Rioting in Leeds

The latest rioting, parts of Leeds have suffered from the wrath of the mob, much damage done. The reports from msm tell that the police were driven out by the rioters righteous rage. How many times does this sort of shit have to happen before the police can use baton rounds, water cannons and all the other riot busting toys that every other country uses. Have they heard of focused microwave devices makes you heat up, you really want to move, likewise a baton round in the gonads has also been shown to prevent further cuntish behaviour and the added bonus of providing temporary soprano voices for the local church/mosque whatever. The way these incidents are treated by whatever “government” holds power is bloody disgraceful, pathetic in fact, but at least the woke continues.

Independent News Link

Nominated by: Black biscuit

News link provided by: PT Admin

147 thoughts on “Rioting in Leeds

  1. Checkout footage of London ‘riots’ – white people standing around doing nothing getting picked out by plod – 6 to arrest.
    Another, no violence but voicing his displeasure – smacked in the face, 8 plod face to the pavement then 20 surround to hide the kicking he’s getting.
    Granny arrested for walking down the pavement and being a bit gobby.
    ‘Muslim Defence League’ head to toe black, masked up, knives, machetes, hammers in hand – carry on Sir, plod step back.
    Enoch was right ‘Rivers of blood’ will flow in this country…indigenous population.
    Welcome to Islamic Mayhem……
    ..two tier Starmers going on his hols

      • Someone (may have been Norman) referred to them as ‘brave lads’ the other day. Seen plenty of other support on here too.

    • Who’s calling them heroes.

      And as for this “people with legitimate concerns won’t get listened to because of rioting cunts”

      Since when have any legitimate concerns on immigration ever been listened to?

      And do you think that lighting candles, saying prayers and hugging an ethnic will bring about a serious conversation on immigration?

      3 children were brutally fucking butchered by a migrant in case you hadn’t noticed and if that doesn’t make people angry then I don’t know what else will.

      • People haven’t been listened to before, no. But this will ensure it never happens.

      • OC, what exactly would it take, in your opinion, for people’s concerns to be listened to?

        Neither the media, the law nor the electoral system will allow for it.

    • I’m really questioning why the fuck I bother coming on here.

      Most of the posters I like have long since departed.

      It becomes more like the worst parts of 4chan or the Yaxley-Lennon fan site by the day.

      I only stay to have a bit of banter with JP and a couple of others.

      There’s enough hate out there as it is.
      Going to do something more fulfilling I think.

      • Yup, many of this lot take a grain of truth or a legitimate cause and use it as an excuse to act out their worst prejudices. Yes, mass immigration and Islamism are problems but most immigrants aren’t like that. So many on here seem to be incapable of nuance.

      • All you ever do is come on and slag off the other posters for having an opinion and how great it used to be.

        I’ve been visiting this site for over 7 fucking years and it’s not really changed that much.

        No cunt is stopping you having banter with your favourite posters.

        Yes people don’t post anymore or maybe one or two have even deceased. Who knows.

        Labelling everybody racist, tinfoil hat or Tommy Robinson fans is just a tired and lame argument.

        It’s a fucking free speech forum.

      • @ Herman Jelmet
        “All you ever do is come on and slag off the other posters for having an opinion and how great it used to be.”

        The other day on the Chris Packham thread I didn’t slag off any other posters. In fact you actually agreed with my point.

        Likewise on the Internet of the 2020s thread I didn’t slag anyone off.

        Again when I post nominations which is rare, I don’t take the opportunity to slag off any posters. I’ve actually complimented some of them.

        Re. your second point about me always talking about how good it used to be.

        I think I’ve said that I used to enjoy other contributors posts.
        I’ve probably done that about 4 times in the last 6 months. So hardly all I ever do huh?

        But I don’t remember ever referring to “the good old days”.

        I’ve been visiting this site for over 7 fucking years and it’s not really changed that much.

        Perhaps not. Congratulations for your dedication to visiting this site.
        It has always had a racist/sexist/element. On that I can agree with you (see there I go agreeing with one of your points again). Some posts are fairly amusing in that vein like some of Fiddlers posts about the negatively buoyant.
        Mostly now it comes from a place of hate.

        Sadly I feel you may be right about some posters no longer being with us. (There I go agreeing with you again. Must stop doing that).

        Do I have to agree with you on every single thing or if I disagree on one thing does that mean I have to disagree on everything else as well?.

        Heaven forbid I should be able to pick and choose what I do and do not agree with. I thought I’d have a right to do that, but perhaps not.

        Labelling everybody racist, tinfoil hat or Tommy Robinson fans is just a tired and lame argument.

        I haven’t used the tinfoil hat term in a while . I did use the term ‘conspiritard’ in the Chris Packham thread. But mainly I reserve that for the Flat Earth, Shadowy Cabal stuff. There are conspiracy theories I subscribe to such as the Panama Papers, the Greek Watergate (2004 Olympics) and some others. I do think climate change has been hijacked by those with a keen interest in fleecing the public and controlling people, while lining their own pockets. But I’m not a climate change denier. The climate does change. That’s what it has always done.

        I did mention the Tommy Robinson club so you are right on that one.
        I mentioned it due to the mob mentality that is breaking out on here and the people trying to incite violence. This site is currently not on the radar of the authorities, although I’m sure they are aware of it.

        Recent legislation has been passed like the online harms bill that will have this site closed down if people are not careful.

        It’s a fucking free speech forum.
        Is it?
        Well you could have fooled me sometimes.
        Anyone expressing an opposing view have often been piled on and attacked by a number of people. Opinionated for one. I don’t always agree with Allen, but I don’t think I’ve ever personally attacked him for his posts and nominations.

        The free speech argument is often used as an excuse because “I want to be racist with impunity”.

        Seems like a lot the time it’s angry, bitter, bitter men. Shouting into the void of the internet in impotent rage.

        Have a nice life HJ and everyone else.

      • Harold@

        Calm down pal.

        I enjoy your contribution.

        I have very different views on pretty much most things to you.
        But I don’t get upset by a different opinion to my own.

        I’m more robust than that.
        Stick around. Kid👍

      • @ Harold

        Thanks for the reply and for what it’s worth I have quite enjoyed some of your contributions whether I agree with them or not.

        Your comment on Chris Packham for example, was bang on the money.

        All I would say is to come on a site like this and be in despair of the subject matter or other cunters opinions is somewhat futile. Wouldn’t you agree?

        Gutstick Japseye was another cunter who’s point of view was often the polar of mine and a fella who was constantly downbeat regarding other points of view which he disagreed with.

        But he was as free to post as anybody else and I think his contributions to the site are a miss though I’m sure many won’t agree with me.

        I stand by my view that this site has changed very little over the years and don’t really appreciate the patronising manner with which you highlighted my original point about which.

        Alas it’s a free speech and a very right leaning (if I may say so) forum at that and therefore all opinions are still valid.

        Even if some cunters posts are often rounded on or disputed.

        I would imagine this site is on borrowed time due to the government that we now have in place so that may be the end of any chance for “angry bitter bitter men to shout into the void” in the not too distant future. (I sincerely hope I’m wrong)

        Of course the easily offended delicate snowflake types who visit this site can always fuck off to the Guardian or wherever if this site is gone.

        As it is I think I may take a break for a while myself because I can’t be bothered getting pissed off or arguing with strangers in the internet anymore and have better things to do.


      • FFS

        Don’t you start as well Herman!

        I enjoy your contribution although differ on some issues,
        You can’t let what people say on here get you irate.

        It’s just opinions.
        Nothing to get bothered by.

        You’ve always struck me as a reasonable bloke,
        I don’t think anyone on the site is a guardian reader.

        They’d of had a heart attack years ago.

        Someone disagrees with me?
        Upto them.

        I’ll scratch their car that night and forget about it 😂

      • Well at least you both share a similar taste in music… 😃
        Evening MNC, Harold. 👍

      • Evening Minge👍

        Christ I wouldn’t miss his taste in music!

        Hehehe 😂

        Although in fairness he posted a good Rolling stones link the other day.

      • I must admit The Rolling Stones have been gradually growing on me. Wouldn’t describe myself as a fan but I certainly like their music more than I used to. Opposite thing that’s happened with Guns N Roses.

      • For what it’s worth Herman I do enjoy many of your contributions, even if we don’t always see eye to eye. It would be a shame if you did fuck off.

  2. Remember when we used to have actual balance on this site and not just an echo chamber? Pity Komodo, RTC, Gutstick, DCI et al left.

    • Been here ten years and it’s not changed that much. At its best the site is humorous and irreverent, some topics will draw more extreme opinions and some people will be as deliberately outrageous as they can.

      I’d think if you asked most people on here in person their problem with immigration is actually directed at the establishment. The fact the establishment continually ignores legitimate concerns leads to frustration and anger.

      There will always be some that are more extreme but I think most understand if you continually find sheep in your garden you’re ire needs to be directed at the shepherd.

    • DCI still posts sporadically.
      Only last week in fact.
      Other cunters of note missing in action:
      Quick Draw McGraw
      Fred West
      Rebel Without A Cunt
      The Empire Cunts Back
      Willie Stroker
      Black and White Cunt
      Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
      They shall not be forgotten…

      • The Worcestershire Warrior was a brief source of amusement behind the bike sheds 🙂

      • Well I’m going fuckin nowhere unless I choose
        to walk.

        Or I’m dragged off kicking and screaming.

        And I’ll still post whatever the fuck I want

        Anyone dislikes it ?
        Tough shit

        Anyone disagrees?
        Tough shit

        Anyone gets weepy and thinks im attacking them?
        Tough shit.

        I’m only here out of spite.

      • That’s the name of the game, Miserable.
        We cunt who we want, when we want.

        We just don’t cunt each other. Other cunters, that is.

  3. Far Right is just a name used by the police, media and politicians to make people feel that they and others are doing something wrong, when in reality they just want some action.

    The authorities want to stigmatise a section of society by calling them names.

    A bit like calling someone racist.

    I should imagine that a fair percentage of the people who turned up for these protests also voted for Labour in the election.

    Why is the assumption that all of these people are extremists?

    Also a fair percentage of the general population have no idea what the true meaning of Far Right actually is.
    They know that it’s probably something bad because the term has been drummed into them.

    But nobody is addressing the legitimate concerns.

    Instead of deploying police in huge numbers and invoking laws to try to shut people up, Starmer should have a full and frank public meeting to listen to what people really have to say and then do something about it.

    But he would rather set the full force of the law on his own people.

    People are quite rightly pissed off with the continued arrivals of illegal immigrants.
    They resent having to support and accommodate them.
    They are fucked off with being called racists and seeing these worthless arrivals getting preferential treatment to all that the UK has to offer, including the law.

    If that doesn’t make a reasonable person want to chuck a brick at the authorities then nothing will.

    There is the opinion here that taking to the streets and rioting detracts from the real issues.

    But while the real issues are continually ignored and people who are concerned about the real issues are insulted and marginalised then what alternatives are there?

  4. Never fear!

    ‘Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer says yesterday’s unrest must be “a wake-up call to all politicians who have actively promoted or given in” to anti-immigration rhetoric.’

    • Oh dear, and I suppose the actual murders that prompted it will not be a wake-up call to any politician who promotes mass-immigration. Rotherham never was, afterall.

      • The Green Party consists of cunts and moonbats. Keep asking how many wefugees they’ve housed.

    • Agreed – Britains cities rapidly being transformed into Third world lawless sh*tholes.
      Thing is it’s lovely in Chipping Camden or whatever quaint village or country estate politicians live in. No effniks, plod just a quick call away if they were. Nothing going on day to day affects any of these ‘elected’ tosspots.
      Starmer said he wouldn’t pay for private healthcare for his family – doesn’t need to does he. You think any hospital registrar’s gonna say “sorry, jnr doctors are on strike, 12 wk wait” ? no, “step this way Sir Kier, Sir Cuthbert Basin neurosurgeon has called ahead – comes to your dinner parties…”

      It’s not 2 tier policing, it’s a 2 tier country. YOU don’t matter. The 89% of Muslims who vote Labour do, and the more of them make up this country, the happier Labour will be.
      They’ll ‘stop the boats’
      Expect migrants arriving on boats to drop 2/3rds.
      but Expect legal immigration to Triple !

  5. Coming at this from a different angle…..
    Government may use the idea to put totalitarian powers in place for something planned down the road.
    Maybe my tinfoil hat is slipping, but it has served me well for decades, particularly during the Covid madness.
    Massive immigration is/was bound to cause huge problems but government has encouraged it.
    You have to wonder.

  6. haven’t read all the comments here but the once I have are interesting. For my two penn’orth I think we can all see the problems mass immigration has caused. It’s changed the shape of this country and sometimes our attitudes to others. While I agree that a proper conversation needs to be held about people’s concerns these “protesters” aren’t helping the situation. They’re just idiots who look for confrontation. Setting fire to buses, looting vape shops ( for fucks sake) and robbing small businesses is fuck all to do with 3 little girls being stabbed to death and eight others critically injured. If protest is needed it should be outside parliament, not in your own back yard.

    • Yup, if you’re going to loot something at least have it be something worthwhile.

      (That is a joke btw for any authorities which may be peeping in).

  7. Mosques to be offered new emergency security…

    Pity, that the Manchester Arena and Westminster Bridge weren’t offered the same thing.

  8. These ‘rioters’ have not helped anyone. But what I loathe is the double standards of those in charge.

    When there are ‘protests’ in Luton, with banners with ‘Kill the Police’ on them and shouts of ‘Alluah Akbar’ (or whatever it is), nothing is either said or done. Same wth (yet another) migrant related murder. Suckdiq Khan tells us we have to ‘accept it’ as part and parcel of modern British life.

    Yet, when there are white ‘far right’ riots. the PM and the police will go out of their way to condemn it. ‘Something will be done’ is what we hear about them.

  9. Rioting and looting is wrong, and attacking the police is even more so.

    That being said, what are people supposed to do? Immigration is a huge concern here and nobody in power has listened at all to the opinions of normal people.

    Brexit was many things, but I’d argue that nobody would have voted for it if we knew we were were all getting conned when they said we could take back our borders.

    The speed of the profile change in this country is astonishing. And it’s not a skin colour thing, and if it is you’re a racist, but more because the culture and values of the people coming is so different and they’ve not had to adapt or learn our values. We’ve had to learn theirs!!!

    We’re fed up of seeing Muslim child rape gangs get away with it for decades whilst seeing white girls marginalized. We’re fed up of needing help and being at the back of the list whilst every illegal gets three meals a day, their own space, and money to spend. We’re fed up of immigrants committing violent crime and being sectioned for mental health issues caused by years of drug abuse. We’re tired of increasing the size of the unskilled workforce to keep wages down whilst making everything more expensive. We don’t want people who’ve never paid into a system to get the same NHS treatments and benefits as people who have lived and worked here all their lives. And now we’re sick of a political and police systems demonizing us for having had enough and daring to do something about it.

    Fuck every single person that wants to help them too. They’d sooner cut your head off, rape your kids, or steal your car than help you.

  10. Been visiting this site almost near its conception like giving birth to a big turd painful but pleasurable….

    Anyway I’ve enjoyed many a cunting post made by many but if people take the posts to heart and feel angry by them go out and do some sporty things like hedge jumping or setting fire to a tissue covered turd and maybe even if you ate really adventurous the odd knock off ginger in tower hamlets.

    You caaaaarnts

    Quite so, Ivor. Let’s not be an echo chamber. Let’s agree or disagree. Let’s just have a sweary rant about things that piss us off. And as you say, let’s not be too serious about it all. We can’t change the world, but we might feel a little better if we can have a moan and shine a light on the true cunts of the world. Carry on – NA.

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