The UFO Hearings

A skinny, grey, bug-eyed, melon-headed cunting for the UFO hearings.

Grauniad Link.

(it’s The Gonad. I couldn’t find a serious publication covering it)

Honestly, what a big load of shite. David Grusch has some neck.

No good having modern politicians grill him.; they think woman can have dicks. Get the astrophysicists, molecular biologists and aeronautical engineers in..

The term ‘Non-human biologics’- terminology used by characters in nineties Sci-fi shows. Pure Hollywood

Footage of ‘mysterious craft’ revealed, complete with FAA-approved navigation lights.

It seems like theatre to distract from something else. Possibly some studies relating to mRNA vaccines and heart damage being released. Possibly something to do with the Bidens.

Here’s the UFO phenomenon summed up in one video

FaecesBook Link.

There may be genuinely unexplainable aerial phenomena , but it’s largely an ACP. (Anglophone Cultural Phenomenon).. Interestingly, the majority of sightings in America have occurred away from the very areas associated with this activity in the ‘lore’ -Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah – and more focused along the west and east coasts of the US, were the druggies, hippies and swivel-eyed whackadoodles live.

Too bad Carl Sagan is dead. He’d shit all over it.

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

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