Deluded Welsh cunts

There’s no cunt like a deluded Welsh cunt.
And I speak as one.

”Wales should get £4bn HS2 compensation – Plaid Cymru”

Yes, for a railway that was all about Londoners going somewhere unpleasant but being home in time for artisanal sourdough hummus and avocado.

”Party leader Rhun ap Iorwerth called for “fair” funding for Wales and a £20 a week increase to child benefit in its manifesto for the general election.”

This party has Welsh independence at it’s core. But still wants handouts. £20 extra for chavs and immos.

”The party said it would oppose the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system, and called for the UK to re-enter the EU customs union.”

Wales safe from Putin then? And of course it’s odd how independence from the UK requires reliance on Brussels – see SNP.

Wales has been run into the ground by Labour since devolution (God bless Tony Blair) But this bunch of cunts show that perhaps it could be worse.

Let the Welshism begn.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

65 thoughts on “Deluded Welsh cunts

  1. Fuck ’em. Bunch of peasants who want to have their cake and eat it and, for the rest of the UK to pay for it.

  2. Cracking name that welshy got, run up forthwith.. might as well run up the tab..

    Anyway can’t give you what we ain’t got..

    Still with the powerhouse mps of labour waiting in the wings, we will be searching down the back of the sofa for change to keep the lights on..

  3. Free sheep shags, why the fuck should anyone have to pay for sex in Wales.

    To be fair the Welsh are slightly less annoying than the Scots

    • And when they’ve finished with the sheep they can always have a go on Hamas whore Charlotte Church.
      Most of them already have (allegedly).

      • She has been rumoured to have been put to the cock on many occasion. A trip to the home of Hamas Iran may change her outlook bound to get lots of dick.

      • She’d like that, BB.

        Considering she no longer possessed any of the attributes that made her famous, she may as well go and dress like an oversized patio umbrella and fellate goat and their abusers.

        Voice of an angel. Now voice of a Rottweiler with throat cancer.

        Arse of an angel. Now arse of a lazy welfare queen who spends 14 hours a day in front of netflix.

        Face of an angel. Now face of a haggard old trout who has too much to say about the English, without the braincells to back it up.

        She’ll fit right in.

  4. I owe it to the Welsh for allowing me to have a wonderful time during my 1950s convalescent days in Conwy Bay.

  5. At least they are only asking £4 billion that is only a tiny fraction of the consultation fees and management expenses for the project. The fuckers supposedly who are running this pointless project have more than that in the petty cash. Let them have the dosh, as the endless money train that just keeps on giving will plug any holes in the accounts if any are kept and ain’t as bent as a nine Bob note.
    We could have our own space program, have some poor cunt on Mars by now with the money that is being wasted on a fast train to Birmingham. Why not just upgrade the west coast line. From what I can see the only benefit so far was the discovery of capt Flinders grave, he mapped the Aussie coast in the days of big wooden sailing ships.

  6. They’d get fuck all till they stopped spitting.

    I went in a welshy pub once.
    Covered in spital.
    Luckily I was wearing swimming cap and goggles.

  7. They don’t want independence they want to live off others hard work.
    Feckless parasitic deadbeats.
    Socialism has destroyed Scotland and Wales and now it’s going to finish off England when Starmer gets in.
    Britain is going to look ridiculous after the Donald gets re elected in November. He will drill for gas and pil,shut the border ,deport the scum,be tough on crime and stop the wars. The US economy will boom and we will shrivel quicker than a vicars cock after a tart has jerked him off.

    Where the fuk did I put my green card??

  8. The Welsh need to black up or start kissing carpets if they want to get any government money…

    They have the spitting part and animal molestation down to a tee..
    Just need to improve their knife skills and playing the victim and the floodgates will open..

  9. Love Wales I do.

    2 weeks in Mauritius?
    Get fucked🖕
    I’ll go Conwy.

    And I like the scowls and glowering faces of the locals when they hear my lovely northern English accent.

    ” Morning welshy! How’s the lambs?”

    I say graciously.

    No response.

    Shame we can’t still hunt them with longbows and dogs.

  10. I never cease to be amazed that the jock and the Taff want independence from the English, but are longing to be under the jackboots of the German’s.

    Good example is this scotch luvvie being made to look a total twat on question time..

    Wait till he’s finished his ramble and the observation of the audience member..

  11. Why do they want to be at arms length from England?
    We’re fuckin ace!

    Bit weird.
    Ok we suppressed them a bit
    Killed and raped them a bit
    Taxed them a lot
    But it was all in good spirits,
    Bit of jesting between neighbours.

    It seems sullen to me, mard.
    I’m taking my ball in.
    Forgive and forget I say .
    And let’s get together and slay the french.

    • Wales is truly lovely.

      They have some cracking traditional group, too. Welsh cakes, mmmm, yummy.

      The only thing that spoils it is the Welch. Rude people.

      We were on a jolly, many years ago, when I was about 13. We walked into a shop to get a newspaper, and the owner and two customers, who had been speaking English immediately switched to Welch.

      Well, me and my Dad are/were multilingual, so we switched to French, which disconcerted the cunts, because a lot of French and Welch words sound similar and mean the same thing.

      Their faces!

      • It certainly was, Barry.

        We got a colour TV in 1966, rented because they were unbelievably expensive.

        I was 12. We invited a neighbour, who had broken his leg, to come and watch the World Cup final.

        He got so excited, he damned near fell out of the chair and broke the other leg!

        Laugh? Of course I did, I was 12.

  12. Plaid cymru are very much like the greens mind,
    They can play fantasy policy bingo knowing they’ll never have the chance to implement any of it

  13. The principality needs to sort itself out. The reason the union exists is mainly due to the limited ability of the Scots and Welsh to effectively govern themselves.

    For Government of Britain to work properly all the countries (England and to a much lesser extent Scotland), the Principality and the Province must all provide their best people to represent them in parliament, the real one in London.

    Obviously being the majority and as they pay for most of it the English get the largest and final say on everything, the Scots and Welsh don’t produce statesmen with any frequency and in the province any sort of organised government is against their culture.

    This all worked pretty well until Labour decided to inflict responsibility of devolved government upon those so obviously incapable of self determination.

    The wisest thing the Welsh could do would be to send devolution back and go back to enjoying sheep farming and making tough men join choirs.

    • ” making tough men join choirs”


      Men of Harlech!
      Sing! Sing you bastards!

  14. Here’s some figures.

    Greater Manchester.
    Population; 2.4 million
    GDP £108 Bn.

    Population: 3.1 million
    GDP: £85 Bn

    I like the Welsh, especially the women, but did you know there’s no Welsh word for ‘work’?

  15. It’s a bloody mystery to me why we don’t let Scotland and Wales have independence, and cut off any English support, be it financial or otherwise.

    Fuck off, rejoin the EU, have fun with all the bloody immigrants, because when I’m King of the World I’m building a big fuck-off fence around our bit, and you won’t believe how much it’ll cost you to cross the border.

    • France and Spain have already said ‘non’ to any Scottish attempt at membership.
      Who needs ’em?

      Scotland has the GDP of Yorkshire and the Midlands.

  16. the cunts can have what they want,just so long as they pay for it themselves.

    Anything else is enemy action and should be dealt with reasonably..

    By Oven.

  17. I couldn’t believe the racism of the Welsh.

    Now I consider myself to be a leading racist,
    Probably in the top 90% in the country,
    But I never expected racism to be directed at me!!

    I went and hired one of their cottages in Fairbourne.

    Now Fairbourne is slowly eroding.
    Being swallowed by the sea.
    They’ve given up.
    In 10yrs it’ll be the new Atlantis.

    I pumped my tourist money into the shitty Fairbourne economy,
    Were they grateful?

    Wouldn’t even reply when I said good morning.!!!

    I felt like Rosa Parks
    The awful spitting cunts.

  18. I thought that was outrageous!

    Should have followed through with

    You are destroying my England.

  19. I went there once or twice. I never seen or experienced so much blatant anti English racism than south wales.

    Sheep shagging Cunts,

    Merthyr Tydfil needs nuking, twice.

    The Manic Street Preachers with the dragon fucking flag at every gig and hatred of England mouthed at every opportunity between songs, should have all followed their band mate off the bridge.

    Kinnock and Drakeford, well… nuff said.

    Watch the thick cunts vote liebour again again again next week.

  20. Beautiful country, shame about the people. They are essentially third world in their mentality, like tribesmen. Every single one I’ve ever got to know or worked with has turned out to be a disagreeable and unpleasant nutter, or extremely useless and lazy. Their economy is based on farming, speeding tickets and scrounging from the English. Their nationalism is frankly pathetic, and why are they wasting money they don’t have on that ludicrous language that nobody anywhere else will ever speak? Then there’s the 20mph speed limits… just reversing modernity as vehicle brakes and safety have never been better. Oh, and they kept on wearing face masks long after the English stopped, seemingly oblivious to the fact it was pointless. What kind of imbeciles would block off specific aisles in supermarkets to supposedly prevent the spread of a virus? Cunts.

  21. The great Jimmy Murphy was Welsh.
    A great big fellah. Once portrayed very badly by that mincing stick insect, David Tennant.

    I also have a sneaking feeling that Tennant is a favourite for cunt of the year 2024.

  22. My best mate got married in Portmeiron. I just loved being where they filmed The Prisoner.

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