The BBC [133]

A bit short, but we allowed it because this is just outrageous – NA.

These terrorist loving anti British traitors have gone to far this time.

The Sun.

I didn’t see it myself, but the Black Biased Caliphate thought it a good idea to broadcast Ayatollah Khamenei’s Friday prayer speech to the UK population for forty minutes.

No doubt encouraged by the Hezbollah / Hamas / al-Qaeda loving Liebour party, these cunt won’t rest until Britain is destroyed.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

45 thoughts on “The BBC [133]

  1. Well it beats watching strictly come mincing and eastenders..

    This country’s establishment is all in awe of the inbred,backward cousin fuckers..

  2. Lineker, Munchetty, Newsnight, Kuennsberg, Eastenders, Question Time, Radio 4, Hislop etc
    May piss be upon the fucking lot of them the Palestine obsessed anti semitic CUNTS!

  3. If the BBC stopped behaving like cunts we wouldn’t have to cunt them. And given the totality of BBC cuntishness, 133 times doesn’t strike me as out of order.

    But I digress…

    subversive: adjective; seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.

    There is a war being waged on Western Civilization. So called Main Stream Media outlets are deeply involved. Their role is no longer to be reporters of factual information but rather purveyors of propaganda.

    As such their intent is not only to subvert but also to demoralize. They want you to believe…as they do…that the decline of Western Civilization is inevitable.

    The Great Reset and Replacement Theory are not slogans. They are blueprints.

    One side wants a Utopia run by secular elites. The side wants a Caliphate run by religious elites.

    Different sides of the same intolerant coin. But both dependent on the control of information.


      • Have you seen the unblurred photo of his stinking corpse in the rubble? A gaping great hole in the front of his skull.
        Not sure what they’ve done with him, hopefully dissolved in acid and chucked down the sewer.

  4. It was the BBC’s refusal to describe the 7/10/23 attackers as terrorists – despite this being their official status according to all Western governments (the UK included) – that finally persuaded me that the BBC and its foot soldiers were agents of absolute evil; and I cancelled my licence and any engagement with their wicked propaganda immediately.

    Given that you’re not exactly surrendering access to any great mind-expanding media output from any of the broadcasters imprisoned by the tv licence hegemony, I can’t understand why anyone with a brain and a conscience still sponsors this vile organ for terrorists, perverts and Marxist nihilists.

    Morning all.

  5. It was the BBC’s refusal to describe the 7/10/23 attackers as terror-ists – despite this being their official status according to all Western governments (the UK included) – that finally persuaded me that the BBC and its foot soldiers were agents of absolute ee-vil; and I cancelled my licence and any engagement with their w1cked propaganda immediately.

    Given that you’re not exactly surrendering access to any great mind-expanding media output from any of the broadcasters imprisoned by the tv licence hegemony, I can’t understand why anyone with a brain and a conscience still sponsors this v1le organ for terr0rists, per-verts and Marxist nihilists.

    Morning all.

  6. Got it through this time – WordPress and its ridiculous moderation triggers is a cunt and deserving of a nom of its very own

  7. Makes a change from the media’s wall to wall 24/7 obsession with Liam Payne.

    Never heard of the cunt before some other cunt chucked him out a window. I assume he was a poof.

    Did the Ayatollah have anything to say about Liam Payne?

    • You’ll be thrilled to know that a book entitled
      “Liam Payne, The Story of his Life”

      Is available now at the very reasonable price of £4.99, or wait four weeks and it’ll be 99p in the remainder bin at a bookshop near you.

      • Story of his life?

        Was in manufactured boyband and Cowell poodles.

        Copped a load of cash, booze, drugs and fanny.

        Wasn’t satisfied by the spectacular luck he’d had.

        Took a dive.

        That’s it.

  8. This is par for the course.

    It’s blatantly obvious that this pack of villains and degenerates is in thrall to raghead extremism,has been for years and owing to its complete lack of accountability is more than happy to try to drown the country with its filthy message.

    Just the same as the cowards now running politics,the judiciary,the police and armed forces they all kiss paķi arse as they afraid of at minimum being labelled racist by cunts on their social media and at worst scared shitless they can’t control the Islamic mob they’ve allowed to gain so much power and undue influence over large parts of the country.

    The BBC is a traitorous cesspit,every cunt on its payroll should be tried and hanged.

    Good morning and Fuck Them.

  9. Some other beardie cunt in a big black dress. Fuck him an the camel he rode in on. The BBC is now playing its mooslime, BLM, tranny, anti-Brexit bullshit to an empty gallery. Next up will be full on Trump hate speak for four more years. Ha, ha, ha!

    Good morning, everyone.

  10. The cheeky beeb have started with the yankie biscuits. Any road, I’m not interested. This is nothing what so ever to do with me.

  11. Once the Islamists have taken over perhaps old Kweer will end up in an orange jump suit with his head perched on his backside, and his “boys” like Streeting, Kyle, Bryant, etc etc will all take flying lessons off the Post Office Tower, and Rayner, Phillipson et al will all be put in burquas – that will be an improvement where Jess Phillips, Dykie Leadbetter, Haigh and AnalEase is concerned.

    That would be real top value Saturday night TV entertainment

  12. In a time when Jellyfish rule in this country, I think it is time to empty the tank. Nor fussed about how this is to be achieved, but it is certainly long over due,

  13. Since that Jar jar Binks bloke got offed during the week, the Al-BBC will be flying their flags at half mast.

    Not looking forward to the Hamas and Hezbollah supporter’s club march this weekend.

    I have a feeling they are going to be more irritating than usual.

  14. Now that Labour are in power, watch the British Bumming Corporation become ever more biased in its coverage and content.

    I fully expect Friday prayers to be broadcast every week and Songs of Praise to be banned, on the grounds of being Far Right and racist.

    Anyone expecting this foul organisation to be reformed is going to be sadly disappointed, as the government continues to kiss Blatantly Buggering Children arse.

    If the mudslimes take over, I will thoroughly enjoy the sight of degenerate BBC staff being flung from the roof of Jimmy Savile house.

    Get To Fuck.

  15. This is nothing. Have you seen the BBC’s Christmas day line up for this year –

    12pm -1 PM – I’m dreaming of a Hamas Christmas.
    1 pm to 9 pm; Speech by Ayatollah Khameni (King’s speech cancelled) Dancing with Hamas. Never Mind the Hezbolloahs
    10.30 pm: The best of Jeremy Bowen
    11 pm – The Protocols of The Elders of Zion – read by Anjom Choudary with background music by the Dance Band of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

    Just a normal schedule, in other words.

  16. I expect their Christmas schedule will be the usual shit…

    A treeswinger and shite filled Top Of The Pops special (No bands or instruments allowed).

    The King. Charlie Boy tells us about how wonderful diversity and cultural enrichment is. While the nation mutters about him never replacing his mum.

    Doctor Who. Ncunti Gayblack chasing the Maestro around the TARDIS with a Dalek gun dildo. A seasonal lecture about the joys of homosexuality and diversity. Showtunes and bum jokes galore.

    EastEnders. Fat alcoholic old cunt Phil Mitchell beats up ten lads all half his age. Kat Slater gives all the blokes crabs. Ian Beale marries Cindy for the fourth time. Some cunt comes back from the dead. Kaff talks like Marlon Brando in The Godfather. The Vic catches fire again..

    Worzel Gummidge. Piss poor Jon Pertwee imitation with black kids and an all black cast.

    The Famous Five. The gang are led by a black person, told what to do by the black person, rescued by the black person and the day is saved by the black person (a young woman named ‘George’).

    Mrs Brown’s Cunts. Irish drag act and his talenless freeloading family. Same as all the other episodes. Now seen as the peak of BBC comedy.

    The Nativity. Some black personage reading about the birth of Christ. With the ‘revelation’ that our lord was bur-lack.

    Jools Holland’s Cuntenanny. Featuring Ed Sheercunt, Fatty Capaldi, Chappel Roan, William Eilish, Lana Del Cunt, some croaking relic from the 1960s, and Beverley Knight/Ruby Turner (same thing). Also featuring cunts like Rowland Rivron, Amanda Abbington, Ade Edmondson, Simon Osman and David Tennant.

    • Well done that info is not supposed to be released until 5th December.
      I have heard that there will also be a festive “naked attraction” for pre op trannies and gay transgenders and the call to prayer will be broadcast at the appropriate time. You infidels will pay the price for your continued resistance Alan’s Snackbar.

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