Wales Wants Its Own Currency

Once again, Wales leads the way.
Get this you bigoted English cunts.

‘Wales to get its own currency and ditch the pound under radical new plans’

Yes, it has all been set out by Plaid Cymru leader Rhun ap Iorwerth. And no, I haven’t made that name up. Mr ap Iorweth is a visionary for us Welsh cunts.

Once free of the shackles of the UK Wales will blossom. A job might be created and we could stop Birmingham stealing all our water, returning the Elan valley to it’s former glory as sheep fields.

Stick Rishi and SirKweer up your arse. Rhun is the man for me.

MSN News

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

(On the understanding of no more funding from England’s Treasury! – Day Admin)

57 thoughts on “Wales Wants Its Own Currency

    • The Welsh currency will be like the kiss of death outside of the valleys.

      Like a Scottish £20 note.

      Who’ll be on the notes?
      Tom Jones tenner?
      Shirley Bassey twenty?

      Fuck sake.
      The Rhyl rouble.

      • Michael Sheen on the five leek note.
        Mark Drakeford on the ten.
        Catherine Zeta-Jones on the twenty.
        Shaun the Sheep on the fifty.

        Conversion rate to the pound; 1,500,000,000

      • Suitcasefuls of Llandudno Levs available from Drakeford & Son. The suitcase is worth more than the currency.

        Chubby Charlotte is all mine, all mine, telling you I am!

  1. You can’t be taken seriously with a name like that..
    Mr run it up the flagpole..

    Plus he looks the spit of that BBC bender Russell tovey..

  2. Will there be a Convalescent Home coin. Spent happy times in Conwy recovering from undernourishment during the war. The ward nurses jabbering away in Welsh stood out in my memory.

  3. Are the sheep on the banknotes going to be wearing stockings? I would give it a fortnight before they are crying to be let back in to the terribly bigoted racist United Kingdom.

  4. Having spent the first 21 years of my life in a Shropshire town bordering Wales, I believe that Rhun ap Iorwerth is pronounced “Rin ap Lore-ew-Earth”………. although I might be wrong (probably wrong and don’t care).

    At least the Welsh Nationalists aren’t as unconfident and entitled as the jocks were back in 2014 when they were arguing that were they to leave the union, they would keep pound sterling as their currency. If memory serves, Call-Me-Dave laughed in their collective faces and told them to fuck off.

    I guess if the Welsh leave the union then they’ll lose any benefits afforded to them by the Barnett Formula – no more free dentistry or free prescriptions for you then I guess.

    • Why the fuck would you think that? This government chucks money to every country on the planet so why should Wales be any different?

      • Correction:

        This government chucks money to every third world shithole on the planet so why should Wales be any different?

      • Wrexham was a 3rd World shithole when I went to college there over 20 years ago…. I doubt it’s improved.

  5. On the day this excellent idea becomes reality the British Govt can tear up every treaty,agreement and “deal” we have to pay for Welsh devolution..not a penny more paid.

    Of course that would require English politicians with guts,so it’s pure fantasy.

    Anyhow what will be backing the Welsh currency,sheep shit?

  6. Clearly it is now time for ENGLAND to declare independence from the union and leave the.


    To their own devices and to finance themselves.

    English money for England…🇬🇪

  7. Mark Drakeford clutching a stack of brown envelopes stuffed with cash on one side of a 20 Taff Note; and pics of sheep in wellington boots on the other.

    Make sure the notes are made from pig tallow just to piss off the vegans and the muzzies.

  8. Here we go again, fish in a small pond trying to stamp their no authority whatsoever onto the rest of the UK.
    Wasn’t this devolution nonsense supposed to be scrapped?
    It was only implemented to keep the moaning bastards quiet. No-one ever realistically believed that Wales or Scotland could exist without the English tax payer funding.

  9. No more funding from England yeah right. The bollocks get worse.. Don’t get me wrong I’m well up for cutting the billions of handouts our useless government hand out even with their own currency the hands will be scrabbling for the pockets.

  10. That’s got to be one of the funniest articles I’ve read in a long time.
    Apparently, Welsh independence is viable.
    How? Is it riddled with vast underground seams of gold, cobalt and weapons grade uranium?
    If not, where would they get their income? Re-release Harry Secombe’s back catalogue?
    All they need, we’re told, is their own treasury, and Bob’s your uncle, financial utopia!
    What a fucking childish, deluded non story.

    • As an economist I can say that this idea has not been thought through properly. Mind you,a six year old would arrive at the same conclusion.

    • I imagine there is still some coal in them hills and mountains but I doubt it will ever get extracted unless the Chinese invest in the country, and even if they do, they will send over chinky slave labour to extract it for a pittance. They didn’t think this through at all.

    • Tons of coal,( nobody wants).
      Blast furnace steel ( nobody wants).
      Celtic language ( nobody wants).
      20 mph speed limit ( nobody wants).

      Wales, what’s the point…!

  11. Fuck em, fill it full of asylum seekers, make Liverpool part of Wales and build a fucking wall and the can use whatever sheep backed currency they like……

    • I’m onboard with making Liverpool part of Wales. The only things scousers seem to export is grievance, self-pity and shoulder-chips…. all things that nobody needs or asked for.

  12. Being a adventurous type and keen to sample other cultures, meet the natives and eat exotic food,
    I’ve actually been to Wales,
    Numerous times.

    They’re very shy and as I smile and wave from the van I shout

    ” Hello welshie!
    Do you speak English?”

    Most don’t
    Or only know swear words.

    But I like it there.

    I think it’d be nice for them to get their own money

    The yackey dollar.
    You can always exchange it for real money before getting in the van,
    Emptying your rubbish at the roadside and heading over the border to civilization.

    • From the other side, I’ve been to Reddish Jam factory. Couldnt understand a fucking word the locals said but they were grateful for my civilising influence. The Northern cunts.

  13. I remember on here a few years back,
    Something came up about Wales.

    Few cunters taking the piss,
    And a few getting all Sons of Glyndwr,
    Gutstick Japseye was one,
    But turns out none of them was Welsh,!!!

    English living in Wales.

    The only actual Welsh cunt lives in fuckin Doncaster or somewhere.

    The placcy Welsh on ISAC😂
    Like them yank ‘ irish’
    Fuckin Joe Biden.

    • Diane Abbott is half Welsh and used to work in marketing for the Welsh Tourism Board but left after the disastrous ‘Visit Whales’ campaign.

      • Half of fuckin Wales in our garden.

        Last time I went I filled the car with slate from some abandoned Quarry.

        Missus Miserable went apeshit!
        Told her

        “Fuckin £20 a pop at the garden centre!”

    • Joe Biden is Irish though, can’t blame the Welsh for him. Saw a clip of Joe stumbling through a sentence which took him about 3 minutes, he did have a few pauses and totally forgot what he was talking about by the time the sentence was over.

      We’re all used to it now but most of the comments were from his supporters saying it’s nothing to do with his age and being a senile cunt! No it’s just his life long stutter.

      What kind of cunt would support Joe as their leader rather than put their country first? Cameltoe is ready and waiting…..ok, yep it’s a stuttering problem after all.

  14. I love Wales and the taffs probably cos I’m of Welsh extraction and so is Mrs Civvydog her dad is a taff , same with the English and the Jocks you cant blame a whole race for the cesspit they have to choose their politicians from who on the surface tell us what we want to hear to get elected and then lose the plot once they get their hands on power and come up with untold lunatic ideas like this . Should think that there’s a majority of leek munchers sighing and shaking their heads at this cunt of an idea.

  15. Years ago, Welsh cunts started adding ‘Ap’ as a prefix to their surnames to signal absolute Cymru-cuntiness.
    That seemed to disappear for a while, when a few high profile miscreants were banged up for crimes against children/animals.
    Seems like it’s made a resurgence, until some sort of heinious deviance rears its head.

    • I was in the army with a bird from Liverpool who was half Eelsh and half Thai… she was very keen on the whole ap thing for a while but she dropped it in recent years so maybe you’re on to something.

  16. Being the walking epitome of diversity that I obviously am, I am actually quite fond of the Welch, and not only have a few acquaintance’s, but have also spent many happy times there! Not one of them have ever started banging the independence drum or talked politics. I have never been refused service in a pub or had them start speaking Welshish to ignore me! Unlike the fucking n*gnogs, pak*S and Le Francais! Bunch of slopey shouldered cunts! Seig heil!🤚

  17. Richard Richard ‘What’s that triangle shaped note there?’

    Eddie Hitler ‘Ah, that’s Welsh money.’

  18. Hellooo boyoh!
    How you dooerrn?
    I’ve just been listeneyn to that band Catatonia so I have you see.

    They’ve givern mee rrrroad rrrage so they have.

    I blame Norman Price from Fireman Sam.

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