Forced Corporate Teambuilding [2]

Team building can be a useful corporate exercise, but only if it’s voluntary. Personally, I usually dislike most people (as most people are annoying cunts) and I’d rather spend my own time with the (very) few real pals I have and my family. Not with prats I can’t stand the sight of.

And certainly not while on some ‘fun’ paint-balling weekend in the Dales.

In my experience, these things are counterproductive. The weekend ones always have a ‘party’ evening involving booze. Invariably, some cunts end up having a massive drunken fall out (or full on punch-up, as witnessed on one occasion) and end up never speaking to each other again. That’ll help!

I don’t mind if they’re voluntary, but forcing staff to give up their own time to ‘bond’ with the p erv from accounts, or the mad stroppy tart from purchasing is fucking pointless.

For most, when work ends they want fuck all to do with the place until they go back. Including seeing anyone from the place

Bosses who force this shite on their employees are fucking cunts.

News24 Link.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

54 thoughts on “Forced Corporate Teambuilding [2]

  1. I went on one of these once and a team from another office looked really pissed off so I asked them what was wrong. They told me they were all under notice of redundancy but HR made them go on the event and they’d all come along fearful of having their payoffs reduced if they didn’t play along with it. Sums the whole thing up for me.

    A bit later, when I was under notice of redundancy, I didn’t get sent on a course but I was one of 30% of the workforce being chopped and the new “hatchet man CEO” decided to walk around the office glad handing everyone. I said to my boss “keep that cunt away from me or I’ll deck him”. I’m not sure if I actually would have (I felt like it) fearful of the payoff situation again but, it may have been a coincidence, but the cunt avoided the area I worked in.

    Corporate life, unless you are the boss, is an absolute cunt and they just take the piss with this sort of thing.

    • This is one of the many reasons I went self-employed in 2020. I’ve never been any good at working for “the man”, but on my own terms and with the right clients who are polite, easy-going, and pay on time, I’ll graft like a Japanese Prisoner of War.

      Anyway, my last “proper” job was for a corporate PR firm who thought having pizza on a Friday was “fun”. During one of those fucking awful “tell us something interesting about yourself” I responded “I’m a sex addict.”

      Got sacked about six weeks later for snapping “for fuck’s sake, what is it now?!” at some bint in the Wolverhampton office.

      Prior to that – at another PR agency – I got a verbal warning for referring to a specific set of clients as “those cunts across the river” in an internal email.

      PR and corporate are not for me. I’m much happier doing what I do now.

  2. Fucking cunt building more like.

    I’ve never been on one of these exercises in futility, but if I was ever told to my gracious decline would reference the above.

    I’m a far more majestic cunt than could ever be produced by such enforced childishness thank you very much. Now fuck and let me get on with my cuntishness.


  3. Being self-employed for most of my working life and verging on sociopathy, i’ve never experienced this sort of time-wasting shite, but a few friends and relatives have. The younger ones tended to enjoy the boozing after half-arsing the activities (usually in places like Milton Keynes) and generally take the piss. Older ones really resented it.

    Personally, i’d pull a sickie or quit.

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