Jurgen Klopp’s (6) Teef

are a cunt.

Sports blinding white tombstones which I presume are too big for his marf on account of I have never seen him with his marf shut – that old ceramic grin goes on in Earth, Wind and Fire (writing this on the death of Booker T whose mate was a member of). This type of cunt is becoming ever more prevalent with the popularity of cheap Turkish Smile Clinics. They speak without moving their lips just beaming out the old dentition. A weird vent act. Another is the BBC’s Hugo Bochega, grin rampant, ducking and reporting from the horrors of Gaza/Palestine/Lebanon. Clearly every BBC camera crew out there must include a dentist.

With Jurgen’s recent departure from a premier club (doubtless those better informed than I can give us the inside gen) I had thought we would be seeing less of the Teef but bugger me no. Despite leaving Liverpool because he is “running out of energy” he steps straight into a plumb “Global Head of Soccer” role at Red Bull at somewhat less than his reported £20mill annual bung at Liverpool.
(My note from experience – fancy title = less salary). Perhaps though an astute move for a knackered Jurgen – Red Bull Give’s You Wings and a lot more exposure for that demonic grin.

I wonder what a swift right hook to the Klopp teef would sound like….ah…there you are “Klopp”.

I highlighted above the trend towards the use of cheaper Turkish dental clinics and offer the link below without endorsement. It is the punters responsibility to do due diligence, caveat emptor and all that. No guarantee that Dentist Ali is actually qualified in anything legitimate so lean back, shut your eyes and breath in that delicious gas. It will all be over soon

dental wise


Sir Limply Stoke

43 thoughts on “Jurgen Klopp’s (6) Teef

  1. Great Nom.

    Teeth are a thing with premiership footballing types, tattoos and roasting likewise. I suppose there is nothing much to do with the lorry loads of cash once you have a “Footballers Wives” style property on The Wirral, and a yacht moored in the Med. Of course there is always the option of setting off fireworks in your bathroom. torturing the cat, or taking out a super injunction. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  2. Veneers on teeth have been a feature in the U.S. for many years. A stupid hobby of mine is spotting them on old cowboy films. It is amazing how white your teeth go when you’re out on the range.
    For those thinking about having in implants like old Clippety Klopp, apart from the crazy expense, a more serious drawback is the link between heart disease and implants, not something your dentist will necessarily tell you. It has been known about for a long time. I won’t have any more implants after my experience.

    • That link Wanksock, has been well known for many years and I always assumed like many other people that neglected teeth were just an indicator of the sort of lifestyle which tended to lead on to heart disease. In recent times I am informed that in fact the link is down to a very considerable blood supply to that area which is therefore an easy route for toxins to enter the bloodstream. Apparently this is why drug abusers rub stuff into their gums. Best reason I know to brush your teeth and not to smoke.

      • Good Morning Arfur,

        Interesting you should know about it. I was chatting with a veteran nurse who had trained at the Royal Brompton circa 1970 and she was told about it then. She reckoned it took about 9 months from having the implants to present Ming problems. I had my implants in March last year and started to feel a bit breathless around Christmas.
        Water flossing as well as good brushing with an electric toothbrush is considered helpful.

      • Then I’m tempted to ask why most people do not know this Wanksock, after all the government are not backward in coming forward to preach to us about our health. As for “fat jabs.” Pfft!

        I’ve had an electric toothbrush for years now, highly efficient and recommended without hesitation. Go for a good one. Some cheap ones are poor and the same goes for the supermarkets copies of the replacement heads. Flossing good if you have the right teeth for it. Mine have small spaces at the gums but fit tightly together farther out making flossing impossible.

  3. I like the nomination photograph.

    That would be all that would be left of old Blair when he has been in the sulphuric acid bath for twenty minutes………..

  4. Vanity will fuck you up.

    BeeGee teeth
    Hair transplants
    Face lifts

    Look at poor Mickey Rourke.
    Cunt looks like the creature from the black lagoon.

    Suppose I’m lucky,
    I’m gorgeous.

    Few off you on here, part your eyebrows with your tongue,
    Part time gargoyles,
    I pity you.

    Put your hood up and only go out at night.

    Boris Karloff looking fuckers😂

      • 😂

        It’s the truth Arfur.

        Most ISAC cunters have mirrors that crack or let out a shriek.

        Got them together in a room it’d look like that cantina in Star wars.

        I’m too good looking for this site.

        Like diamond in dogshite.

  5. A German dentist that I used many years ago offered me a full set of veneers for 2.500 Euros.

    Cash only. Even then it was fucking cheap.
    He must have been going skint and ready to do a runner.

    I didn’t bother.
    I was concerned about what would happen if I got some sort of decay under the veneer.

    The cunt dentists here have signs up offering implants from about €750.
    They don’t tell you that is only for the implant.
    The actual crown will be at least €600 more.

    Dentisis are cunts.

    The ones in Turkey will pull your teeth and put in the implants at the same time.
    You shouldn’t do that.
    You need at least 2 weeks for the gum to heal I am told.

  6. Janet Street Porter had a fine set and an annoying voice

    Chris Kaba had fine set that shone like a beacon in the dark, made him an easy target, should have kept his gob shut and might have dogged the bullet.

    Teeth can be a curse as well as an asset.

    • Harold bought a cartload of choppers in the episode “The Economist”. He offered them for sale in The Times. He offered the old man a set but he said he wasn’t “wearing other people’s teef”. Albert, though did collect glasses. His favourite pair was the ones he took off a corpse on the round.

      • Some of those radio episodes have been edited by the beeb to prevent any hurty feeling between us and the illegal immigrants, whilst spending all the free money they get from our pensioners winter fuel allowance.

      • Rewind (Freeview channel 95) has been rerunning early 1970s episodes recently, Sammy and they have actually edited tapes to avoid the word “gypo”, and a total line was removed from one episode last week, butchering the line, because it included the word “bastard”. There is also a warning fore and aft that it contains “language and attitudes that might offend”. They don’t me, nor I am sure any of the viewers.

      • Hi W. C. Boggs,
        The same with Talking Pictures TV, they edit thinks out the same, but if you receive their online ENCORE channel, its unedited.

  7. I despise Jurgen Klopp with a passion that is near Biblical in its intensity.

    I would happily do some amateur dentistry on Klopp with a half brick.

  8. Apparently Jürgen didn’t have the energy to manage LFC any longer – hence the move to Red Bull.

    I wouldn’t go near that foul syrup tasting glug if you paid me. Unlike Jürgen Klopp.

    If he does partake in a tipple then rest assured his dentures won’t look like they do for very long.

  9. I once contacted a guy from a website that had all the right reviews for some building work. He turned up with the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen which set alarm bells running. I traced the company to a gypsy site. I declined the kind offer. Lucky escape.

    • A grown man shouldn’t have teeth like one of Robinson’s brewery drayhorses.

      It’s vulgar.

      He should have between 5-10 teeth , few fillings, visible wear.
      Gold is acceptable.

      I’m not arsed about my teeth
      I’m not homosexual
      But if I became a millionaire I might have a few gold ones screwed in.

      Help me get the meat off bones easier,
      And to show off.

      Look at this.
      No wonder they go in for school shootings over there.


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