Anna Holland & Phoebe Plummer

are cunts.

Well now guys and gals, ‘ow’s about that then? A bit of good news at last!

Remember the story about Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, those two incredibly self-indulgent ‘Just Stop Oil’ cunts who caused thousands of pounds worth of damage when they hurled soup at Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’?

Well Judge Christopher Hehir has taken a dim view of their ‘protest’, saying that they ‘couldn’t have cared less’ about any consequences of their actions, seeming to think that they could do what they liked in support of their ’cause’. As a result, the judge sentenced Holland to 20 months in the slammer, and handed a 24 month incarceration to poor little rich girl Plummer. Tough tit, what?

Nice one Judge. I bet that Big Bertha and the rest of the bulls on E-wing are salivating at the thought of fresh meat to play with.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

64 thoughts on “Anna Holland & Phoebe Plummer

  1. They were lucky they didn’t come up before me. All these idiots, plus people who ill-treat animals would get very long sentences – 3 years at least, and I would campaign to bring back the birch for the bastards as well. I hope this pair get a really tough lesbian warder to “break them in” to prison life, so to speak.

    • Lesbian warden? They’d probably enjoy that. Put them on a small island instead with absolutely no oil based products what so ever, let them live their dream.

  2. As well as a jail term, these self entitled fuckwits should be made to pay for all damage and nuisance caused no matter how many people it affected.
    If all their possessions have to be sold off, and they have to work for the rest of their lives to pay off the fine then so be it.
    Hit the hypocritical, oil using cunts where it hurts most. Their bank accounts.

    • Agree with everything said. However, they are just “useful idiots “. Who are pulling the strings as it certainly won’t be them carrying a criminal record for the rest of their lives. They definitely will never be going to the USA again.

  3. These cunts are simply anarchists masquerading as a “good cause” for toffee nosed twats from Berkshire.

    Deal with them for what they are,sentence them then recycle them by hanging them from the nearest tree…soon after compost.

    That’s how to “protect the planet”.

    Good morning.

  4. I would of suggested 2 years hard labour on a offshore oil rig..

    But I imagine that badly carved totem pole millipede has closed them all down by now.
    So just drown them in a barrel of crude.

  5. They should have used Campbell`s® soup as an ironic homage to Warhol.
    These things are never properly thought through are they.

  6. At least they will have time to contemplate their life choices. One small step against two tier justice. Well done that judge and good hunting to the prison dykes.

    • Not so much little rich girls, but a spacca, a granny and some communist gobshite went and did the exact same thing to protest this pair of stupid bint’s prison sentence.

      Some people only ever learn the hard way.

      • That’s them, Ron.

        They were dragged away by museum security and arrested for criminal damage.

        Hopefully they get the same judge and a more severe sentence. Just for being thick cunts.

      • Thanks for that Odin.

        Let’s hope that the cunts are hauled up in front of the same judge as Holland and Plummer. They should get double their sentences for the deliberate provocation and disrespect of the court’s judgment.

        It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

      • Judge Hehir is a hero.

        Hopefully, these three idiots will appear before him, and get a similar sentence, perhaps a chunk more.
        I do hope so.

        What the hell do they think they’re achieving, apart from the total contempt of 99.9999% of the British population.

  7. When they come out of the nick make sure that they are nude👀 …take all their possessions from them and make sure mummy and daddy have to pick them up in a 🐴 and cart and not the families Teslas 😩….and then for good measure make them work on a rig 🛢️

  8. I’m glad they targeted ” Sunflowers” by that one eared mental Vinnie van Gogh.

    I hate that picture.

    They did it purely to draw publicly to their boring cause.
    Tell you what’s best for publicity girls,

    Burn a Koran
    Or wipe your arse on a Palestinian flag.

    Go spread the word Cressida ✌️

  9. Imagine if one of these little bastards was your kid?

    ‘that tuna isn’t Dolphin friendly ‘
    “Can’t we buy a nissan Leaf”
    “Thats killing the environment”

    You’d soon ask Lucy Letby to babysit

  10. It seems a bit pointless locking these two up for 20 and 24 months.

    In prison they are going to spend most of their time doing fuck all.

    There are many oil recycling centres in the UK.
    It must be a dirty, smelly job working with old motor and deep fat frying oil.

    Fucking horrible job.
    You will come home stinking of the stuff.

    But of course it’s all in a good cause.

    2 year’s hard labour working in one of these places would be reasonable for this pair and the rest of the JSO cunts that support them.

    Who knows?
    One of them may get the job of oil drum banger.

    • I once spoke to a bloke who had worked in a recycling sorting facility. Fuck me, sounded worse than a victorian workhouse.

    • I really do think it is a pity that penal servitude is no longer available. Reopen the quarries and get them swinging pick-axes and that would cure an awful lot of them from their criminal ways. As we now have equal opportunities it would apply to women like this just as much as men.

  11. It’s the posturing that irritates me.

    I’ll lecture you because you don’t understand….

    Thing is I’m greener than they are I’m betting!

    I don’t cause 5mile tailback of traffic
    I feed wildlife
    Feed the birds
    Grow some of my own food
    Walk a fair bit
    My daddy doesn’t drive a brand new range rover

    I win.
    I also don’t taunt the authorities
    Because I’m not a little rich girl from a 3..5 million mansion
    I’m a white working class bloke and any judges looking at me in the dock would give me a 3 year sentence

    • Good Morning MNC and everyone else,

      There was a bit more posturing when a couple of hours after these two were sentenced another picture was damaged by another couple of deluded, trustafarian twats. It should be the easiest sentence decision in history, double what these two were given.

  12. Oh dear. Despite the expensive education mummy and daddy paid for, they aren’t very bright are they?
    They obviously read somewhere that it was an ‘oil’ painting, assumed the oil must have come from a western capitalist oil field, and thus decided it played a part in killing polar bears.
    Thick cunts!
    Enjoy the double fisting girls.

  13. Poor little girls, all they wanted to do is save the planet.

    Another day, another judge and they would have got off with a fine and community service.

    Save all the wasted time with these cunts, throw paint or any criminal damage, automatic 2 years, block roads 1 year for a B road, 2 for an A road and 3 for a motorway.

  14. I hope the prison pals gave (especially beady eyed Phoebe) a right good fisting, that would have them walking purposely slowly for the rest of their lives.

  15. The quieter one, Anna Holland is very simian looking.
    Has her rainforest home been felled by loggers?

    She looks more used to eating termites off a twig than a soup aficionado.


  16. If they had thrown a brick through an asylum window the following would have happened.

    An expose of the far right.
    Questions about who radicalised these children.
    Severe criticism of the right wing media who constantly pump anti immigrant propaganda.

    But because it’s a right on cause nothing like that happened even if the state broadcaster spreads climate fear daily eh?

    • I wonder if there’s some dark and obscure psychological factor at play which leads these loopies to target ‘Sunflowers’?

      It’s one of the most gentle and charming of paintings.

  17. I’m going to arrange for beady eyed Phoebe, to be fucked by the biggest cock in the land. That should be an eye opener and bring her to her senses.

  18. An extremely violent punch just below the nose would wipe the smirks off their evil pathetic entitled faces.
    Vile cunts.
    Good afternoon.

    • What ho General.

      Have you got ‘Just Stop Oil’ across the pond, causing a fucking nuisance like blocking the roads, spraying paint about and chucking stuff at priceless works of art?

      • Hey Ron,


        We have our share of Greenies and enviro-loons but thank Allah the Just Stop Oil tards haven’t managed to make their way across the pond.

  19. I won’t be crying any tears for these two but remember Huw Edwards got zero jail time for looking at pictures of kids as young as 7.

    And there are plenty of dinghy raiders who have been found guilty of sexual assault upon arrival and also been given lesser sentences than this .

    I mean who gives a fuck it’s just a painting owned by a rich cunt somewhere .

    • I think that’s more a reflection on individual sentencing than anything else Cunt.

      Imo Edwards should’ve got at least ten years. As for the dingy divers…

      These two loonies got what they deserved I’d say, for their off the scale sense of entitlement and their totally unwarrented actions.

  20. Yes I was pleased to hear about their sentence. Fantastic judge: ‘We do not have political prisoners here’ – brilliant!

    Although completely lost on Anna Holland and Phoebe Plummer, after a few micro-seconds of research, I am able to confirm that the Heinz factory in Wigan does not yet have a renewable source of energy. How do they think that can of soup came into being?!

  21. Good enough for the cunts, however if they had been dealt with properly the first time shit like this would never happen….

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