Deportation Dodgers

You know, if there’s one thing that really makes my blood boil…

No actually stop and rewind. Lots of things make my blood boil, but let me refer to the one that is currently causing a rapid overheating of my circulatory system, namely the dodges that unscrupulous foreigners with no right to remain in the UK will exploit to get to stay here. For your edification, let’s just take a few examples currently doing the rounds.

First up is the case of a pa*do*hile jailed for child sex offences who escaped deportation to (you guessed it) Pakistan after a judge ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ on his own kids. This in spite of the fact that said creep hadn’t been allowed to live with said kids after soliciting three ‘barely pubescent’ girls for sex;

You really couldn’t make it up.

How about one Lynthia Calliste, who came from Grenada on a six month visa in 2018? Surprise surprise, she’s still here, having married a Latvian in the meantime. Apparently he wouldn’t be able to tolerate the heat or the cuisine if they get sent back to Grenada, although you have to say that she seems to have tolerated the adjustments required between there and here well enough…

Oh, and let’s not forget the obligatory case of an Albanian criminal. An immigration tribuneral ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ (those words again) for the cunt’s ten year old son to be deported with his father due to his ‘sensory issues with different types of food’. Apparently the kid has ‘a distaste for the the type of chicken nuggets found abroad’;

Clucking hell.

Well I wonder just how many times, week in, week out, cunts who shouldn’t be here are using (and abusing) our hospitality, aided and abetted by a soft as shite system that allows them, almost encourages them, to use any spurious grounds to remain? I don’t claim to know the answer to that, but I’d bet folding money on it being a lot.

Ever get the feeling that we’re being truly and repeatedly had? Make that truly and repeatedly fucked over more like.

the sun


Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

71 thoughts on “Deportation Dodgers

  1. I’ve had to learn to zone out Ron, it was all making me miserable. I’ve accepted the country is fucked and it’s only going to get worse. There’s no fixing it because there’s no will to fix it and we’re past the tipping point where any kind of reversal was practical.

    I avoid the media, all of it, I got tired of being enraged by the shit show we live in.

    To change anything requires the majority to stand up and demand it changes, even if it means putting your own security at risk, that’s never going to happen.

    We are the dinosaurs and we will soon be extinct.

  2. Judge’s that make these decisions should have to sign a contract that if said person commits another crime and is charged.
    The judge serves the same prison sentence..

    Or just deport the Judge’s with the criminal cunts..

  3. Dont blame the deportees, blame the stupid cunts who hold these tribunals. It is said that a small proportion hold these views but are over-represented in the public sector and education.

  4. Meanwhile, Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem announced that all Shitholians living illegally in the States will have to register with a new agency so we know who they are and where they live.

    This of course includes any Shitholian dependents they have.

    In other happy news, the area where I Iive has a fair amount of chicken farms. Last week the word was that INS had shown up, raided all of them and apprehended a bunch of Beaners residing in our fair land illegally.

    It is said that deportation of said Beaners and their bean-bending dependents began immediately.

    If I sound completely unsympathetic it’s because I am.

    Adios motherfuckers!

  5. Let me see…

    You can’t build a nuclear plant in Wales because it might dilute Welsh language and culture…

    But you can’t deport Shitholians because they might not adapt to another country’s culture…

    Where is the logic there?


    I’ve got it!

    If she weighs the same as a duck…then she’s made of wood!

    • That’s a badly fitting wigs and unless Lilymong or Winklecunt have been punched on the shnoz by Mike Tyson, I’m guessing it is actually from Grenada.

      My only question would be; Why on earth would anyone want to live on a cold, damp island in the north Atlantic, when Grenada has a better climate, nice food, white sandy beaches and a lot less illegal immigrants?

  6. 8 million tonnes of rules,set out originally to provide order..for a white indigenous population.

    Ruthlessly exploited by politicians,lawyers and foreigners for the past thirty years.

    Now every pathetic cunt who supposedly wields “power” pretends their hands are tied by red tape,powerless to change anything..

    all the while extremists in the civil service,police “force” and every quango going actively work to subvert the rules to the benefit of foreigners who have no allegiance at all to our country.

    Voila! here we are,infested by cynical foreign looters,parasitic human rights lawyers and governments packed full of cowards and Islamic arse kissing vermin.

    Without some sort of military coup I suspect we are quite far up Shit Creek.

    Vote Wellington.

    Vote Nelson.

    Vote Kitchener.


  7. I’d deport both of them in that header pic.

    One for being a fat version of a Ronette,
    And the other for wearing a Burberry jumper and drinking a puffs drink.

    Half this country needs deporting including some of the indigenous folk.

    The millionaires will be taking up Donald on his “Golden Visas”
    £5million and you are in.

    No being taxed to death of Robot Reeves.
    Can’t blame em.

  8. Nearly all these attempts at deportation fail because of the uman rights act, article 8 being the main spanner in the works. We are still kow towing to the European Court and it’s a no brainier that the majority of the judges are totally anti British and would give their wives to the fucking devil to drop us in the shit. Our own judiciary are pretty much cunts as well. This is now beyond a joke, look at the two Pakistanis who appealed against deportation after they had finished their pathetic prison sentence for abusing little girls as members of a rape gang. One of the cunts said with a straight face I need to be here to be a role model for my son (I kid you not). Eight fucking years the appeal process took cost thousands, then when they were informed their appeal had failed Pakistan informed the British government that they did not want them back, they’re your problem. This pathetic shit will continue for as long as we let it. Our fucking useless governments need to start addressing this problem which is caused by Tony Bliar and his cuntish uman rights act and the continued rimming of the fucking eu. Women do not have cocks and men do not have babies let’s get real before everything our ancestors built or died for is drowned in a sea of liquid bullshit.

  9. The little cunt Angel Eagle was crowing about deporting 19000 people so far, I guess they were the ones who wanted to get out because the country is filling up with shit.

    It’s a national emergency but Two Tier is too busy trying to be the international statesman, fucking shit lawyer out of his depth.

    I wrote to my MP yesterday to inform him that cunt Starmer ‘misled the HoC, claimed the increase in defence spending would 13.4 billion each year but then at PMQs said it was 2 years worth of 6.7 billion…. My MP is a conservative so he may take some action, I even copied the paragraph from Hansard.

    • I saw that, SOI, along with the brag that this was a 21% increase on the previous 12 months.

      Meanwhile, the small boats are delivering an average of how many daily?

      There’s a hole in the bucket that we’re using to bail out our sinking ship.

  10. I read somewhere online a few days ago, saying that once these immo’s have been in our country legally for 10 years, they’re entitled to claim our state pension😱 How the fuck is this right! wish I could remember where I saw it.

  11. In all honesty we are a nation of cucks who’ll blithely put up with anything thrown at them … illegals,covid,sky high energy,rape gangs,climate scam,blacks on tv over represented ridiculously,men in wigs,free,free, Palestine marches everywhere, homegrown sloths claiming unwarranted benefits etc,etc, no one is really interested unless it actually affects them personally…Allan’s fucking snack bar cunters 😩

  12. It’s been apparent to me for some time that the Immigration Tribunals recruit their judges from the ranks of the BBC and The Graun. Soon we will have Judge Gary Lineker and Judge OwenJones.

  13. I have to zone out as well. Britain has been fucked for a long time and the fuckery has reached ignition point. Do new parents not realise what a fucking hellscape their kids will have to endure in years to come? Yep, have lots of kids just to see them beheaded and filmed in central London when they’re older. Sad times.

  14. I’ve always wondered about the “human rights” of the indigenous population of GB.

    Not one TWATTING MP ever asked the people.




  15. Simple solution, stop all legal aid to illegal immigrants.

    Immediate deportation and then you can apply via official routes if you really think we need you here.

    Problem solved over night. Because we don’t need you here and you weren’t invited in the first place

  16. Watching our PM suck up and kiss Donald’s arse😅

    Jeremy Corbyn must be spinning in his crypt?

    In fact lots of Labour types will be repulsed.

    Kiers like Smithers to Trumps Mr Burns.

    Donald’s slagging the EU to fuck,
    And Kier ?
    That lover of all things EU?
    Not a fuckin word.

    Hehehe 😂
    You’ll be persona non grata on the Islington dinner party scene now!
    You fuckin helmet

      • Trump did say Starmer’s Mrs was ‘a very beautiful woman’ but didn’t ask if it was the kind that have a penis.

        If I was Trump I’d tell Starmer and King Chimp to shove the state visit up their arse. Wasn’t this the same Labour Party that were signing petitions and were out on the streets protesting his last one?

      • Donald didn’t rule out tariffs on the UK though I noticed.

        He’ll see right through that invite to have soya burgers with the king,

        I know he’s a sucker for flattery but he knows kiers there cap in hand.

        Would you like to be a ambassador LL?

        Meet Donald
        Eat Ferrero Roche
        And make deals?

        I’d be good at it.
        Charming as fuck you see.
        And a gentle approach to diplomacy.

      • SKB@

        Would you like to visit Trump Gaza when it’s up and running?

        Looks marvellous doesn’t it?

        Not keen on the bearded belly dancers like but most middle eastern woman have a tash at the very least,
        Model themselves on Graeme souness.

      • Indeed – first thing I’ll do on arrival is kiss the feet of that bigly wonderful, beautiful gold statue!

  17. PPS

    If Donald tried that handshake trick on me I’d snap his fingers
    The cheeky cunt.

    It makes me laugh but I’d be insulted if he did it on me.

  18. It’s no wonder We are the laughing stock of the World Let’s have Reform in Government and deport the fuckers 👍👍🇬🇧

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