Claire Thomas


I would like to nominate Claire Thomas and the legal system for a well deserved cunting, who the fuck is CT I hear you ask, she is some trained lawyer and barristers (not the guys who pour your coffee) aid, so she has a good idea of the law..

This lying fucker from Merthyr I am glad to say has been caught red handed by the insurance company she has been falsely screwing compensation out of for the last few years, see link, she has been faking her injuries/ loss of earning etc and any other thing the dishonest bag of shit could con out of them to the point where she has been investigated until they had enough of a case to take her to court and win, on her facebook it says life is an adventure, it will be now when the dykes in prison give her a well deserved fisting.

The second part of my nom is solicitors in general,(not all but an honest solicitor is a rarity), most solicitors are cunts, by the very nature of their job. They lie and find loop holes to exploit as a career, they protect the guilty and screw the system to make as much money as possible out of any fucker who is unfortunate enough to need one of these cunts.
Back to Claire Thomas, as a lying slapper she would have made a good professional liar. I mean solicitor but as a now convicted criminal hopefully she can spend the rest of her days in a bedsit, tying knots in full condoms after rough sex with Merthyr finest hooker users.

Wales on line

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

43 thoughts on “Claire Thomas

    • Any self respecting lawyer would claim she had been carried in a sedan chair and only got out briefly to have her photo taken.

  1. That fat fuck doubtless finds wiping her arse an adventure given the size of it.
    Outward bound land whale.

  2. Definition of lawyer – an unscrupulous, lying bastard, with double chins , a hypocrite who will say or do anything to win, no matter how outrageous the lies, and delivered with a shit-eating grin, usually in a wig, and probably stockings and suspenders as well under the robes. Ladies and gentlemen: Anthony Miranda-Blair and Kweer Charmer. The epitome of a slimy profession.

    • Let’s not forget that Nigerian lawyer MP Fiona something or other who lost everything due to be unwilling to take a speeding fine.

      • Hi Guzzi. The Name’s Fiona Oluyinka Onasanya.

        Don’t be cruel Fugly, they can’t help it, it’s in their genes.

    • Money grubbing lawyer Lord Pannick (£5000 per hour) charged the taxpayer £130,000 to advise that lying sack of shit Johnson prior to his Partygate hearing.
      How fucking low can you stoop.

  3. Fuck me what novelty..

    A fake insurance claim and the offender isn’t even a paki..

    Anyhow,what an expensive and complex rigmarole.

    Oven the lot.

  4. I’ve been to that waterfall in the picture many times, it’s local to me, and if you can get back up the steps from it, you’re officially fit as a fiddle.
    I loathe scroungers and chancers like this cunt, and sadly there are way too many.
    There’s an English cunt down the road from me who is on the sick, motability car, free housing and cash, yet I see him coming home from obviously working, the scamming cunt. I should grass the cunt up, that my money he’s spunking away….

      • I can only concur with Geordie GJ. Why should the taxpayer support this feckless bastard? Two points; Benefits are being fiddled on a grand scale. The result is that the folks who claim are ALL under suspicion and the default position of the authorities is if in doubt stop payment immediately. This is causing great hardship amongst genuine claimants and when the justly claimed benefits are reinstated usually the gap is not made up. Also pejorative terms like “grassing” are what the thugs and wasters depend upon to get away with their nefarious activities. It’s the most significant reason that areas of big cities are run by thugs. My opinion for what it’s worth GJ, report him anonymously.

  5. I read somewhere that AI could make all lawyers redundant.
    Now all this technology stuff is a complete mystery to me, but does anyone know if that’s right?
    If so, bring it on.

      • “The system detected potentially unsafe content” when I tried it..

        A chap can’t have any fun anymore.

        Damn their robot brains.

      • You probably shouldn’t have typed ‘Imrah Khan being spit-roasted by Noël Edmonds and Mister Blobby in the Ffestiniog Railway carpark’ UT!

  6. I always smile when I see the term ‘trained lawyer’; are there many ‘untrained lawyers’?

    • yes, the bloke down the pub who tells you that a copper can’t nick you if he doesn’t have his hat on.

      • That will be none of them as they don’t seem to wear their hats…apart from their 🏳️‍🌈hats.

  7. Lawyers are classified in the same bracket as sheep ticks, pond leeches, horse flies, and sex offenders.

  8. Was in court a while back and very loudly in the corridor was 2 such peice of solicitor shit from opposite sides of the same case, doing a deal on how to drag the case on and on, so the mofo, s could milk both parties.
    Total pair of cunts, but I suspect this is a regular occurrence……
    Says it all really, I have always felt like I have been stitched up when dealing with these fuckers, oh and estate agents….

  9. I was in court recently due to the current state of my wife’s mental health.
    She’s got into the habit of using the same teabag over and over again.
    Things have now got so bad, I’ve had to take out a re-straining order….

  10. Her complicit lawyer, Harding Evans, sounds a right shower of shit.

    Still, they will get their fee irrespective.

  11. To be fair, most of Wales is on benefits of one type or another.
    Which is reasonable-“shoulder-chip” and “Englishness-envy” consume so many of the Welsh, leaving them bitter, sad little fuckers.

    My cousin owns an engineering business, which recently purchased a rival firm based in Wrexham. I asked him what Wrexham was like nowadays.
    He described it as follows:

    “The lads driving nice cars and with money to spend, will likely be Polish or other Eastern European’s. The piss heads making the town centre look untidy, spending their benefits on cheap booze or drugs, will be locals.”

    She got caught-good👍
    Most don’t.

    • Unlike the bitterness encountered here every day by the exalted saes.
      Anti English? Never, but it’s sad I have to stick up for us Welsh from time to time.
      Don’t forget, I’ve paid tax all my adult life, and it goes to Westminster.
      The useless and unwanted Senedd just pisses away the pocket money.

      • Afternoon RTC.
        Saes means English, usually used in a response from being called Taff or sheepshagger, or any of the other lazy tropes.
        Always consider myself British, then Welsh, until I get slagged off, then I start thinking Pop du Ping…..🤣

      • Ah, gotcha.

        I consider myself first English, then British, then European.

        However, 100% get your point about the saes, especially those in evidence on here.

      • As far as I’m concerned there are only two types of people, those that I like, and cunts.
        As it should be.

      • Not really, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, the ones I consider cunts have done something to deserve being in that category. 🙂

  12. Welsh, a language with no word for ‘work’ and over five-hundred for ‘kebab’.

    Let’s hope this silly bint can conjure up this memory when being pissed on by diesel dykes, although given it’s the photo that may have got her banged up, it probably plays on her mind a lot already.

  13. Bloke I was at school with was a solicitor with a practice. Caught ‘borrowing’ clients funds and struck off.

    Clients reimbursed through Law Society indemmity scheme. Was he prosecuted? Was he fuck! Now works on line as a ‘legal consultant’ with a site stating when he qualified as a solicitor but of course not stating he was struck off.

    I was so incensed I wrote to the law society who replied that as th ere were no actual untruths in his statement there was nothing to be done. Quite clearly misrepresenting himself but not actually saying anything not true.

    Clearly ‘the whole truth’ is an expression that doesn’t apply to lawyers.

    Don’t know about them all being crooks, but this one certainly is. I severed all contact with my ex friend. I’d name the cunt but he’d probably sue me.

    Bloody disgraceful…

    • Dio: a member of my immediate family, worked for a very well known lawyer, for 30 years.
      Lawyers are, without doubt, the biggest fucking crooks on the planet.
      They look after their own and your comments the: Law Society tally with numerous stories I have heard, over the years.
      Self policing-never a good thing…

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