E.On Next

E-On fucking Next

On March 11th I paid them just shy of £300.

Today they inform me that I owe them a further 135 notes to be paid within 7 days.

Next month (they cheerfully inform me) I can expect an even bigger kick in the bollocks courtesy of the escalating cost of fuel procurement.

Me and Mrs Gripper live in a 3 bed semi with no other dependents.

Unused bedrooms are isolated from the heating circuit and doors left closed.

We think we’re pretty frugal in our electricity and gas usage and still we get lumbered with costs like this.

How the fuck the average family with all radiators on, cookers, washers dryers, all rooms lit, multiple tvs, stereos, computers, games consoles etc are going to cope with this doesn’t bear thinking about.

My heart goes out to them.

E-On are assuring customers that they are working hard to source their supplies at the lowest cost possible.

MSN News Link
(Link provided by Part Time Admin – PTA)

I don’t believe them, they’re not going to let peoples poverty get in the way of an opportunity like this to maximise profits.

And the catchphrase these thieving swine bags use in their correspondence?

Here’s to a brighter future, together.


Nominated by: Gristlegripper

43 thoughts on “E.On Next

  1. Apparently it’s all Putin’s fault….. noting to do with the lockdowns, borrowing and coin clipping from our great leaders.

    • We only source 3% of our gas from Russia. Therefore nothing to do with Putin.

      Most of our gas comes from the North Sea gas fields, which we sold to the Norwegians.
      The Norwegians, being a canny bunch then pipe it to Europe via the UK to Holland. Who then sell what is essentially our own gas back to us at a profit.

      Coincidentally, Norway’s Bank balance is in such good shape they can all go on holiday for twenty years and still come back to a functioning economy.

      We have enough coal under our feet to last 300 years and enough onshore and offshore oil and gas to last us another 50 years.

      Unfortunately, extracting this would make Greta cry.

      For some reason, we have yet to hold the politicians responsible for this travesty accountable.

      When we do, piano wire and lamp posts will be in short supply.

      • I used to think that our leaders were incompetent but no one could be as stupid as they seem to be. They’re actively working against the interests of this country, and as you say, it’s bound to end with piano wire and lamp posts …. hopefully anyway.

      • At least whilst I’m freezing to death I can die happy that my inability to pay my utilities bill will achieve a small reduction in carbon dioxide and help the planet,
        .Thus leaving the Chinese, Americans, Indians etc to continue with their mega co2 production. Hail the new order!!.
        If energy could be generated by cuntishness our little speck in a cold sea would be a very large exporter. If only

      • Oh dear, “lamp posts” is a description used by common people. Your local authority will tell you the correct term is “lighting standards”.

  2. This is the result of nearly fifty years of neoliberalism. Our morally-superior lords and masters know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

    Pushing down the unit cost of everything may make sense when it comes to dividend payments but it makes fuck all sense when looking at an entire society. I read recently that there are almost no welders left under the age of 50. Skills that were passed on for generations are being lost. Apparently, NASA are struggling to replicate the Saturn V rockets that took the Apollo missions to the Moon because a lot of what was done at the time was improvised by real engineers not spreadsheet wankers.

    The Blair creature’s answer to skills shortages? Send 70% of school leavers to university. This may benefit Vice-Chancellors on half a million quid salaries but does fuck all for young people. They end up with 50k debt and a piece of paper. When I finished my undergraduate degree, I had an overdraft of 300 quid. And it was fucking free and I got a grant. The destruction of higher education is nothing short of a crime and the guilty parties – starting with the aforementioned Blair bastard – should be publicly executed in Trafalgar Square.

    Sorry for the rant. I feel very strongly about this. Neoliberalism is a curse on the working class and increasingly on the middle class too. The only thing you can bet is that the fucking boss and his cronies will be fine. Scum.

    Freedom for East Anglia.

    • I was reading an article in the Daily Heil this morning by Peter Hitchens.

      Tony ‘Satan’s envoy on earth’ Blair wanted 70% of school leavers to go to university not only for the cultural Marxist indoctrination, but also because it raised the school leaving age to 21.

      This in turn masked the true unemployment figures and got a bunch of otherwise useless cunts to pay for their own dole in the form of loans for tuition fees and rent.

      The piss boiling part of this is that, had those students taken up an apprenticeship in plumbing, electrical or even motor mechanics, they would now be debt free, own their own home outright and have a worthwhile career for the rest of their lives.

      Instead, we have a bunch of unemployable underwater basket weavers, yoghurt knitters and art history toss pots glueing themselves to roads and generally acting like spoiled brats.

      Thanks Tony Blair. You really are a disgusting, lying, warmongering cunt and I sincerely hope you die screaming.

      • He’s 1st on the list for that “piano wire treatment” then! Now where’s the nearest lampost?

    • The casino nature of the energy market over the last few years was severely exposed with this current ‘crisis’, a race to the bottom on prices with fly by night companies with no assets selling leccy and gas in market where they have no control, and then go bust because prices suddenly rise.

      Where the fuck is the weirdo cunt Henry from look after my bills who took control of your ‘switching’, ‘we move you every year to the cheapest cowboy on the market’

    • Went to university in the 80s. Did engineering. Had a great career for years and was on good money – been out of work last 5 years. Partly through choice as not taking a job on the piss money they are now offering. We have no industry left in this country.

  3. How much are you paying Mr G, sounds a lot, are you on direct debit, if not set it up because it gives you a saving if around 6% plus it spreads the cost evenly over the year.

    Has anyone received the £150 from the government (aka council tax rebate) when I got my council tax bill there was a note say that if you pay you council tax bill by direct debit the money should be automatically credited to your account in April, I checked my account yesterday and nothing has appeared yet.

    PS, not sure why E.on are being singled out (although they are cunts in my personal book) all the energy companies are charging the same tariffs.

    • Could you invent a torture device that is solar powered, Unkle? This would appease the Green mob, the downside being that our weather is a bit unpredictable, so the business would probably go on for days ….blimey, I said that like it was a bad thing.

      • You can’t go wrong with a good pit,very eco friendly and no hippies who have gone in it have ever complained.

      • Of course! Just need a magnifier from an old flat screen tv. Fashion a stand and a frame out of plywood so you can angle it based on sun’s position. Wait for peak sun, and voila! 1800 degrees of solar powered beam at your disposal. The shit will melt anything.

        Good luck with peak sun in the U.K. though.

  4. It’s exactly what they want. People won’t be able to afford to go anywhere so they stay at home, wrapped in blankets, watching the propaganda on the telly.
    Small businesses will go down the toilet to be taken over by the big corporates.
    The big corporates run the government and the state. It’s 1984 on the horizon.

  5. Just do what I do – wire your supply to next doors meter – poor old Doris next to me is always complaining how her electricity has shot up! 😀👍
    We could easily, quickly and cheaply generate all the electricity, domestic and commercial gas (hydrogen) we need (with the added bonus that hydrogen is a completely clean fuel for motor vehicles) by installing hydroelectric generating stations on the thousands of miles of rivers we have in the UK (it is very unlikely we will ever run out of fkin rain) – why the HELL aren’t we doing this?
    It will be one of the first orders when Great Overlord Fox storms to power!

    • We haven’t had any rain for a couple of weeks and none (or very little) in the forecast.
      There will a call for people to save water in the next week or so (global warming blamed) 😂

      • Global warming was sussed as being bollocks, so they use ‘climate change’ for everything now.

        UK too hot? Climate change
        UK too cold? Climate change
        Too wet? Climate change
        Too dry? Climate change
        Too windy? Climate change
        Not enough wind? Climate change
        Too snowy? Climate change
        Not enough snow? Climate change
        Too hazy etc etc

      • And they never say what this perfect weather is that they seem to be demanding.

        And that’s because it’s a big fucking grift and if we reach ‘perfection’, they’ll still say we’re fucked. Then the thick virtue signalling cunts can continue to make us all pay a fucking fortune to these companies, their shareholders and those sponsored by them (politicians).

      • Yes sir CB. Climate Change measures are about the weather just like BLM is about ending racism.
        The seizing of control and destruction of western culture is what all of this is about.
        The middle class is being brought to it’s knees.
        We call these people in power “cunts” but we put them there.
        We call the greedy corporations “cunts” but we buy their shit.
        We could form a pivot to change direction but I don’t see it happening. It would take courage which is in very short supply.

  6. The small operators who sprang up to provide an alternative to the “big six” are all slowly going out of business one by one as the “big six” hoover their customers up – the “Government” is in the pockets of the “big six” so it’s safe to say we are fucked.
    Deliberate and premeditated – and only revolution will stop this now.
    This is where we are.

    • I think you will find they have all gone, some of the bosses were being grilled by a parliamentary committee this week, cowboys the fucking lots of them, one cunt was a right Del Boy.

    • I’m in.

      I was in credit when my account was taken over by B Gas. Did my credit get transferred? Did it fuck. Now I’m being penalised for not handing over my DD details. Once bitten twice shy etc, How is this shite even legal?!

      I’m getting to the point I will fight.

    • Stop paying bills! If they come to replace your meter to a key meter, don’t give them access. They cannot cut your electricity. If millions of people do this and demand that unit rate be reduced to 15p/Kwh (rates pre september energy crunch) the government will be forced to act. Trouble is it’s the Britain’s ‘Keep calm and carry on’ attitude that really fucks me off!

  7. What are we supposed to do – gather twigs and cook by camp fire and not wash our clothes? I guess I’ll be buying more thermal under garments for this winter and bathing once a week like a Frenchie.

    I thought we were supposed to be having a global warming climate emergency – it’s been bloody freezing all day long from October to just a couple of weeks ago.

    p.s. Rishi Sunak is an ar*e. Fact!

  8. Eon tell me on my bill that all my electricity is from renewables, so why has the price shot up, are wind turbines demanding higher pay, or solar panels going on strike, bastards

    • they do make those lovely heart warming adverts full of strong wimminz engineers and sooty families though – well worth the money.

  9. The good news is that some of these lefties are now looking at their utility bills and going, “Oh my. I’m not sure I can afford this.”

    Keep sucking Greta’s tits, you fucking cretins.

      • I’ve been keeping an eye out for the last 2 years and I have bigger tits than her. I also have more intelligence, common sense and empathy. But that bitch has the money. Not fair.

    • I think it’s more like “oh my, we may need to only visit the house in the dordogne eight times a year, instead of nine.”.

  10. German and French cunts avoid avoid avoid … Darlek institution.

  11. I believe that the UK is subsidising other countries that are more heavily dependent on imported gas. You will never see fully properly itemised bills from ANY energy company stating where the gas and electricity comes from and the costs at each stage of its production.

    Between Feb and March this year I have paid an eye-watering £272 in a month for gas/elec with Bulb and it’s not even winter. The whole system is fucked. Looks as if we might be paying £3500 this year in energy costs 🙁

    We need proper energy security and don’t import gas from anywhere.

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