Extinction Rebellion (11) – “Kill All Boomers!”

Jessica Townsend (Header Pic). Eco loon and cunt, suggests that all baby boomers are euthanised. Fuck me crossways what fucking planet are these cunts living on?
Jessica, come to Cunty Towers and try my Cunt stick out for size.

Jesus wept, how much longer before something gives in this country and the silent majority kick off?

I wonder how many Eco loons I can plant in my hiding place up the road? My holdings are not as vast as Lord Fiddlers.

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: CuntyMort

80 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion (11) – “Kill All Boomers!”

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again : how come since terminally ill ex-soldier doesn’t go out in a blaze of glory by taking out all the twats like her ?

    • Not only is that comment poorly typed but also very distasteful. Are you having a laugh mate? Terminally-ill ex-squaddies aren’t psychos like you.

      Sick troll fuck.

      • I’m not saying I recommend it, I’m just surprised that no one has done it. In the USA they seem to be more trigger happy

      • @So Long And Thanks For All The Cunts

        Okay fair enough Mate. I guess I misinterpreted what you said as your English isn’t that great (mine isn’t that great either but I digress as ABL would say).

  2. Just proves that these fuckin loons have shit for brains, this stupid cunt is in the age group she’s advocating get euthanized. Can we put the old spunk bag at the front of the queue.

  3. We need to grind these wankers into fertiliser and slug pellets. The only way these cunts can really help the planet.

    I am so fortunate that I haven’t come face to face with one of these cunts, because I’m really not sure I could keep my foot away from the throttle pedal…

  4. From the coverage i’ve seen that means most of Ex-reb are to be euthanised.
    Still I suspect it’s what they want. Bored old fuckers sitting in traffic. The world ending is all projection of sad bastards tired of life.

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