The Cautionary Tale of Pablo the ‘Gender Fluid’ Dachshund

“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Sexual Matters Correspondent Ron Knee reporting.
Today I bring you the cautionary tale of Pablo the ‘gender fluid’ dachshund, who has inadvertently caused a bit of a rumpus down Cambridgeshire way.

The saga began in 2023, during a meeting of Cambridgeshire County Council’s LGBTQ+ whatever employment group. A certain Gleicon Analha (such an appropriate surname) introduced his mutt Pablo to the group. Pablo had been dressed in a fetching little frock for the occasion, and Mr Anal (for he most certainly is) announced that the pooch was indeed ‘gender fluid’.

A social worker (lesbian, natch) by the name of Elizabeth Pitt responded ‘your dog’s male!’, a statement which was backed up by another colleague. This prompted Anal to claim that Lizzie’s comments were ‘transphobic’, and left others ‘shaking, feeling threatened and horrified by such disrespectful comments’. Yes really.

As a result of Anal’s preposterous whining, Pitt was subjected to disciplinary action by the Council, but wasn’t prepared simply to bend over and take it. No, she took the Cuntsil to a tribuneral, citing harassment and discrimination based on her gender critical views. What’s more she won her case, leaving the Council to reflect on the fact that it had to fork out £52k in damages plus £8k in costs.

So who am I actually calling out here? Well clearly the anally retentive Mr Analha, for dressing up his pooch and transferring his fixations on to it, and then acting like a lump of quivering jelly and taking a right hissy fit when it was pointed out that Pablo was, well, a doggy, and a boy one at that. Then the Council clearly needs a kick up the arse for taking disciplinary action against an employee in response to such ludicrous snowflakery.

In closing, let’s spare a thought for poor little Pablo, whose thoughts and feelings seem to have been completely overlooked in all the hoo-ha. The whole experience must have left him really traumatised, and we can only hope that he’s been receiving the counselling and support he needs to recover. A bone and a leg of any gender to hump might help too.

This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

46 thoughts on “The Cautionary Tale of Pablo the ‘Gender Fluid’ Dachshund

  1. Truly a ‘tail’ for our times there. You really have to wonder what planet these cunts are in orbit around. People left ‘shaking’ because somebody pointed out that the wee pooch had a willy ffs.

    Oh and I can spell ‘tribunal’.

    Morning all.

    • This really does show what can go wrong in a liberal democracy when common sense is replaced by lunacy.

      The only shaking should have been with laughter when the silly cunt said his sausage dog was gender fluid, the cunt should have been ridiculed until he/it whatever cried himself/itself to death.

  2. The good news is that’s what your council tax pays for..

    Every council office in this country should be burnt to ground, empty or otherwise.

    Did anyone ask the dog what his pronouns were?

    • Mr Anal ha probably chose them for him, just like he chose his frock.
      They’ll be ‘hem’ and ‘they’ like as not.

      I bet he’s got the poor little cunt on a vegan diet as well.

  3. Some cunt from the Far Right put a note through my letterbox..

    “Free Pablo from the Gays,put him with normal people.
    Oh and gas everyone else involved at once”.

    What a terrible business indeed.

    • An excellent point Pooter.

      I very much doubt that their enthusiasm for the cause was such that these cunts met up on their own time to bitch and whine about their traumas.

      • Government (shower of worthless shite in any other words) would never spend their own money if they can piss yours away first.

  4. As he’s a faggot and she’s a lezzer, the correct punishment for both of them will be something that disgusts them both: an enforced visit to my love dungeon where they will, faced with my crossbow, undertake a very enthusiastic, tear-filled, noisy and slurpy 69 which will continue until they have both discharged into the other’s mouth.

  5. That’s the trouble with these rainbow types, they’re so thin skinned.

    Make the slightest of (valid) comments and it’s all ” oh, you are awful” and handbags at dawn!

  6. .-.
    (_________________________() •• `-,
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    //\\ //\\
    “” “” “” “”
    woof 💩

  7. It seems that the Bulldykes are the only alphabets with any common sense and are the 5th column that shall destroy the loopyness of the ever expanding alphabet freak train. One hopes the good Mzz Bess Pitt spends her £52k on golf clubs, ten pin bowling shirts, sensible shoes, fluffy dice for her truck, Maine Cöön cats and other lesbian accessories that an unenlightened colonial has no knowledge of. Well done Madam.

    • One does however feel rather sorry for the ratepayers of Cambridgeshire, seeing money meant to pay for the repair of potholes being spent on this cuntfoollery.

    • Incidentally, were heretrosexuals included in this council funded group, to ensure their rights weren’t being ignored?
      Somehow, I doubt it.

  8. The utter fucking lunacy we have come to expect delivery of from cuntcils the width and breadth of the UK.

    Gender fluid dog my eye. This Analha needs his anal glands squeezed.

  9. I wouldn’t be seen walking Pablo.
    He’s a right little flamer.

    And hasn’t got any legs.

    May as well drag Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump around behind you.

    Quite frankly I think Pablo is a disgrace

  10. Council employees having a meeting on Zoom, ie they’re all shirking from home. What a surprise.

    But why did nobody point out that Pablo is a Spanish name and a Dachshund is German? Surely that’s Cultural Appropriation, for which Mr Anal should have been severely reprimanded and instructed to change his dog’s name to something more appropriate.

    Like Adolf, Rudolf or Heinrich.

    • Maybe he should have chosen a ‘gender fluid’ name for the mutt, like Avery, Carey, Jordan or something.

      Mr Anal has let the side down. I’m surprised that it wasn’t him that was called out as ‘transphobic’ or gender critical.

    • Apparently, Pablo identifies as Spanish.
      People of ill repute should attend any public council meeting and just beat the living shit out of these muppets.
      Again and again.

      • Gender fluid Pablo identifies as Spanish but commits Cultural Appropriation. Which one trumps which? It’s a conundrum.

        Perhaps (s)he should claim species dysphoria as well and identify as a gender-fluid Spanish guinea pig. A black, disabled one, obviously.

        And to score a Full House he could claim an anxiety disorder on the grounds that the dagos are rather inclined to eat his assumed species.

        Come on Pedro, get your act together, you useless Kraut.

    • Afternoon GT, afternoon all.
      Beat me to about the dog’s name, might I add some appropiate names to the list:

  11. A simpler solution would be to put an in season bitch and a male dog. If Pablo tups the bitch and fights with the male dog the owner of Pablo should be taken out and given a proper far right shoeing.

  12. What a load of dogs bollocks. The poor thing wants a thimble on his knob to protect it from getting sore, not a fucking dress.

  13. If you are asked to name two famous people called Pablo then most would say Pablo Picasso and Pablo Escoba.

    It’s hard to think of any others.
    Until now, that is.

    Pablo is a male dog.
    He is also a Good Boy.

  14. Poor little sod.
    Talk about animal cruelty.

    They should just call it ‘David Tennant’s Dog.’

    Or has his Mrs already got that title?

    • Still, it’s good to know that Pitt is now enabled ‘to assert her boundaries as a lesbian’ in the workplace.

      Maybe she and the rest of the cunts will now actually get around to doing some fucking work.

      And poor little Pablo is hopefully no longer being made to walk about in his frock.

  15. I thought gender was a social construct? Dogs don’t have a society last I heard. But let’s play along with this but of lunacy.

    Surely the gender of the dog cannot be decided by the owner as they would then be forcing a gender on the dog. But Gleicon Analha has decided the dog chooses to be gender fluid which then would mean the dog is capable of grasping concepts up until now only human beings are known to be capable of, surely that means Gleicon Analha is enslaving the dog?

    I think I will be emailing the council asking how they can condone this behaviour.

    If these cunts are going to enforce their insanity on us they will be hard pressed to argue against what insanity is reflected back to them.

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