Super Injunctions

Super Injunctions are a cunt. Not because they stop you finding out shit about dodgy cunts, but because they cost so much.

According to an AI friend of mine they usually cost around £200,000 to put in place. Fuck me, that might make even Lord Alli’s eyes water. No wonder Sir Two-Tier hasn’t got one yet (allegedly).

The injunction itself only costs about £50k, but the legal set up costs are in the region of £150k. Who says lawyers are chiselers?

Apparently super injunctions are often viewed as only being available to the super rich No shit!! At £200k a pop, that puts them out of reach of any self respecting train driver.

My advice? Keep your trousers on and save yourself a bundle.

Read more here: Lawhive.

Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

38 thoughts on “Super Injunctions

  1. As I understand, our beloved (sub)prime minister has a super-injunction regarding his wife and her status, similar to the status of Rock Hudson’s b̶e̶a̶r̶d̶ wife.

  2. Another way the establishment protects itself from scrutiny.

    The sleaze is baked into the system but the plebs are kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

  3. There was supposedly something dodgy about TTK, all the Westminster cunts knew about it but for some reason.

    Fuck all in the public domain…!

    Could lord Ali have stumped up £200 k…?

    • Perhaps, much like Keith Vaz, he was visited at 3am by “washing machine repair men”, whose tool boxes contained only dildos, lube and amyl nitrate.

  4. All we need is for someone, a Reform MP perhaps, to name that cunt Starmer in parliament as his big secret is supposedly common knowledge.

  5. Like Thomas, I have read that Kweer DOES have a super-injunction in place – pointless now as some disobliging American or European publication will reveal all sooner or later. But you have to wonder why the meddling old mincer needs one – perhaps a bit too pally with Alli, his sugar daddy, or perhaps daddy Starmer has been too familiar with his “boy” Wessie?. I bet he is as bent as a nine bob note, or could the lovely Victoria be a tranny?

  6. Sponger’s all lawyered up, without a doubt. The papers would have spilled the beans by now but for the cunt hiding behind the ‘public interest’ defence.

    As you say, Twenty, it ain’t cheap, but still affordable for Lord Back Alley.

  7. It’ll all end up like that Ryan Giggs caper a few year back..a vault full of money spent to fuck all effect.


    Couldn’t happen to a better Supreme Leader..and clueless autocratic faggõt.

    Good morning.

  8. I fully expect there to be more super injunctions flying around to protect the footie fools from Manchester Citeh. Apparently the Mendy cunt is shooting his mouth off in all directions, about the post-match shagfests. The silly cunt has, I understand, landed ex teammate Mr Sterling in the doo-doo even though Raheem is subbing him his, Mendy’s, legal fees. Ha, ha, ha.

    As for Sir Two Tier, I would not like to suggest that he really has been granted a super injunction as to do so would be against the law.

    Good morning, everyone.

  9. I can understand why anyone would want to keep their private life private.

    However the thing about those taking out a ‘super injunction’ suggests that it isn’t just about that. It sends out a message that whoever it is has something that they positively want to hide, something they see as a dirty little secret which will make them look like a proper shit if it gets out.

    Go ahead and spunk your quarter of a mill then. It won’t make any difference in the long run, because as sure as eggs is eggs, your guilty secret will get out in the end. Then you’ll just look like an even bigger cunt for acting like one to start with, and then for trying to cover up your actions.

    Morning all.

    • I can always picture Keir Rodney as the seedy headmaster of one of those private boys schools, deep in the country (boarders welcome), taking an unhealthy interest in the boys showering arrangements, and employing the Reverend Bryant as the school chaplin,(give him that old time religion) and probably Wessie and Peter Kyle as the “sports masters”. Kim Leadbetter would be the Matron, who cracks the whip (at Kweer as well). A school noted for strict discipline…….. the stern headmaster in cape and mortarboard swishing his cane at bare chubby backsides. Boggs pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) will have to work in a treatment……

      • Is there any chance that you could get Gemma Arterton to play French teacher Miss Sadie Stern, in charge of detention?

        Very tight blouse, very short skirt, stockings and sussies, stilettos, too much makeup, nasty little cane, that sort of thing.

        It’s just that my pal Big Al is a big fan of hers…

      • My House Tutor (male) dressed like that, allegedly; the fucking cunt…you know who you are!

      • Sorry to disappoint Big Al, Ron, but prize heifer Jess Phillips has been signed for that role. She was a lot cheaper than Gemma, and money talks in these straightened times.

      • Ron – we need watermelons for a role in such a sordid film and I had thought of Lisa Nandy, but if you can arrange for Miss Arterton to come to the casting couch…..

      • I did go to said type of school. And true about the showering. However, there was a sports master who let his best swimmers change in his office, which was nice of him.

  10. This sounds all too familiar. Its what the cunt in number 10 is doing, only with our money. The imagery black hole will be coming true. With this cunt in it, if left up to me.

  11. He’s met up with Bill Gates and Larry Fink this week so he’ll have sold more of our nation off and pocketed the change. The resignation can’t come soon enough.
    I wonder what his dirty little (not so) secret will turn out to be. The truth is already out there, it’s just a matter of time or will he serve his masters better for now until his usefulness expires.

    • I did wonder if he shared his mate Jimmy Savile’s love of cadavers?. Perhaps he used to visit the morgues at midnight with Jim. Jim’ll fix it so he can gaze at corpses. He even took one away with him – Pat McFadden – looks VERY dead. It reminds you of Bernard Bresslaw in Carry On Screaming “The master of the house is dead, sir. He has been dead for 15 years…. but if you wait for a moment, I will see if he might see you”

  12. You would think the world’s dullest man would welcome something interesting being found out about him..

    Other than he supports arsenal and is a flautist..
    Oh and a 62 year old Taylor swift fan.

  13. Word is Starmer doesn’t have a super injunction. Press wouldn’t even be able to say there is one because that’s a restriction of a super injunction (@ Black Belt Barrister).

    Anyway, Isabell Oakshot recently said the open secret isn’t a sex thing, it is about ‘the true nature of the shape of his family’ that MSM doesn’t think is in the public interest to publish. She also stated ‘Starmer has never posed for photos pretending to be the perfect Dad.’

  14. Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd present for your Halloween Horror “The Private Morgue of Doctor Kweer” , see Kweer and McFadden, the gruesome twosome creep out to the crypt to bring Hugh Gaitskill and Jim Callaghan back to life (where do you think Kweer got the glasses?). Policies from beyond the grave…….1955 meets 2024 as the Lesbian Vampires assist Kweer in his gruesome, macabre and terrible secrets……..

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