Lord Heseltine (10)

I’d almost forgotten about this back stabbing old bastard (other than nominating him for the dead pool every time) but I heard him on the radio the other day. Surprise, surprise he was moaning about brexit again……what a terrible disaster, everyone should have listened to me, I am always right etc etc.

Then he was moaning about being “shouted down “ a typical brexiteer trick apparently. No cunt, you were just being asked questions which you couldn’t answer you wanker. I hate this posh, self interested, money grabbing fucking traitor with a passion. Other than Blair probably the biggest cunt ever in British politics. Did you know that he has a son called “Rupert” and a granddaughter called Hermione Grace Dibdin Heseltine?


Huffington Post

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

44 thoughts on “Lord Heseltine (10)

    • Shouted down? Seems to me it was Heseltine and his greasy chums who were trying to shout down the Brexit vote.

      I reckon that he’s just mad cos he lost the shedload of grant money from EU schemes that he used to get.

      Like Blair, Major, Hague and others, another one of last century’s men who can’t accept it and just won’t go away. Bore off, you enormous cunt.

      Morning all.

    • He should be wrapped up, labelled as “Top-Class Delicacy”, and flown to China. Hopefully they will batter and deep-fry the shrivelled old cunt, before eating him.
      Pompous, arrogant gobshite.

  1. He was an enormous cunt forty years ago and hasn’t improved with age.

    Our exit from the EU Empire wasn’t a failure,simply because it never happened.

    It could be argued the limited break with the EU has been a towering success as it has shone a spotlight on the staggering ineptitude of our political leaders,who can no more shrug their shoulders and claim their hands are tied by European legislation.

    With a bit of backbone EU bureaucracy could have been set ablaze..but guts there are none.

    Anyhow Heseltibe is only pissed off as his subsidies have dried up.

    The Cunt.

    • Politician scum.
      They’re all the same, no matter what their supposed party allegiances..
      They should ALL burn in a mysterious conflagration at the Commons.
      While the doors are equally mysteriously bolted shut from the outside.
      Fucking cunts.

  2. You’ve got to hand it to those Ancient Egyptians.
    Mummified four thousand years ago yet still remarkably well-preserved, all things considered.

    • He should be wrapped up, labelled as “Top-Class Delicacy”, and flown to China. Hopefully they will batter and deep-fry the shrivelled old cunt, before eating him.
      Pompous, arrogant gobshite.

  3. The Brexit chickens are finally coming home to roost. Roll on what has apparently been achieved for Northern Ireland to the rest of the UK.

  4. £90,000 a year to this cunt is a diversion from the real iniquity of the UK being in the EU. He talks of us all being £1,000 a year worse off but no mention of the depression of wage rates year in, year out caused by the import of a huge pool of cheap labour from Eastern Europe. Point is the people who suffered this long term loss are the working class. This cunt and his cronies benefited hugely from the scam and they know it. If someone with access to the data could give us some figures on this scheme for the redistribution of wealth from the poor to the obscenely rich I’m sure we would all find it very illuminating.

  5. Its about time all these has been cunts were put away for good in “the village”. Nobody listens or cares about the drivel they spout out, politicians have not changed, they are as corrupt as ever.

  6. Fucking back stabbing Remoaner ball of slime. You have to be a certain age to remember how this bastard carved up Thatcher thinking he would be taking her place. Instead his friends picked the little prick, Mr grey y fronts himself, John fucking Major. He’s never really recovered from that the wanker. Then along comes brexit and he gets it wrong yet again, the cunt. Fuck you Hezzelslime, hurry up and snuff it.

    • 40 years ago I’d have happily boiled this treasonous cunt in his own shit. Nowadays I’d force feed him with somebody else’s until he fucking exploded. Sadly, there are plenty more like him still in government.

  7. We will be back in the EU within the next four years. I, for one, have gone past giving a flying fuck. Democracy is dead in the UK, we are run by duplicitous, back stabbing bastards who don’t give a fuck about the working class. Let them have what they want, it’s coming anyway, as we won’t have to listen to cunts like this cry baby fossil getting on my fucking tits every day.

  8. Tarzan has too many grubby fingers in too many EU pies, which seem to have all gone stale since 2016.

    He is no different to other “grandee” cunts from the Post Thatcher era – Blair, Lawson, Major, Clarke instantly spring to mind, all of them berating the Referendum result despite a democratic vote.

    Bitter and twisted old cunts with vested interests. Pity they can’t STFU and shuffle off this mortal coil

  9. Hezzleslime is allegedly involved in lots of chicanery with dubious planning decisions and offshore tax avoidance shell companies. He is indeed a money grabbing CUNT of the most despicable kind.

  10. Let’s just face facts. Those people who voted for Brexit have been royally shafted up the arse by the Establishment. And now the UK finds itself stuck between a rock and a hard place thanks to duplicitous obfuscating bordering on blatant bullshitting by the likes of BlowJob, Maybot and now Wishy-Washy.

    There is a certain inevitability either another Referendum will be called for (with a more weighted set of questions probably in favour of a return). and/or an inexecrable watering down of Brexit to the point where it is completely meaningless.

    Timeo-danaos et dona ferentes – and all that

    • When we go ‘back’ into the EU I propose we scrap government in this country. The treasonous Civil Service are more than capable of implementing the orders of their German overlords and the Houses of Parliament would just be an expensive extra layer of inefficient, uselss, middle management.

  11. Fucking selfish old fossil, get back in your tree house with your mate from the pg tips ads…

  12. Heseltine used to have – might still have – for all I know a hobby arbetorium, for which frippery he used to get an EU grant of 30 million pounds each year. In other words he grows trees on spare ground – not even fruit trees, just trees, as a hobby. He doesn’t even tend them himself he had a gardener and an apprentice gardener. I grow rose bushes – they never gave me a penny. Of course, this can’t possibly be the reason the raddled old turd is so agin Brexit, any more than Dame Peter Mandelson’s gold plated EU pension (as a former Commissioner) is the reason he is against it too.

    The only person I feel sorry for chez Heselslime is the poor daily woman who has to try to scrub the skid marks out of his incontinence knickers, and change tie piss stained sheets.

    • … and clean the furniture, floors, ceilings, walls… I bet the old reptile is like a fucking Capability Brown fountain after an evening on the port.
      Filthy fucker.

    • Greedy old cunt can’t take it with him when he goes – it would probably melt. I remember seeing a BBC2 documentary one Xmas about his “farming” trees and shrubs. Let’s all start “farming” tomato plants on the kitchen window sill and see if the EU will give us grants. You can’t “farm” a conifer, shows the EU know fuck all about farming as they do everything else.

    • He is probably Verminhoftwat’s father. Dog knows who the mother could be… Does Margaret Beckett have any Belgian relatives?

  13. The quicker this utter wanker joins his HOC sparring partner ‘Paddy’ Ashdown in that special place in hell, the sooner I can party like it’s 1999.

    Anti British scum cunt of a politician.

  14. We’re he and Erich Honecker ever seen together in the same place? I suppose he wouldn’t have been welcome in Buenos Aries. I think we should be told.

  15. An irrelevant, washed up old cunt.

    Just like that mincing spastic Blair, another turd that won’t flush who for some reason thinks his fucking opinion still counts for something.

    Just die you wizzened, incontinent old twat.

  16. He has a stuff upper lip from sucking too much Michelle Barnier’s cock. They need acetone to remove it.

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