doesn’t affect me.

  17. Use Coathanger. Much like the fun fair when hooking a duck. Except you don’t win a goldfish. Just your financial freedom and regular sleep pattern….

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